Xie Huaiqing stood on the device, and suddenly the surrounding scene changed, and he seemed to enter a sea of brilliant and colorful music.

Elemental Philos: Welcome to the world of elements! Each element has a unique note, let's feel them together.

Xie Huaiqing (closed his eyes in intoxication): Wow, this music is so wonderful! Do they represent different elements?

Elemental Aeros (musical variation): Yes, each note represents an element, and their variations and combinations make up a colorful world of elements.

Just as Xie Huaiqing was intoxicated with the music, a familiar voice came into his ears.

Yang Sai Yang Sai (excitedly): Hey, you're here! I didn't expect to meet you at Elemental Ales.

Xie Huaiqing (surprise): Yang Sai Yang Sai! It's so coincidental, do you come to experience it too?

Xie Huaiqing (approaching excitedly): Wow, what a mysterious treasure chest! What will be inside?

Just as he was about to open the treasure chest, a voice suddenly sounded.

KIMSAIL (jokingly): Hey boy, do you want to open this chest?

Xie Huaiqing (looked back in surprise): Wow, are you Kinseo?!

Kinseo (proudly): That's right, I'm Kinseo, the guardian of this treasure chest. However, to open the chest, you'll have to answer a question.

Xie Huaiqing (vigilantly): What is the problem?

Kinseo (laughs): Excuse me, what do you look at when you cross provinces, but almost ignore them when you don't?

Xie Huaiqing (thinking for a moment): This question is so strange... Wait, I seem to have thought of it! It's a cell phone signal, right?

Kim Seo (nodding approvingly): Good, that's right! Everyone pays attention to mobile phone signals when they cross provinces, but in the same province, many people pay less attention.

Xie Huaiqing (smiles): Haha, this question is really weird and interesting! So can you open the chest now?

Kinseo (laughing): Absolutely! There is a special gift inside the chest, I hope you will enjoy it.

He opened the treasure chest, and inside it was a gemstone shimmering with a shimmer.

Xie Huaiqing (exclaimed): Wow, this gemstone is so beautiful! What is a gemstone?

Kinsail (mysteriously): This is the "Light of Leaps" gemstone with the power to connect different places. I hope you can use it for the right path and make the world more harmonious.

Xie Huaiqing (solemnly): I will cherish it. Thank you, Kinseo!

Kim Sail (nodding): You're welcome, I hope you can continue to move forward and create more beautiful stories.

Xie Huaiqing gripped the "Leapfrog Light" gemstone, and his heart was full of anticipation for the future. On his way forward, he is full of confidence and determination, ready for the next challenging and fantastical scenario.

While continuing his adventure, Xie Huaiqing came to a strange place, which was full of small windows of all kinds of fantasy.

Xie Huaiqing (looking around curiously): Wow, it's so strange here, there are small windows everywhere. I wonder what this place is.

Suddenly, a small window popped out with a weird voice inside.

Small Window (Mechanical Sound): Welcome to "Window Paradise", the kingdom of small windows.

Xie Huaiqing (a little puzzled): The kingdom of small windows? What is the meaning?

Small Window (Proudly): Here, each small window has a small task that can only move forward if the task is completed.

Xie Huaiqing (interested): So what should I do?

Small window (mysteriously): Do you see that little window? It asks you to answer a question, and only if you answer it correctly can you continue.

Xie Huaiqing walked to the designated small window, and a question appeared in the window.

Small windows (mechanical sound): Excuse me, how many small windows are there in the office?

Xie Huaiqing (thinking seriously): Wait, this question seems a bit strange....

He began to carefully count the small windows around him, and suddenly he saw a window constantly beating.

Xie Huaiqing (surprised): Well, there should be several windows, but one is constantly beating, as if "I can't have a small window without me"....

Small window (mechanical sound, appreciatively): You got it right! You're smart.

Xie Huaiqing (smiles): Thank you! So can I move on?

While continuing his adventure, Xie Huaiqing came to a radio and television scene, which was full of busy atmosphere. Suddenly, he saw a uniformed staff member walking by at a brisk pace.

Xie Huaiqing (stepped forward to ask): Hello, is this a radio and television station?

Property you don't go to (suspiciously): Yes, that's right, this is the radio station. Do you need any help?

Xie Huaiqing (curiously): I just heard a topic about anger, penguin documents and gross sudden death, it's a little strange, do you know what's going on?

You can't go to the property (laughs): Oh, that might be one of our radio shows here, and the topics on the radio are always varied and all-encompassing.

Xie Huaiqing (remembering something): By the way, what time do you go to work here?

Property You Can't Go (laughs): Our radio and television stations have flexible working hours, usually starting at 9 a.m., but the working hours of specific program production staff may vary.

Xie Huaiqing (nodding in understanding): So it is, it seems that the work of the TV station is indeed full of creativity and flexibility.

Property You Don't Go (Encouraging): Yes, we strive every day to present different styles of programming to our audiences, hoping to bring joy and inspiration.

Xie Huaiqing (appreciatively): Your hard work will definitely touch many people, come on!

Property You Are Not Going (smile): Thank you for your support and I wish you to find your own happiness and surprises in your adventure.

After Xie Huaiqing and the property did not go to communicate, he continued his journey of exploration. In this fantasy world, he will continue to meet a variety of different people and scenes, and experience more wonder and fun.

As Xie Huaiqing continued to explore, he suddenly came to a place full of mysterious atmosphere, and the surrounding environment seemed to be constantly changing. A man dressed in strange costume walked over.

Xie Huaiqing (looking at this person curiously): Hello, what is this place?

Man in fancy costume (mysteriously laughs): Welcome to "The World That Just Opens Up." Here, the environment can change according to your mood and thoughts.

Xie Huaiqing (surprised): Really? It sounds incredible.

Fancy dressed man (nodding): That's right, you just need to close your eyes and feel it to see the environment you want.

Xie Huaiqing hesitated slightly, but still closed his eyes as the other party said.

Fancy dressed people (quietly guided): Now, imagine a place you like best and slowly open your eyes.

After Xie Huaiqing closed his eyes, he imagined a peaceful beach, blue sky and white clouds, soft sand, and the sound of calm waves. Then, he slowly opened his eyes.

In front of his eyes, he imagined a beautiful beach view, as if he was in a paradise away from the hustle and bustle.

Xie Huaiqing (excitedly): Wow, it's really here! This is amazing!

Fancy dressed man (smile): This is the "open world". Here you can feel the truest desires of your heart.

Xie Huaiqing (sighing): Great, thank you for your guidance!

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