Xie Huaiqing, a boy born in a troubled world and raised in a mountain village, has been brilliant since childhood, but because of his poor family, he can only hunt in the mountain fields, pick up herbs, and be with nature. He is kind and helpful by nature, often helping the elderly and children in the village, and has won the respect and love of the villagers.

One day, a mysterious old man came to the village, holding a cane and shining with an extraordinary light in his eyes. The old man claimed to be an elder in the True Cultivation Realm, and he saw the potential in Xie Huaiqing and decided to take him as an apprentice and teach him the way of immortal law. Although Xie Huaiqing didn't know anything about Xiu Zhen, he was full of curiosity about the mysterious and unknown world, so he resolutely followed the old man and left his hometown.

In the realm of true cultivation, Xie Huaiqing accepted the guidance of the elders and began to cultivate various immortal methods. At first, he experienced countless setbacks and trials, but with a strong will and unyielding perseverance, he gradually mastered some rudimentary fairy arts, being able to fly, stealth, control elements and so on. However, his path of cultivation was not smooth, the cultivation world was full of competition and danger, and he must always be vigilant and constantly push his limits.

By chance in the world of true cultivation, Xie Huaiqing met a female cultivator with an open-minded personality and superb swordsmanship, Li Mochou. The two complement each other and soon become confidants who talk about everything. Li Mochou taught Xie Huaiqing many practical cultivation techniques, and Xie Huaiqing also saved Li Mochou's life in adventures again and again, and the relationship between the two deepened day by day.

However, the calm in the True Cultivation World did not last long, and a conspiracy was brewing. Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou gradually discovered that an evil force was trying to control the entire True Cultivation Realm, and they were secretly manipulating the various sects in an attempt to upset the balance of the True Cultivation Realm. In order to stop this conspiracy, Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou decided to join forces to resist, they looked for allies, searched for the truth, and launched a thrilling struggle.

During the battle, Xie Huaiqing constantly broke through his limits and mastered more advanced immortal arts, and his strength increased day by day. And Li Mochou has gradually mastered his own unique sword technique in the process of honing again and again. Together, the two became the mainstay of the fight against evil forces, attracting more and more monks to join their camp.

Xie Huaiqing was born in the Taiquan Mountain, where everyone looked up, and his name spread like a bright starlight in the world of cultivation. Over time, the resistance army led by him and Li Mochou gradually grew and became the backbone of the fight against evil forces. In battle after battle, they tempered their iron-like will and became legends in the True Cultivation World.

On a sunny morning, Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou stood on the top of Taiquan Mountain, overlooking the beautiful scenery at their feet. Xie Huaiqing stroked the hilt of his sword and said with a smile: "Sister Li, we have experienced so much and achieved many victories, but the conspiracy of the evil forces has still not been revealed, what exactly do they want to achieve?"

Li Mochou gripped the sword tightly, and his eyes responded firmly: "No matter what they want to do, we can't back down. The world needs our protection, and we need to safeguard justice. We will find out the truth and defeat them.

At this moment, a figure floated in and landed in front of the two. This was a gray-haired old man, he looked at Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou, and slowly said: "Young man, your courage and determination impress me. However, behind that evil force is a demon with profound cultivation, and you must be fully prepared. Xie

Huaiqing and Li Mochou moved in their hearts, they stared at the old man, Xie Huaiqing asked respectfully: "Senior, you seem to have some understanding of the evil forces, may I ask who are you divine?"

The old man smiled and shook his head, "I am not a god, just a bystander. But I have a great discipline that may help you resist the threat of evil.

"Senior, please enlighten!" Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou said in unison.

The old man nodded, slowly stretched out his hand, and a strange rune appeared in his palm, and then floated towards Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou's eyebrows. The two only felt a shock in their hearts, as if a new force was surging in their bodies.

The old man said seriously: "This is a secret technique I created, called 'Heavenly Gang Thunder Technique', which integrates the power of thunder and lightning, and it is the best way to resist the power of evil. However, in order to practice this method, you must withstand the test of thunder and lightning in order to truly grasp the meaning of it.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou looked at each other and nodded firmly. They know that there is no shortcut to the forces of evil, and only by constantly improving their strength can they meet greater challenges.

In this way, Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou began a new cultivation on Taiquan Mountain, and they integrated the power of thunder and lightning into themselves, constantly understanding the mystery of it. Every roar of thunder and lightning is a tempering of their will, making them stronger.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou's cultivation was in full swing, and they constantly challenged their limits every day amid the roar of thunder and lightning. With the passage of time, their strength is also growing rapidly, and they have been able to control the power of thunder and lightning with ease, unleashing amazing power.

One day, however, an urgent letter shattered their peace. The letter wrote that Xie Huaiqing's senior brother was captured by the Demon Dao clan and imprisoned in a secret Demon Palace. This news plunged Xie Huaiqing into a heavy state of anxiety, his senior brother was his partner since childhood, and his first friend in the cultivation world.

"Sister Li, my senior brother was captured by the Demon Dao!" Xie Huaiqing said with a solemn face.

Li Mochou held Xie Huaiqing's hand tightly and comforted: "We will find him, no matter which demon palace he is in, no matter what kind of danger he faces, we can't leave him alone."

Xie Huaiqing nodded, he knew that he could not consume too much time at the moment, and the life of senior brother was at stake. They quickly discussed the plan and decided to go to the Demon Palace to rescue Senior Brother.

The Demon Palace is located in a desolate area, shrouded in black fog, exuding a strong evil aura. After Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou entered the Demon Palace, they immediately felt a strong sense of oppression, as if the entire space was rejecting their existence.

"It's really an unusual place." Li Mochou frowned and said.

Xie Huaiqing stared ahead and found that a barrier formed by the condensation of demonic qi blocked in front of them, blocking the way forward. With a movement in his mind, he condensed the power of thunder and lightning and tried to break through the barrier, but the barrier was extremely strong and almost impossible to break.

Just as they were in trouble, a figure suddenly appeared behind them. It was the white-haired old man, who smiled and said, "Young man, this is the core of the Demon Dao, full of powerful magical power, and it is difficult to break through by conventional means. "

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