"Girl, come and see my sachet, it is all carefully made by me, and it is guaranteed to bring good luck and happiness." The vendor sells with a smile on his face.

Yingyin's eyes flashed with interest, stepped forward, and gently picked up a delicate sachet with exquisite patterns embroidered on it.

Huai Qing also stepped forward and said with a smile: "These sachets really look very chic." The

vendor smiled and handed them his hand, but Yingyin suddenly narrowed her eyes, as if she sensed something. She reached for a sachet hidden in the corner and gently picked it up.

"This, I want this." Her voice was calm, but there was a hint of firmness.

The vendor was slightly stunned, and then nodded with satisfaction: "The girl's vision is good, this sachet is my most proud work."

Huaiqing looked at Yingyin with some curiosity and asked, "Yingyin, why did you choose this?"

Yingyin smiled silently, but sent the sachet in her hand to Huaiqing, and said gently: "Give it to you."

Huaiqing was a little surprised, took the sachet, and asked puzzledly: "Why did you give it to me?"

Yingyin's gaze was gentle and explained softly: "This sachet represents protection and blessing, I hope you can return safely and protect you no matter what happens."

Huaiqing felt Yingyin's affectionate gaze, and a warmth surged in his heart, he held the sachet tightly and said solemnly: "I will return safely with this blessing, and our future will be better." The

vendors couldn't help but smile gratifyingly, as if there was a force behind their conversation that silently supported them.

The lights will gradually come to an end, but the hustle and bustle in the palace will not stop. On a cold winter day, Xie Huaiqing's birthday is coming. As a high-ranking official of the court, his birthday banquet must be grand, but unlike before, this time he was more worried about it.

"Zimo, what do you think of this arrangement?" The servants of the court were busy setting up the birthday banquet venue. Yingyin stood aside and asked with a smile.

Huaiqing looked at the gorgeous arrangement around him and nodded with a smile: "It's beautiful, you all worked hard."

Yingyin smiled: "This is as it should be, after all, it is your birthday."

Huaiqing's gaze looked at her tenderly: "Thank you, Yingyin, you made my life so beautiful."

Yingyin smiled softly, but did not respond, because she knew that this was not the time to talk about love. There was a hint of firmness in her eyes, a determination.

The banquet bell gradually rang, the guests arrived one after another, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. The nobles and officials present congratulated Huaiqing on his birthday, and Huaiqing politely accepted everyone's blessings.

However, as the banquet progressed, a cold light crossed. In the light of the light, a masked man appeared at the banquet scene, holding a sharp dagger in his hand.

"Huaiqing, be careful!" Yingyin's screams sounded in the hall, and she threw herself forward, blocking Huaiqing's face.

The masked man's movements were swift, and the dagger slashed through Yingyin's shoulder, and blood splattered. Huai Qing was furious, and immediately drew his sword to deal with it, and engaged in a fierce fight with the masked man.

The hall was thrown into chaos, and guests fled around in terror. The palace guards arrived and fought with the masked man, and the whole scene was chaotic.

Yingyin leaned to the side, covering her wound with her hand, but kept staring at the scene of the battle. Her heartbeat was disordered, and a determined light flashed in her eyes.

Huai Qing finally subdued the masked man and removed the mask, but was surprised to find that the masked man turned out to be one of the emperor's trusted ministers.

"Why is that?" Huai Qing asked coldly.

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of the minister's mouth: "Huaiqing, do you really think that you can remain neutral in the power scheme?" The emperor has long seen through everything about you, and he thinks that you have a different heart.

Huai Qing's gaze deepened, and he knew that an even bigger conspiracy was surging underneath. And Yingyin also struggled to stand up, a look of firmness flashed in her eyes, and she looked at the minister coldly: "Do you think this will stop us?"

The minister sneered: "The whirlpool of power is no longer escapable, and you are destined to be involved in it." "

In the chaos of the birthday party, alarm bells have been sounded, however, the bustle of the lantern party continues. Next to the banquet venue, a juggling area is bustling with various techniques and performances that draw attention to the past.

Huai Qing and Yingyin set their sights on the juggling performance, and the skillful skills and passionate performances of the performers made people temporarily forget the chaos that had just occurred.

"It's amazing that they can have so much fun in a moment like this." Yingyin laughed softly.

Huai Qing nodded in agreement: "Yes, they brought joy and joy to this banquet with their performances. "

One by one, the performers flew and spun around the venue, performing thrilling moves that introduced the audience to a completely different world. Huaiqing and Yingyin were also intoxicated, temporarily leaving the disturbances in front of them behind.

However, in the middle of a difficult juggling performance, a figure suddenly jumped into the performance area and stood in the center of the actors.

"Yingyin, that's not..." Huai Qing's brows furrowed, and he seemed to realize something.

Yingyin's eyes also flashed a trace of alertness, and she stared closely at the figure that suddenly appeared.

The man, a masked man, with a sturdy figure, dressed in black, could not see his face clearly, and said in a calm voice: "VIPs, I have a special performance, I hope to share it with you on this beautiful night." Everyone

began to talk about it, and this sudden performer aroused everyone's interest. However, in the hearts of Huaiqing and Yingyin, they knew that things might not be that simple.

Yingyin held Huaiqing's hand tightly and whispered, "He must be related to the incident just now."

Huai Qing nodded and stared solemnly at the masked man.

The masked man walked to a high platform, his eyes scanning the surroundings indifferently, and then suddenly raised his hand and pulled out a sparkling object from his sleeve.

"Everyone, enjoy this!" His voice was not loud, but it echoed throughout the venue.

With his order, the object spun in his hand, releasing a dazzling light that made people breathless.

This sudden performance caused everyone to marvel. However, in the eyes of Huai Qing and Yingyin, the light of that object revealed a gloomy and cold atmosphere.

"Huaiqing, this is..." Yingyin's voice trembled, and she seemed to understand something.

Huai Qing's gaze also stared at the object, his brows furrowed deeply, and his heart was full of vigilance.

The object in the masked man's hand spun faster and faster, and the light became more and more dazzling, as if a huge vortex was devouring everything around it. The people in the venue were attracted by this light and listened to the masked man's voice.

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