In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, all things prospered, and people were brilliant. Xie Huaiqing, the character Zimo, is a gentle person, outstanding talent, and the weak crown of the young Fang has already moved the capital. He was born into a famous family and was brilliant since childhood, and the elders of the family specially invited Li Yijian, a literary giant at that time, to teach him talents.

In the early morning, the morning sun rose, and the golden light shone on the courtyard of Xie Mansion, and a figure practiced the sword like the wind, and the sword radiance was brilliant, like a fairy under the mortal. This is Xie Huaiqing, he is young and promising, not only civilized and martial, but also has an eclectic heart. Swordsmanship, poetry, Qinqi calligraphy and painting, all of them are perfect.

However, in a chance encounter, he met Liu Yingyin, a woman from the rivers and lakes who fell in love with the country. Yingyin has a beautiful appearance, but her life is mysterious, and she is the only daughter of the lord of the Valley of Hundred Flowers. It is rumored that she has a peerless face, but for some reason she lives in seclusion in a quiet valley and rarely goes out.

Yingyin's beauty deeply attracted Huaiqing, and Huaiqing's talent also moved Yingyin. The two soon fell in a moving love. However, with ill-fate, Huaiqing's identity was gradually revealed, and it turned out that he was the nephew of the emperor of the dynasty, and had been incognito to avoid court disputes.

Faced with the difference in the identities of the two, Yingyin struggled a lot in her heart, but in the end, love overcame everything. Huaiqing also resolutely gave up the glory of being crowned king in order to spend his life with Yingyin, regardless of the constraints of his family's reputation.

However, this love was not all smooth sailing. Court intrigue and family interests have become stumbling blocks to the happiness of the two. In order to protect Yingyin, Huaiqing was forced to get involved in a bloody power struggle, he had to block the sword with his sword, control the enemy with wisdom, and finally rely on his ingenuity and firm belief to overcome the danger and protect his beloved.

In the ever-changing world of rivers and lakes, the love between Xie Huaiqing and Liu Yingyin has gone through thousands of difficulties, but it is still tenacious. With wisdom and courage, they wrote a legendary story that became a legend among future generations.

On a moonlit night, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Yingyin walked side by side on the path of Hundred Flowers Valley. Yingyin's hand gently held Huaiqing's hand, and the breeze blew through, bringing bursts of floral fragrance.

"Zimo, are you really willing to give up the opportunity to be crowned king? Yingyin's voice was low and soft, and she seemed to hesitate.

Huaiqing stopped, gently stroked Yingyin's hair, and said gently: "Yingyin, I used to pursue fame and fortune, but now I understand that these things are not as important to me as you." I don't want to be bound in court intrigue, I just want to live a quiet and happy life with you.

Yingyin lowered her head and smiled like a flower: "Zimo, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you." Their

eyes met, and their affection was deep, as if the whole world had stood still.

However, the storm struck again. A sudden assassination plunges the lives of the two into crisis again. Yingyin was stabbed by someone, and Huaiqing was furious, and he vowed to find out who was behind it and seek justice for Yingyin.

In front of the hospital bed, Yingyin held Huaiqing's hand tightly, and the corner of her mouth barely evoked a smile: "Zimo, don't give in easily, don't give up."

Huaiqing held her hand tightly, and his eyes were firm: "I swear that no matter how dangerous the road ahead, I will protect you and protect our love." In

order to find out the truth, Huaiqing launched a layered investigation. In the process, he got to know all kinds of characters, clever court maids, bold swordsmen, witty spy masters, each of whom had their own secrets and were inextricably linked to this conspiracy.

In the adventure and wisdom, Huaiqing continues to grow, his swordsmanship is more exquisite, his wisdom is deeper, he is no longer the young and frivolous teenager, but a hero who has experienced storms.

Next to a lake in the Valley of Flowers, the water is crystal clear and the surrounding flowers are blooming, which is beautiful. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Yingyin sat by the lake, staring at the petals floating on the water, and fell into the beauty of tranquility for a while.

Yingyin sighed softly: "Zimo, time flies so fast, and we have spent a lot of storms together in the blink of an eye.

Huai Qing caressed Yingyin's hair and smiled: "Yes, these years of ups and downs are precious experiences in our lives. With these, our love is more tenacious.

Yingyin lowered her head and said softly, "However, I always feel that there is a shadow hanging over our love."

Huaiqing held her hand tightly and looked into her eyes seriously: "Yingyin, I swear, no matter what shadows there are, I will disperse them for you." I will protect you and safeguard our future.

Yingyin's eyes gradually moistened, she knew that by Huaiqing's side, she was no longer the lonely woman, she had dependence, she had warmth.

However, just as the two fell into happiness, an urgent letter broke this tranquility. Huai Qing frowned tightly, unfolded the urgent document, and the dense handwriting on it made his face gloomy.

Yingyin saw his change and asked with concern, "What happened?"

Huai Qing pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "The emperor is seriously ill, and the prince is holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and is about to launch a mutiny. My uncle asked me to come and help suppress the rebellion.

Yingyin's brows furrowed, she knew that Huaiqing's identity involved the power of the court, and being involved in this battle meant that the future was full of uncertainty.

Huaiqing held Yingyin's hand and looked at her seriously: "Yingyin, I must go, no matter how dangerous the road ahead." I will do everything I can to secure our future.

Yingyin bit her lip and forced a smile: "Zimo, you have to take care of your body and don't worry about me."

Huaiqing hugged her tightly and said affectionately: "No matter what happens, I will come back, and we will welcome the happiness that belongs to us together." "

With the change of seasons, the winter of the Great Tang is quietly coming. Inside and outside the Imperial City, festive lantern displays have been lit and colorful lanterns twinkle in the cold night, adding a touch of warmth to the city.

Xie Huaiqing was busy in the palace, dealing with one government affairs after another. However, the anxiety in his heart became more and more intense. The rumors of the prince's rebellion are getting tighter, and his identity is sensitive, and once revealed, not only he himself will face a great threat, but also his beloved Yingyin.

On a cold night, the palace lights will be lively. The main hall of the palace is decorated with ornate lanterns, streamers fluttering, and songs and dances. Huaiqing walked out of the temple gate and looked at the busy scene, but it was difficult to calm down in his heart.

"Zimo, what's wrong?" A crisp voice came, and Liu Yingyin wore a simple long dress and walked lightly to his side.

Huai Qing forced a smile, but the worry in his eyes could not be concealed: "Yingyin, the rebellion of the prince is getting tighter and tighter, and I am afraid that once I participate in suppressing the rebellion, my identity will be revealed." "

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