To solve this mystery, Xie Huaiqing, Alina and Kader embark on a journey of discovery again. They go deep into the depths of the Zerg Forest in search of the source of energy. In a mysterious cave, they found a huge crystal that emitted powerful energy fluctuations.

"What is this thing? Card looked at Crystal in surprise. "Its energy is somewhat unusual and seems to interact with the ecology of the Zerg world. "

Maybe that's the crux of the matter," Xie speculated. "This crystal may have a special connection to the ecology of the Zerg world, and we need to figure out how it affects the overall ecological balance."

Alina approached the crystal, trying to feel its energy. "This energy seems to be a new element that is interfering with communication and collaboration between insects." As

they delved deeper, they gradually learned that the crystal was an ancient energy aggregate, which was once part of the Zerg world, but was separated after a big explosion to form this strange cave.

"We need to reintegrate this crystal into the Zerg world," Xie Huaiqing said seriously. "Its energy should be a link for collaboration between insects, not a separation between them." "

But how to integrate it into the Zerg world," Alina wondered. "We can't simply bring it back, its power could have a bigger impact."

Card stared at the crystal, thinking of a solution. "Maybe we can use the power of the Zerg to fuse the energy of the crystal with the Zerg world. With the help of insects, the crystal's energy can be distributed more evenly throughout the ecosystem.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement. "Let's go back to the Zerg Forest and work with the bugs to reconnect this ancient energy to the ecology with the hard body of the Zerg and the wisdom of humans. "

They return to the Zerg Forest and work with the Zerg to gradually integrate the crystal's energy into the ecosystem using the power of the Zerg. The energy of the crystal began to echo with the communication of the insects, the ecological balance was gradually restored, and the Zerg world became harmonious again.

This is the mystery of ecology

, Xie Huaiqing smiled: "Although I don't know musical instruments, I like to use painting to express my feelings about music." I once painted a picture of a violinist with focused eyes and playing in an immersive way.

Lin Han asked curiously, "Can you let me see it?"

Xie Huaiqing nodded and took out a piece of drawing paper from his bag, the paintings on it were full of vivid emotions. The image of the violinist is lifelike, and Xie Huaiqing conveys the emotion and beauty brought by music through painting.

Lin Han praised: "You are so talented, your paintings can always express deep emotions.

Xie Huaiqing smiled modestly: "Thank you for the compliment." In fact, I think everyone has their own unique way to create beauty, and as long as we do it with our hearts, we can make the world a better place. After

the concert, Xie Huaiqing and Lin Han walked out of the campus and walked on the quiet street.

Lin Han sighed: "Time flies so fast, we have spent so many good times here.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "Yes, this place has witnessed our growth, friendship and dreams." While academics and the arts keep us busy, we are constantly harvesting and growing.

Lin Han looked at Xie Huaiqing affectionately: "No matter what we will encounter in the future, I believe we will continue to work hard and pursue our goals."

Xie Huaiqing looked back at her, his eyes flashing with determination: "Yes, the future is full of infinite possibilities, we will continue to walk and create more beautiful stories." At

the end of the treatment, Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou's injuries have recovered most of them. The senior looked at them and said, "The road ahead will become more and more difficult, but as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome all difficulties." With

the help of their predecessors, Xie Huaiqing and Li Mochou's state gradually stabilized. They returned to the dark hall in the depths of the Demon Palace, ready to face the final battle of the Demon Prince.

Xie Huaiqing took a deep breath, his gaze was firm, and his heart was already ready. He knew that only through his own efforts could he free Senior Brother from the darkness. For Senior Brother, he was willing to pay anything.

"Huaiqing, are you ready?" There was a hint of worry in Li Mochou's voice, she knew that this battle could be the key to their survival.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, and he said, "Yes, Sister Li, I am ready. This time, I will do my best, no matter what the result is, I will not let Senior Brother suffer any more harm.

The senior walked to Xie Huaiqing with a smile and encouraged: "Huaiqing, you have a firm belief in the blue sword, and you will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties.

Xie Huaiqing raised his head, his eyes flashing with determination: "Senior, Sister Li, let's go together, for the sake of Senior Brother, for the peace of the True Cultivation Realm." Senior

and Li Mochou nodded, and everyone clasped each other's hands, Top Gun. They stepped into the depths of the temple of darkness, where a strong aura of darkness pervaded.

In the center of the hall, the Demon Prince sat on a black throne, and dark power surged around his body. He watched Xie Huaiqing and the others approach, and sneered: "You guys really came."

Xie Huaiqing's gaze was firm, and he slowly walked to the front, holding the blue sword in his hand. He stared at Senior Brother, and his voice was full of affection: "Senior Brother, although you have been assimilated by darkness, I believe that the goodness in your heart has not disappeared. I will use my efforts to awaken your buried conscience. The

Demon Prince sneered, "You are really stubborn, Huaiqing. Even if you have fairy bones, you can't change anything. Xie

Huaiqing's face showed a determined expression, and he slowly pulled out the immortal bone on his back, and the immortal bone emitted a dazzling light. Seeing this, everyone's eyes focused on him.

"I will use my own fairy bones to save you from the darkness!" Xie Huaiqing's voice was full of determination, and he held the immortal bone tightly in his hand and began to prepare to integrate it into the blue sword.

The official smiled and nodded: "However, because of this, you are also regarded as a threat by certain forces. They think you're too meddling in politics and too much influence. I summoned you this time to hear your opinion.

Xie Huaiqing's heart moved, he knew that his influence had aroused the alarm of some people. He said frankly: "Although I am an ordinary historian, I also have some insights into social and political developments. The reason why I participate in some public welfare affairs is out of love and care for this era. I hope that through my own efforts, I can create a better living environment for the people. "

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