"We can't let the Zerg world fall under their control," Xie Huaiqing clenched the short sword in his hand, the blade of which surged with ecological energy. "This land does not belong to them, it is an ecological sacred place shared by all living beings! "

Exactly," Elena's wings twinkled with the Heart of Water, and she flew into the sky, gazing at the leader of the Jammer. "We will not give up and protect the harmony of this land no matter what the cost. "

Kader's hand flashed with the energy of the Heart of Air, and he closely followed the guardians of the Zerg world, forming an indestructible force. "This battle is not only for the Zerg world, but also for ecological balance and a better future! "

The leader of the jammer is showing more and more power, but Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade are also growing in power. Through the guardians of the Zerg world, they draw the power of the Ecological Heart and transform it into unparalleled combat energy.

"The power of the Zerg world converges in our bodies," Xie Huaiqing felt the pulse of the ecological heart, and his short sword bloomed with dazzling light. "Let us turn this power into the strongest determination to repel the conspiracy of the disruptors! "

In a fierce engagement, the leader of the disruptors gradually retreated. Although their strength is strong, in the face of the ecological heart of the zerg world and the determination of Xie Huaiqing, Elena, and Kade, they gradually lose support and cannot continue to resist.

"This land will never bend to your will," Elena's voice echoed through the Zerg world, her wings radiating brightly. "The power of ecology will always prevail over the desire to destroy!

Card's voice melted into the wind, echoing the heart of the air. "The Zerg world will come to life under our guardianship and prosper with all living things! "

Eventually, the leader of the Jammer was repelled and disappeared on the edge of the Zerg Forest. The Zerg world has returned to calm, ecological forces are flowing everywhere, and Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade stand together, gazing at this beautiful land.

"We succeeded," Xie Huaiqing breathed lightly, his short sword emitting a faint ecological light. "The Zerg world will continue to prosper, and that's our commitment to it. "

We've been fighting for this land," Alina said with a smile. "The power of the Zerg world intertwined with our determination worked wonders. Card

felt the flow of the heart of air and his heart was filled with gratification. "It's a battle about ecology and conservation, and our efforts have paid off. The Zerg Forest will become a symbol of our symbiosis with nature. Over

time, Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade went deep into the Zerg Forest, established a close connection with the insects, and jointly maintained this ecological treasure land. However, new challenges also follow. The ecological balance of the Zerg world has been put to a greater test, and a strange Zerg has begun to invade this territory.

The body of this insect is extremely hard, even more difficult to defeat than other creatures in the zerg world. Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade faced this new threat and fell into a brief puzzle.

"The hard bodies of these insects make them difficult to deal with," Kad said with a frown. "Our Zerg energy can't seem to penetrate their defenses. "

Perhaps, we can combine human wisdom with the power of the Zerg to find a more effective way," Xie Huaiqing suggested. "We used to work with bugs as Zerg, and now we can try to incorporate our human abilities.

Alina nodded in agreement. "We can use human ingenuity to create devices or weapons that help insects overcome this threat." By combining the power of the Zerg and the creativity of humans, perhaps we can find a breakthrough.

So, Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade began to try to combine the hard body of the Zerg and the wisdom of humans to create a new type of weapon. They developed a special Zerg energy guide that focuses Zerg energy to a point, forming energy rays that are strong enough to penetrate the hard shell.

"This device should be able to effectively penetrate their defenses," Xie Huaiqing displayed the device, his eyes flashing with anticipation. "We just need to equip it to the bugs to give them a stronger defense."

Alina looked at the device, full of confidence. "It's a combination of Zerg and human intelligence that allows us to better deal with new threats."

Card nodded in agreement. "Let's give this device to insects to help them defend against foreign threats." By working together, we can create a more solid ecological balance. Xie

Huaiqing, Elena, and Kade handed the Zerg energy guide device to a colony of ants, who conveyed the information in a bug-like way and explained the purpose of the device. The ants seemed to understand their intentions and began deploying devices to various insects.

Soon after, the bugs in the zerg world began to show more powerful combat power. Their hard bodies were able to penetrate the hard enemy shell, and the power of Zerg energy and human intelligence combined to create an unprecedented joint line of defense.

"Look, they're using devices to fight enemies," Alina pointed to the battle of insects in the distance. "The tenacity of the bugs fused with our intelligence to create a whole new way of fighting.

Card smiled and said, "This may be the mystery of ecology, the cooperation and symbiosis between different creatures to create greater power." Our efforts are proving this time and time. "

Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kade and the insects will continue to explore and cooperate, using the hard body of the zerg and the wisdom of humans to protect the harmonious ecology of the zerg forest.

Over time, the Zerg Forest gradually regained its vitality and prosperity. Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kader's collaboration with the insects has re-established the balance of the entire ecosystem, and the various species are interdependent in competition and cooperation, forming a more complex and beautiful zerg world.

However, new challenges are emerging. A mysterious energy began to spread in the Zerg Forest, affecting the ecological balance. The bugs became restless, and the entire Zerg world seemed to be in a crisis.

"What kind of energy is this? Kad felt the strange fluctuations in the air. "It seems to be distorting the ecology of the Zerg world. "

Maybe this is a new move by the disruptors," Alina said worriedly. "They may have found a new way to destroy the land."

Xie Huaiqing watched the changes in the Zerg world, his brows furrowed. "Whatever it is, we can't sit idly by. The balance of the Zerg Forest is our shared responsibility, and we must identify the source of this energy and stop it from spreading. "

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