Xie Huaiqing felt honored, and he and Su Shi communicated in the bookshop for many hours. The two talked freely about history, culture and life, and their opinions and opinions collided. Su Shi was amazed by Xie Huaiqing's talent, and Xie Huaiqing learned valuable life experience from Su Shi.

When saying goodbye, Su Shi gently patted Xie Huaiqing's shoulder: "Magi, the world is impermanent, but the determination is unremitting." The truth of history may not be easy to obtain, but the process of pursuing it is equally valuable. May you not forget your original intention and continue to move forward.

Xie Huaiqing bowed deeply and expressed his admiration for Su Shi. When Su Shi walked out of the bookshop and disappeared at the end of the street, more determination surged in Xie Huaiqing's heart. He decided to continue his quest for the truth, to put his knowledge and wisdom into the changes of this era....

As time passed, Xie Huaiqing continued to travel through the history of the Northern Song Dynasty, his influence continued to expand, and his relationship with Li Yue gradually deepened. However, he also gradually discovered that history did not change as he had hoped, and that power struggles and social unrest were still taking place.

One day, Xie Huaiqing overheard that Su Shi would taste food at a restaurant called "Qingfeng Yayan". He decided to go to talk to Su Shi and take the opportunity to discuss some insights about history and society.

That night, Xie Huaiqing and Li Yue came to the "Breeze Elegant Banquet". The atmosphere of the restaurant is warm, candlelight flickering, and several singers dressed in gorgeous costumes sing and dance in front of the stage. Xie Huaiqing looked for an inconspicuous seat, and happened to see Su Shi sitting on a small seat, tasting the food that came.

Xie Huaiqing had a plan, and he ordered a "Qionghua Dinner", which is the restaurant's best dish. After a while, the meal was served, mouthwatering. Xie Huaiqing delivered the delicacies to Su Shi's seat, and said with a smile: "Have you tasted this delicacy?"

Su Shi glanced at Xie Huaiqing, and then showed a smile: "The Magi's heart is understood by this official." Although the name of this dish is Qionghua, it is a good dish for rice.

Xie Huaiqing smiled slightly and sat opposite Su Shi: "Son, I have communicated with you before, and I feel your insight and wisdom. I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about history and society.

Su Shi nodded and looked at Xie Huaiqing with interest: "You young man is quite daring to communicate with me, an old master." Don't know what you'd like to talk about?

Xie Huaiqing took a deep breath and said firmly: "I believe that history is not only the past, but also a warning for the future. We can create a better future by learning about past experiences and avoiding repeated mistakes.

Su Shi took a sip of wine lightly, and after thinking for a moment, responded: "What you said is good. History does have profound revelations, but people's hearts are unpredictable, things are unpredictable, and what we can do may only be guided by wisdom, but not completely influenced.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and nodded, he knew that Su Shi's words contained profound philosophy. The two communicated in the midst of food and wine, forgetting the passage of time for a while. Their dialogue is like a spiritual feast, full of wisdom and inspiration.

Day after day, Xie Huaiqing continues to pursue his goals relentlessly. He not only studied ancient books in the bookshop, but also actively participated in social welfare undertakings to provide knowledge and help to the public. His name gradually spread through the streets and became a highly respected figure.

One day, Xie Huaiqing was walking by the lake, and suddenly inspiration burst out, and he began to chant a poem. The poems combine his deep reflections on history with concern for society, expressing good hopes for the future. His voice rippled on the surface of the lake, attracting the attention of many people around.

Among them, a middle-aged scribe came over and listened carefully to Xie Huaiqing's poems. He smiled and said, "The Magi's poetry is extraordinary, thoughtful, and between the lines reveals a deep understanding of history and society.

Xie Huaiqing smiled modestly: "It is really an honor to come and appreciate." The

middle-aged scribe said with a smile: "My surname is Zhou, and I am also a person who loves poetry." The poetry of the Magi is so dear to my heart that we should learn from each other and improve together.

Xie Huaiqing nodded happily, sat down with Zhou Jingyi, and the two began to exchange poetry. They each exert their inspiration and give suggestions and opinions to each other's work. On the shores of this poetic lake, their exchange is like a dialogue of souls.

Before you know it, it's getting late, and the sunset is reflected on the lake. Zhou Jingzhi took a deep breath and was amazed by Xie Huaiqing's poetry: "The poetry of the Magi is full of deep meaning and emotion, taking history as a lesson and people-oriented, which is really rare. Such a talent will definitely emerge in the literary circle.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou has passed the prize." I know that I still have a lot to fall short and need to keep working hard to improve.

Zhou Jingzhi stood up and handed over his hand: "If the wise man has ambition, he will definitely be able to achieve greater achievements." I hope that we can always discuss and make progress together.

Xie Huaiqing also got up and thanked Zhou Jingzhi: "Mr. Zhou's appreciation is my driving force, and I look forward to more opportunities to communicate in the future." After

exchanging contact information, the two said goodbye and left. Xie Huaiqing was in a happy mood, and his poetry was recognized by the literary giants, which was a great encouragement to him. He is determined to continue to elevate his talent and influence this era in more ways.

Xie Huaiqing's fame gradually revealed, and his efforts and influence also spread throughout society. However, correspondingly, he faces more challenges and trials. The vagaries of imperial court politics and the ups and downs of social turmoil were constantly testing his wisdom and persistence.

One day, when Xie Huaiqing was studying historical documents in the bookshop, a hurried messenger suddenly broke in. He handed over an envelope and said urgently: "Magi Xie Huaiqing, this is an urgent document from the Shangguan Mansion, please go quickly."

Xie Huaiqing took the envelope, his face solemn, he knew that the summons of the Shangguan Mansion must be related to the affairs of the imperial court. He arranged the affairs of the bookshop, and then went to Shangguan Mansion with Li Yue.

After arriving at Shangguan's mansion, Xie Huaiqing was led into a room. In the room, an official was sitting in front of the case, he glanced at Xie Huaiqing and said with a slight smile: "Xie Huaiqing, you have caused a lot of turmoil in society recently, and you have also received the attention of the imperial court.

Xie Huaiqing saluted respectfully: "Subordinates are fortunate." "

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