Oran nodded, then continued, "I once left a record of the mistakes of ancient civilizations and our attempts to deal with disasters. Maybe there's some useful information out there.

Xie Huaiqing and Alina then followed Oran to a deep library filled with ancient scrolls and parchments. They flipped through the records and gradually learned how ancient civilizations tried to restore the ecological balance, and although they ultimately failed, they left some key clues.

"There is a mention of a substance called the 'Ecological Heart,' which is said to reconnect the Zerg energy network," Xie read the record. "If we can find this substance, we may be able to restore the ecological balance." "

However, the exact location of the 'Ecological Heart' has not been recorded in detail," Alina said with a frown. "We still need more clues to find it."

Just as they were thinking about it, a deep voice suddenly sounded: "Are you looking for an ecological heart?" They

turned their heads and saw a figure coming out of the shadows. It was a stranger, dressed in a dark robe, his face was covered by a turban, making it difficult to see his face.

"Who are you? Xie Huaiqing asked warily.

The stranger slowly uncovered his headscarf, revealing a handsome face. "I'm Card," he introduced himself. "I know some clues about EcoHeart, and I'm willing to help you find it."

Xie Huaiqing and Alina exchanged glances, they were puzzled by the appearance of this stranger, but full of hope.

"Why help us? Alina asked.

Kader's gaze stared into the distance, and he pondered for a moment before replying, "Because I also made mistakes and tried to control the Zerg energy. But I saw the consequences for myself, and I knew I had to do something now to fix the land. Xie

Huaiqing felt the sincerity in Kader's words, and they decided to cooperate with Kad to find clues to the ecological heart, hoping to save the Zerg Forest from disaster.

Xie Huaiqing, Elena, and Kader embark on their quest through the depths of the Zerg Forest in search of clues about the Ecological Heart. They found more and more clues in the ancient ruins, and by reading ancient inscriptions and frescoes, they gradually solved an ancient mystery.

"According to these records, the Ecological Heart was once divided into three pieces and hidden in different corners of the Zerg Forest," Xie said, pointing his finger to a mural depicting three gemstones.

"But there's no clear mark on their exact location," Alina frowned. "How are we going to find them?

Card's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said: "In the legends of ancient civilizations, these three gemstones are connected to the three elements of the Zerg Forest: earth, water, and air. Perhaps, we can find them by exploring the core area of these elements.

So, the three decided to go their separate ways. Xie Huaiqing goes to the Heart of the Land of the Zerg Forest, Alina goes to the Land of Water, and Kad goes to the Top of the Sky. Each of them faces its own challenges, while also being careful to deal with possible obstructions from those who interfere.

Deep in the heart of the land, Xie Huaiqing discovered a huge underground cave filled with rocks and minerals. He explores carefully, looking for clues about the ecological heart.

"Huh, what is this? "He suddenly found a different crystal than the surrounding ore. He reached out to touch it, and then a burst of intense energy suddenly surged and the cave began to vibrate.

"It's a trap! Xie Huaiqing realized that something was wrong, and he quickly wanted to leave, but it was too late. The entire underground cave suddenly exploded violently, and flames and rock fragments splashed everywhere.

At the same time, Alina is also in danger in the land of water. She found a crystal by a lake that shimmered blue and gave off an alluring aura. She reached out to touch the crystal, but suddenly felt her body being pulled by a strong suction force.

"Not good! Alina found herself unable to move, she tried her best to resist the suction, but felt her body gradually merging into the crystal.

Meanwhile, at the top of the sky, Card is also attacked by jammers. He spotted a gemstone floating in the air, and just as he reached out to touch it, a sharp wind blade suddenly struck, forcing him back.

"You disruptors, Hugh wants to stop me! Card roared as he unleashed his abilities and engaged in a fierce battle with the Jammer.

Xie Huaiqing, Elena, and Kade are all bogged down in their respective challenges, facing explosions, energy bondage, and fierce battles. However, just as they all felt desperate, a mysterious energy suddenly appeared and surrounded them.

"What is it? Xie Huaiqing asked in surprise, he felt a warm force flowing in his body.

"This is the power of Zerg energy," Kad explained, his voice filled with surprise. "It seems that the Zerg Forest is resonating with us.

Elena's body also began to glow slightly, and she felt her connection to the Zerg world getting closer and closer. "Are we being attracted to Zerg energy? Under

the action of this mysterious force, the bodies of Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade began to change. Their forms gradually incorporate elements of the Zerg world, their skin becomes tough like a carapace, and their eyes become sharp like insects. They are surprised to find themselves reborn as Zerg, with a deep connection to the land.

"What's going on? Xie Huaiqing groped his body, and he found that he was now a small insect.

"It seems that the Zerg world has a deep understanding of our mission," said Kad, who also turned into a dragonfly-like creature. "Maybe it's a way for us to better understand the needs of this land." "

Alina also turned into a beautiful butterfly, she flew in the air, feeling free and light. "We may be able to find the ecological heart in different ways and feel the true beauty of the Zerg world." "

As Zerg, they have restarted their adventure. Xie Huaiqing was in Zerg form, and could more easily explore the area of the Heart of the Land through underground tunnels. Alina can sense the energy fluctuations of the ecological heart through the flow of water. In the form of a dragonfly, Card can fly higher in the air and pursue clues in the air.

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