The official nodded: "Your original intention is worthy of recognition, however, have you ever thought that too much intervention may lead to unnecessary trouble?" Your quests are beautiful, but the truth is not always easy to reveal.

Xie Huaiqing smiled slightly: "I understand that there is sometimes a conflict between history and reality. But I am willing to continue to work hard, use my wisdom to seek the truth, and constantly improve my level of awareness.

The official looked at Xie Huaiqing, seemed to be thinking for a moment, and then nodded: "You have determination and courage." This pursuit is respectable. But keep in mind that the road will not be easy, and the road ahead is full of ups and downs and unknowns. I hope you can look at the big picture and proceed cautiously.

Xie Huaiqing bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude for the official teaching: "Thank you for the reminder, I will keep it in mind." The

official smiled: "Okay, you can go back." There is a long way to go, I hope you can stick to your original intention and become a person who is beneficial to society.

Xie Huaiqing felt the expectations of the officials, and he was more determined in his heart. Back in the bookshop, he continued to devote himself to the study of history, while constantly thinking about how to maintain his independence and pursuit in this era.

Xie Huaiqing's reputation continued to expand, and his wisdom and boldness also attracted more and more attention in this era. In society, people began to call him "Wise Xie" as a sign of respect.

On a hot summer day, a special event is held in the city, this event is called "Tea Hundred Play". It combines tea culture and opera performances and attracts people from all walks of life. After Xie Huaiqing heard about this event, he decided to go and find out.

When he arrived at the event, he saw a huge tent with stalls outside the tent with a variety of delicacies and tea. People gathered together, competing to taste delicious food and exchange topics.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Yue also joined the crowd, and they tried a variety of tea and delicacies. Just as they were sipping a cup of fragrant tea, a high-pitched singing voice came into their ears, attracting everyone's attention.

In the center of the marquee, a small stage is set up, on which actors are performing a play. The actors play a variety of roles, singing, dancing, and acting skills are all wonderful. Xie Huaiqing and Li Yue were also attracted over, and they stood in the crowd quietly admiring.

Li Yue said softly to Xie Huaiqing: "This kind of activity that combines tea culture and opera is really unique, allowing people to enjoy the tea fragrance while enjoying the performance, which is quite interesting."

Xie Huaiqing nodded and agreed: "Yes, the creativity of Chabai Opera is quite novel, integrating two different cultures, so that people can be nourished by culture while relaxing." "

As the opera performances continued, the atmosphere became more and more lively. The audience responded with applause and cheers as they enjoyed this unique cultural feast.

Just as Xie Huaiqing and Li Yue were intoxicated in the atmosphere of the event, a familiar voice suddenly entered their ears: "Wise Xie, I didn't expect to meet you here." The

two turned their heads and saw that it was Su Shi. He was also standing in the crowd, smiling and walking towards them.

Xie Huaiqing said in surprise: "Big son, have you also come to participate in the tea show?"

Su Shi said with a smile: "Exactly, this is a rare opportunity, I want to taste the fusion of cultures here." It seems that you are too, but the title of Wise Man Xie is quite suitable for you.

Li Yue smiled and said, "We also came to experience this activity out of curiosity."

Su Shi watched the actors perform with interest, and then turned to Xie Huaiqing: "This era is full of different possibilities, and everyone has the opportunity to influence its future." Wise Xie, are you willing to put your wisdom into this era?

Xie Huaiqing thought for a moment, and then nodded firmly: "Yes, I am willing." Although history is unpredictable, as long as we influence with our hearts, we can create a better future for this era.

Su Shi smiled and nodded: "Very good, this determination will guide you to a broader world." No matter how history changes, your influence will take root in this era. In

the cultural atmosphere of tea opera, Xie Huaiqing, Li Yue and Su Shi continued to talk freely and exchange their expectations for the future. The meeting and exchange of the three people seems to be a shining star in this era, lighting up the way forward...

Yingyin sighed softly: "Zimo, we all know that this day may come, but no matter what happens, I will accompany you and face it together."

Huaiqing grabbed her hand and looked at her gratefully: "Yingyin, I'm really glad to have you."

Yingyin's eyes flashed with determination: "We will get through the difficult time, as long as we are together."

At this moment, an envoy from the palace hurriedly came and handed a secret letter to Huaiqing: "Your Highness, this is the will of the emperor, you have been appointed as the commander of the suppression of the rebellion, and you are ordered to go quickly."

Huai Qing took a deep breath and clenched the secret letter, he knew that he could not escape at this moment. He looked up at Yingyin, and firmness flashed in his eyes: "Yingyin, I will return, everything will be fine."

Yingyin held his hand tightly and smiled: "I believe in you, you will definitely return safely." And

at this moment, a loud drum sounded, and the lamp meeting puzzle began. Crowds poured into the palace, laughter and lights intertwined into a beautiful night. Huaiqing and Yingyin were also infected by this festive atmosphere, and they squeezed each other's hands, as if they were swearing that no matter how bumpy the road ahead, they would go down together.

In the bustle of the lantern festival, a vendor pushed a cart and approached Huaiqing and Yingyin. The trolleys are filled with various small objects, and colorful sachets attract Yingyin's attention.

Huai Qing held the page of the book and pondered: "The battle of sealing gods... It was a big battle between gods and demons, could it be that the Heart Stone was related to the battle of sealing gods?

Yingyin also fell into thought: "There used to be gods and demons in this world, and the battle of sealing gods separated these two forces, could it be that the stone of heart is a remnant of the battle of sealing gods?"

Liu Yunfei nodded: "Perhaps, this is just my guess, but we need more clues to confirm." In

the process of reading ancient books, the time of Huaiqing, Yingyin and Liu Yunfei gradually passed. However, in order to keep their minds clear, they also need short breaks.

Leaving the library, they came to a peaceful garden inside the palace. There is a set of elaborate swings in the garden, suspended between two huge locust trees.

Yingyin looked at the swing and couldn't help laughing: "Huaiqing, Liu Yunfei, it's better for us to rest a little and swing, maybe it can make our thoughts clearer."

Huaiqing smiled and nodded, and Liu Yunfei agreed.

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