In their Zerg form, they not only merge with the Zerg world, but also gain a special ability to be close to nature. They are able to communicate with bugs, sense the flow of Zerg energy, and even interact with the Zerg energy network through resonance.

As Xie Huaiqing, Elena, and Kade continue to explore in Zerg form, they gradually begin to adapt to this new experience. In the Zerg world, they are no longer confined to the human body, but are able to integrate more deeply into the environment and perceive subtle changes.

"This feels really wonderful," Xie Huaiqing turned into an ant, carefully traversing the dense jungle. "I could feel the vibrations underground, as if the whole land was communicating with me. "

Me too," Alina transformed into a dragonfly and flew lightly over the lake. "The flow of water, every breeze is like telling the story of the Zerg world.

Kade turned into a butterfly, hovering happily among the trees. "I can feel the breath of plants, their life and energy connected to me. We are truly at one with the land. "

In their zerg form, they gradually found clues to the ecological heart. When Xie Huaiqing was exploring underground, he found a crystal clear ore that exuded the energy of the land; Alina discovers a crystal spring by the lake, and the spring water flows with the breath of the heart of water; Kade finds a flowing flower at the top of the canopy, and as the flower blooms, the air is filled with the energy of the Heart of Air.

However, as they prepared to gather the three gemstones together, a powerful disrupting force reappeared, and the figure of the jammer was revealed.

"You can't stop our plan," the leader of the jammer said with a sneer. "The Zerg Forest will be the source of our power, and we will control everything! Xie

Huaiqing, Alina and Kade stood side by side, and although they became Zerg, their determination remained undiminished in the slightest. "The Zerg world will not succumb to your desires," Xie Huaiqing said firmly in an ant voice. "We will protect this land and stop your destruction!

"Yes, we will fight for the Zerg world," the dragonfly in Elena's avatar flew through the air, her voice full of determination.

Card's butterfly form also danced in the wind, and his voice resounded in the sky. "The power of the Zerg world will not be conquered by you, we will defend its balance! "

In Zerg form, they unleashed the energy of the Zerg world and engaged in a fierce battle with the leader of the Jammer. The fluctuations of energy surged freely in the Zerg Forest, and the forces of ecology seemed to breathe with them.

In the fierce battle, Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade constantly use the Zerg energy to fight for life and death with the leader of the Jammer. The ecological power of the Zerg Forest is also constantly responding to their call, forming a powerful help.

"The power of this land is so powerful," Xie Huaiqing felt the energy of the Zerg world flowing in his body. "We are really one with it, and neither humans nor the zerg can disrupt this ecological balance." "

Exactly," Alina was flying, and the power of the Heart of Water surged around her. "We need to convey this awareness to the disruptors and make them understand how stupid they are doing." Kade

fluttered high in the air, his body exuding the energy of the Heart of Air. "The disruptors just want to control the Zerg energy on their own, but ignore the fragility of the entire ecosystem. We need to make them understand that the source of strength comes from balance and cooperation.

Their words turned into a voice that reached the leaders of the jammers. The interferents' expressions became more vicious, and their offensive became more fierce. However, under the protection of the power of the Zerg Forest, the power of Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade is also gradually increasing.

As the battle continued, their gaze gradually turned to the details of the Zerg world. Between battles, they began to notice subtle changes in the Zerg Forest. Every movement of insects, every chirp, seems to resonate with the ecology of the zerg world.

"Maybe we need to understand the Zerg world more deeply," Xie Huaiqing suggested. "Our transformation is not just to fight, but to better protect the land.

Alina nodded in agreement, flying over the lake, feeling the ripples of the Heart of Water. "We should study our own Zerg bodies to understand their role in the Zerg world, and maybe in this way we can better understand the whole ecosystem." Kade

also descended to the ground, and his butterfly form gradually disappeared and returned to his human form. "You are right, we need more insight and more understanding to truly become the guardians of the Zerg world. So

they decided to stop simply using Zerg energy to fight the Jammer, but began to study their own Zerg body and relationship with the Zerg world. They go deep into the Zerg Forest, interacting with all kinds of insects and learning their behaviors, habits, and interactions with their environment. Through their closeness to the Zerg, they gradually gain insight into the true mystery of the Zerg Forest.

Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kader continue to explore as they interact closely with the Zerg world as Zerg, gradually revealing the more complex ecosystem of the land. They found that each species of insect plays an important role in the ecological chain, and every small change can affect the balance of the entire Zerg Forest.

"It seems that every subtlety of the Zerg world contains ecological mysteries," Xie Huaiqing turned into an ant form, carefully observing the activities of an ant colony. "Their division of labor and cooperation is all to maintain the stability of the entire system." "

Yes," Alina watched the dragonflies fly by the crystal spring. "Just as the heart of water interacts with a lake, small changes in the water can also affect the ecology of the lake. We need to understand this connection in more detail. Kade

was also at the top of the canopy watching the moment the flowers bloomed. "Each petal unfolds and emits the fluctuations of the heart of air. They echo with the atmosphere and form a subtle rhythm. "

As they have gained a deeper understanding of the Zerg world, their abilities have been further improved. Xie Huaiqing learned to mobilize the power of ant colonies to build tunnel systems underground; Alina is able to harness the power of the Heart of Water and manipulate the flow of the lake; Kade is able to communicate with plants and harmonize the flow of the Heart of Air.

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