The three took turns swinging, and with the swing, they seemed to feel a sense of ease and release, as if in this tranquil garden, temporarily putting aside intrigue and crisis.

Huai Qing was swinging on the swing, but a trace of doubt could not help but arise in his heart: "Is the masked man's pursuit of the heart stone also to pursue some kind of balance?"

Yingyin looked at him and pondered, "Perhaps, the power he is looking for may not be blindly used for malice, or it may be to achieve some purpose."

Liu Yunfei stopped the swing and muttered, "But no matter what, we can't let him use this power for destruction." If the Stone of the Heart falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Huai Qing took a deep breath and his expression firm: "Yes, we must find this heart stone, and all the clues related to it, to stop his conspiracy."

Yingyin stood by the swing, her eyes resolute: "Our love and faith cannot be shaken by conspiracy." No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, we will move forward courageously. "

In the tranquility of the garden, Huaiqing, Yingyin and Liu Yunfei stopped on the swing and bathed in the breeze. The starry sky at night seems to be specially decorated for this moment.

Yingyin looked at the sky and said softly: "Here is where we stop and feel the beauty of life."

Liu Yunfei nodded: "Every moment is worth cherishing, especially when there are many conspiracies."

Huai Qing looked at the three and said firmly: "No matter how many challenges lie ahead, we will face them together to protect this beautiful world."

As they were communicating, faint cries suddenly came from one side of the garden. The three involuntarily walked in the direction of the crying and found a young girl sitting next to the flower bed, tears sliding down her palms.

Yingyin stepped forward and asked softly, "Girl, what's wrong with you?" Why cry? The

girl raised her head, her eyes hazy with tears, and said, "I... I lost my family and I have nowhere to go.

Huaiqing frowned, feeling pity: "Don't worry, we will help you find a solution."

The girl's gaze suddenly stayed on Huaiqing's face, and she suddenly showed a surprised expression: "You... Are you Lord Huaiqing?

Huai Qing was surprised: "You know me? The

girl nodded: "Yes, you once gave me a sachet at the lantern, I am a poor village girl."

Yingyin remembered the scene of giving the sachet before, and smiled: "It turned out to be you, and we are very happy to see you again." The

girl's face showed gratitude: "The adult once said that sachets bring good luck, and I got a job since then, but now that my family has left me, I don't know where to go."

Liu Yunfei said gently: "Don't worry, you can stay in the palace, we will arrange your residence and work." The

girl was grateful: "Thank you, you are like angels sent from heaven."

Yingyin smiled and said, "We also hope to bring you some warmth and hope." In

the tranquility of the garden, the girl joins the team of Huaiqing, Yingyin and Liu Yunfei, who decide to face the mystery of the Heart Stone together and stop the masked man's plot. Soon, however, they found that the situation became more complicated.

Soon after, a charming aroma began to circulate inside the palace, permeating every corner. This aroma is strange and mysterious, making people feel refreshed and emotionally drawn like silk.

Yingyin frowned and said, "This aroma... It seems to be related to the previous incident.

Huai Qing's brows also furrowed: "Yes, we shouldn't be bothered by this charming aroma."

Liu Yunfei looked around warily and said, "This aroma may be a means of manipulating emotions, we need to be careful."

However, just when they were vigilant, the girl's expression suddenly became trance, and her eyes lost focus. Her voice became blurry: "So fragrant... It's so good..."

Huaiqing immediately realized that something was wrong, quickly walked to the girl, held her hand, and called loudly: "Wake up!" Don't be fooled!

Yingyin also joined in, slapping the girl's cheek: "Wake up quickly!" Don't indulge in this aroma!

Liu Yunfei held his breath, his eyes condensed, and his sword intent was pervasive, ready to deal with possible danger at any time.

The girl gradually regained her senses, held her head, and said unconsciously: "I... What's wrong with me?

Huai Qing breathed a sigh of relief and patted her shoulder comfortingly: "You were affected by an incense, but we stopped it in time."

Yingyin looked around and said in a deep voice, "The appearance of this incense means that the masked man may have sensed our actions, and he is trying to interfere with our judgment."

Liu Yunfei gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, his gaze firm: "We must be more careful not to let his conspiracy succeed." Faced

with the masked man's intrigue and charming aroma, Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, and the girl decide to move on and find clues about the Heart Stone. However, as they continue their investigation, they are involved in another mysterious event.

In the corner of a palace, they stumbled upon a hand-drawn map with a Peking Opera face painted on it. There are various colors and patterns on the face, which seem to contain some kind of message.

Liu Yunfei frowned and said, "This map seems to be related to Peking Opera.

Huai Qing took a closer look, remembered the previous lantern festival and juggling performance, and thought: "Maybe this is related to our previous experience, maybe it is some kind of code."

Yingyin looked at the hand-drawn map, her eyes shining: "If we can understand the meaning of these faces, we may be able to find clues to the Heart Stone." The

girl also joined the discussion: "I have heard that the different colors and patterns of Peking Opera face represent different characters and emotions.

Huai Qing nodded: "That's right, each color and pattern has its own specific meaning. Perhaps the order and color combination of these faces may hide important information.

Yingyin thought for a moment, and suddenly inspiration flashed: "Maybe this is related to the previous Mi Xiang, which can manipulate emotions, and Peking Opera is also a way to perform emotions."

Liu Yunfei agreed: "Perhaps, both Mi Xiang and Peking Opera are related to the power of the Heart Stone. We need to connect these threads to find deeper meaning.

Huai Qing stared at the hand-drawn map, and his tone was firm: "We must solve this mystery and stop the conspiracy of the masked man." Huai

Qing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, and the girl began to seriously study the Peking Opera faces on the hand-drawn map. They analyze the arrangements, colors, and patterns of different faces to try to find hidden information.

Yingyin carefully observed the face and suddenly thought: "The colors and emotions in the Peking Opera face seem to have a specific correspondence. For example, red usually represents joy and anger, while blue represents sadness and worry.

Huai Qing nodded: "That's right, these emotions are the scope that the Heart Stone can influence. "

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