Xie Huaiqing asked eagerly, "Senior, what is the best plan?" The

old man smiled and said, "I can help you, but it must be based on your strength." Your Tiangang Thunder Technique has an unmastered mystery, that is, thunder resonance. As long as you can integrate the breath of senior brother into the power of thunder and lightning, you may be able to break this barrier.

Li Mochou nodded and said, "We will work hard." Xie

Huaiqing and Li Mochou once again gathered the power of thunder and lightning, this time they tried to integrate the breath of senior brother into it, hoping to inspire resonance. The power of thunder and lightning emitted a piercing hum, and gradually formed a blurry figure, which was Xie Huaiqing's senior brother.

At this moment, the barrier emitted a deafening roar, and tiny cracks began to appear. Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou continued to exert force, and finally, the barrier was torn apart, and they successfully entered the depths of the Demon Palace.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou passed through the fog of the Demon Palace and got closer and closer to the place where Senior Brother was imprisoned. However, when they reached a dark hall, they were suddenly blocked.

A senior dressed in black robes with a gloomy face blocked in front of them. He looked at Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou and said coldly, "Who are you?" Dare to break into this place.

Xie Huaiqing's heart moved, and he sensed that this senior's cultivation was extremely powerful, and it seemed that he had reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor. He replied respectfully: "Senior, we are Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou, senior brother was captured by the Demon Dao clan, and we came to rescue him.

The senior sneered and said, "Are you trying to save people?" You are naïve. Senior Brother has been captured by our clan and has become a hostage of our clan, if you don't want his life to be lost, you'd better retreat obediently."

Li Mochou's face turned cold, and he gripped the hilt of his sword, ready to deal with a possible fierce battle. Xie Huaiqing frowned tightly, and slowly spoke: "Senior, we don't want to be enemies with you. It's just that Senior Brother is our fellow disciple, and we can't let him suffer.

The senior looked at Xie Huaiqing indifferently, as if thinking about something. A moment later, he burst out laughing, with a hint of mockery in his laughter: "Well, a good one doesn't want to be an enemy of me." In that case, you guys stay. As long as you can defeat me, I will let you save people.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou looked at each other, and they both understood in their hearts that the seniors did not really want to let them go. They knew that in the face of this senior of the Immortal Emperor realm, the odds of victory were slim. However, the lives of senior brothers are very important, and they must make every effort.

Li Mochou took a deep breath, swung his sword and rushed forward, the sword qi ran rampant, and he started a fierce battle with his predecessors. However, the strength of the seniors was far beyond their imagination, and they were almost effortless to deal with Li Mochou's attack. In a short time, Li Mochou had already fallen behind.

Xie Huaiqing looked at the scene anxiously, he knew that he could not continue like this, otherwise not only would he not be able to rescue Senior Brother, but even he and Li Mochou would be in danger. He decided to cast the final hole card, the Heavenly Gang Thunder Technique.

He closed his eyes, calmed his breath, and felt the power of thunder and lightning surging in his body. Then, he stretched out his hands, and a powerful lightning energy formed outside his body, turning into a pair of huge thunder wings. He jumped up and rushed forward like a bolt of lightning.

The senior's eyes widened and he showed a shocked look. He didn't expect that Xie Huaiqing would be able to cast such a powerful thunder and lightning technique. The two fought a thrilling battle in the air, the power of thunder and lightning roaring and radiant.

The fierce battle between Xie Huaiqing and his predecessors continued, and the collision of lightning and demonic qi plunged the entire space into chaos. He has to deal with two strong enemies at the same time, the pressure is increasing, and he is in a huge test both physically and mentally.

At the critical moment, Li Mochou finally got rid of the previous predicament and converged on Xie Huaiqing's side, and the two worked together to fight against the powerful strength of their predecessors. Li Mochou used his sword technique to subtly create a powerful sword formation, restricting the movements of his predecessors and creating some breathing time for Xie Huaiqing.

Just as Xie Huaiqing was about to deliver an even more powerful blow, the black shadow suddenly pounced on him, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to dodge. Xie Huaiqing hurriedly dodged, but he was still hit by the claws of the black shadow, and suddenly felt a chill invading his body.

He endured the pain, but still did not flinch, and a strong lightning light burst out, forcing the black shadow to retreat. He looked up at his senior, his eyes flashing with determination: "Senior, we must rescue senior brother, I will not give up."

The senior hesitated, and finally stopped attacking, and said indifferently: "Okay, in that case, you can go over." But remember, I can detect every move you do here. Xie

Huaiqing and Li Mochou knew that the strength of their predecessors could not be easily confronted, nor could they escape his surveillance. They hugged their fists and said, "Thank you, senior." With

the permission of their seniors, they finally entered the depths of the Demon Palace. In a dimly lit cell, they saw Xie Huaiqing's senior brother, who was exhausted and pale at this time.

"Senior Brother!" Xie Huaiqing pounced forward and grabbed Senior Brother's hand tightly.

Senior Brother smiled and shook his head, "Huaiqing, you're here... But you must not compromise easily because of me, our affairs are not as simple as they seem.

A trace of doubt flashed on Xie Huaiqing's face, but he knew that there was not much time to explain at the moment. He said worriedly: "Senior brother, you rest first, we will rescue you out."

The senior brother nodded, closed his eyes, and seemed to be lost in thought.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou left the cell, and their hearts were full of questions. Senior Brother's words made them feel that there seemed to be a deeper mystery behind the matter, and the appearance of that black shadow and predecessor also made the whole situation more complicated.

Back at Tianquan Mountain, Xie Huaiqing was full of thoughts. He didn't know what to do, they had to rescue Senior Brother and uncover the truth of the matter. All this requires them to continue to grow and face greater challenges.

In Tiangu Mountain, Xie Huaiqing trained hard and constantly improved his strength. Every surge of thunder and lightning power was constantly tempering his physique and will. In addition to training, he also discussed with Li Mochou the plan to rescue Senior Brother, and also tried to uncover the secret behind Senior Brother's arrest.

After months of hard work, Xie Huaiqing felt that his strength had reached a new height. At the moment of a lightning impact, he felt that the energy in his body had reached a new balance, as if some kind of threshold had been breached. He knew that this was an important opportunity, and it was time to fulfill the teachings of his senior brother, find the legendary old man, and obtain the right blue sword.

Li Mochou looked at Xie Huaiqing and said with a smile: "Huaiqing, your progress is really impressive. Senior brother's matter, we have to find out after all, but for the blue sword is also a hope, maybe we can find clues in this. "

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