The masked man's voice became even lower: "VIPs, this is a choice of fate, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

His words seemed to be implanted in people's hearts, and Huaiqing felt that his heart began to beat involuntarily, as if a mysterious force was guiding him.

Yingyin held Huaiqing's hand tightly and looked at him anxiously: "Zimo, you can't be confused!"

Huaiqing shook his head vigorously and tried to return to his senses: "Yes, Yingyin, I can't be fooled by his words. The

masked man's voice became even more somber: "VIPs, this object has mysterious powers that can give you a new future, a life you never imagined. Some

people began to be attracted to this temptation, their eyes became confused, and they seemed to be thinking about what the masked man had to say.

"No, you can't be deceived by him!" Huai Qing's voice sounded, and he resolutely walked towards the masked man, his voice firm.

Yingyin followed, her eyes flashing with determination: "This is a trap, he wants to use your desires to control you!" The

masked man's gaze froze slightly, he didn't seem to expect Huai Qing and Yingyin to stand up so resolutely.

"Who are you? Dare to say this in front of me! His voice became angry, and then the light of the object in his hand became more dazzling, attracting more people's attention.

Huai Qingmai approached and said coldly: "We are people who will not be deceived by you, we have seen through your conspiracy."

Yingyin's gaze was also firm: "We believe that love and faith are the real strength." The

masked man's face was distorted, he obviously did not expect to meet such a determined opponent. The light of the object in his hand began to become unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

Suddenly, a sword light flickered, and the object in the masked man's hand was struck by a sword, and the light dissipated.

A figure quickly stepped forward, the swordsman's aura strong and confident.

Huai Qing and Yingyin looked at the swordsman in amazement, but found that he was the swordsman he knew at the lantern meeting before.

The swordsman smiled and said, "It seems that this friend wants to use temptation to control people, I have heard about it for a long time, but fortunately you can see through it."

Yingyin asked in surprise, "Who are you?" The

swordsman said gently: "My name is Liu Yunfei, I am a swordsman in the rivers and lakes, and I came here to break his conspiracy. Liu

Yunfei's appearance brought Huaiqing and Yingyin a temporary respite, however, the masked man did not give up, his eyes widened angrily, and he sneered: "Liu Yunfei, do you think you can stop me?"

Liu Yunfei's gaze was firm, his sword light flickered, and he stared at the masked man vigilantly: "No matter who you are, I will not let you succeed." The

masked man laughed, and suddenly, his figure flickered like a ghost, quickly tore open the space, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Huai Qing frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice: "He fled."

Yingyin squeezed Huaiqing's hand and said worriedly: "We can't let him continue to go unpunished, what is his purpose?"

Liu Yunfei pondered for a moment and said, "I have heard of similar conspiracies, and this temptation often stems from some mysterious force. He may be searching for some secret power, and we must find his clues and find out the truth.

Huai Qing nodded and said firmly, "You're right, we can't let him create more chaos.

Yingyin's eyes flashed with determination and said, "No matter what happens, we will protect this beautiful world."

Liu Yunfei smiled and nodded, and hugged his fists to Huaiqing and Yingyin: "I hope we can work together to uncover the truth of this conspiracy." The

three looked at each other, their eyes full of determination. In this era of intrigue, they decide to join forces to track down the masked man's purpose and prevent a bigger crisis.

Darkness shrouded the imperial city, and the spread of intrigue filled the entire court with a tense atmosphere. Huai Qing, Yingyin, and Liu Yunfei gather together in a secret place, and they begin to discuss the masked man's conspiracy in depth.

Huai Qing frowned, "We must find out what mysterious power the masked man is pursuing, and why he uses temptation to manipulate people's hearts."

Liu Yunfei's eyes were deep: "I once heard an ancient legend in the rivers and lakes about a treasure called the 'Heart Stone'. Legend has it that this stone possesses great power to influence people's emotions and decisions.

Yingyin frowned: "Could it be that the masked man is pursuing this heart stone?"

Liu Yunfei nodded: "Very likely." This power, once in the wrong hands, can lead to chaos and deterioration.

Huai Qing's gaze was firm: "Then our goal is to find this heart stone and stop his conspiracy."

Liu Yunfei looked at Yingyin and asked, "Yingyin, have you heard this kind of legend?"

Yingyin nodded thoughtfully: "In my memory, I did hear some similar stories, but I always thought that they were just legends.

Liu Yunfei said solemnly: "No matter what, we can't let the masked man succeed." Once the Heart Stone is controlled by him, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

They decided to set out on action to find clues about the Stone of the Heart. However, there were many intrigues in the imperial city, and their actions were not easy.

Huai Qing looked at the night sky, and firmness surged in his heart: "We have to find a way to go through the fog and find the hiding place of the masked man."

Yingyin's eyes were full of determination: "We must not let him succeed, no matter what the cost."

Liu Yunfei clenched the hilt of his sword, and his tone was firm: "The stone of the heart must be retrieved, and the conspiracy must be cracked." "

Huai Qing, Yingyin, and Liu Yunfei decided to find out more about the Heart Stone from ancient books in order to better understand its power and source.

In the library of the imperial palace, the three began to flip through ancient texts and records. The dusty smell of ancient books pervades the air, which seems to carry the secrets of countless years.

Yingyin opened an ancient book and couldn't help but say to herself: "The content of these ancient book records is too vague, and the description of the Heart Stone is also vague.

Huai Qing sighed: "These things are all relics of history and may have been tampered with, and we need to find more accurate information."

Liu Yunfei was carefully studying an ancient scripture with a serious expression: "According to this scripture, the stone of the heart is said to have the ability to influence the human heart and manipulate emotions and will.

Yingyin frowned and asked, "So, who created the Heart Stone?" Why does this power exist?

Liu Yunfei frowned: "This scripture does not record the identity of the creator in detail, but only mentions some mysterious legends, which seem to be related to the ancient battle of sealing gods." "

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