Liu Yunfei stared at the face and suddenly said: "If we arrange the color and emotion of the face according to a specific combination, will we get a password?" The

girl is also actively involved: "Maybe each combination of colors and emotions corresponds to a place or person, and when combined together, it can form a clue to the map." So

, the four began to arrange and combine different colors and emotions, trying to find patterns. After some trying, they finally discovered that a certain combination of colors and emotions formed a path, as if a clue had been drawn on a map.

Huai Qing said excitedly: "This may be a clue to guide us, and we should follow this path to find the next key point."

Yingyin looked at the path and said seriously: "But before following this clue, we must always be vigilant and not be fooled by the masked man's conspiracy again."

Liu Yunfei gripped the hilt of his sword and said firmly: "This time, we must be careful not to give the masked man any chance." The

girl also felt hopeful: "With this clue, we will definitely be able to get closer to the truth of the Heart Stone."

Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, and the girl followed the clues on the hand-drawn map to an ancient garden in the palace. In the center of the garden, there is an ancient statue holding a brilliant jade ring that exudes a mysterious light.

Liu Yunfei stared at the jade ring and felt the power contained in it: "This jade ring does not seem to be simple.

Huai Qing's gaze flickered and said, "According to the clues on the map, this jade ring may be related to the clues of the Heart Stone.

Yingyin looked at the jade ring and frowned, "But can we take it?" After all, this is a treasure in the royal palace.

The girl suddenly had a thought: "Before this jade ring, I had heard a legend that it had great power and could cause fights.

Liu Yunfei thought seriously: "Maybe this jade ring is the clue we need, but before taking it, we must be fully prepared."

Huai Qing nodded: "You are right, we must be careful not to be confused by the power of this jade ring." After

deliberating, the four decided to try to remove the jade ring, but carefully avoided clashing with its power. They have prepared some precautions in case accidents happen.

At a cautious moment, Huaiqing gently reached out and tried to remove the jade ring. However, the moment it touched the jade ring, a powerful energy burst out, causing the jade ring to spin quickly as if it were alive.

Yingyin said in surprise: "This jade ring seems to have a life of its own.

Liu Yunfei raised his sword, guarding against possible danger, and said, "We must be careful not to let its power hurt us." The

jade ring spun faster and faster, and the wind around it became more and more violent. Huai Qing's brows furrowed, and he was engrossed in trying to control the energy of the jade ring.

The girl felt some kind of information in the jade ring and said in surprise: "I seem to hear a voice, as if calling for something." "

In the rotation and power of the jade ring, Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei and the girl felt unprecedented pressure and challenge. However, just as they were trying to control the energy of the jade ring, suddenly a cold wind blew and a shadow shrouded the entire garden.

Yingyin's brows furrowed and said, "It's not good, it seems that someone is coming."

Liu Yunfei's sword was still held in his hand, he looked around vigilantly, and whispered: "The masked man may have discovered our movements, he is here."

Huai Qing gripped the jade ring, looked around, and asked nervously, "What do you think we should do?" The

girl's gaze was firm: "We can't give up the jade ring, but we can't easily have a frontal conflict with the masked man." At

this moment, a dark shadow came out of the shadow of a tree on the side, dressed in black and wearing a mask on his face. His appearance seemed to bring a chill, chilling.

The masked man looked at Huai Qing and the others indifferently, his voice was low and elusive: "Your actions are really not simple, you actually found the jade ring."

Huai Qing protected the jade ring and said, "We are not here to be your enemy, but this jade ring seems to be related to our purpose.

Yingyin stepped forward and said firmly: "We hope to stop the masked man's conspiracy and protect the peace of this world." The

masked man's gaze was deep, as if he was thinking about something. After a moment, he said softly, "This jade ring is my mission and my purpose.

Liu Yunfei clenched his sword and asked vigilantly, "Who are you?" Why pursue this jade ring? The

masked man slowly raised his hand, pointed to the jade ring, and said, "This jade ring is my family's belief object, representing mysterious power and balance.

Huai Qing's heart moved, and he felt that what the masked man said seemed to overlap with the information he had sought before.

Yingyin's eyes condensed and asked, "Do you know more about the Heart Stone?" The

masked man nodded slightly: "Yes, the Heart Stone is a treasure that has the power to balance the world, but it can also bring chaos. The

girl said suddenly, "I heard its call, as if it wanted to say something." The

appearance of the masked man made the atmosphere tense and complicated, and Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, and the girl were all full of curiosity and vigilance.

Huai Qing's eyebrows showed deep thought, and asked: "Masked man, you said that this jade ring represents balance, but why did you pursue it, but it also caused such a big chaos?" The

masked man was silent for a moment, and then said, "The traditional mission of the family makes it necessary for me to find the stone of the heart to balance the power of the world. But in the process of pursuing, I found that this power was not what I wanted.

Yingyin stared at the masked man's eyes, and his tone was firm: "Do you know that someone tried to use this power for malice?" The

masked man nodded: "I know, that person is a member of my family." He sought greater power and wanted to rule the world.

Liu Yunfei clenched the hilt of his sword and asked, "Why are you chasing this jade ring, don't you know that this will cause more fighting and chaos?"

There was a hint of bitterness in the masked man's voice: "My mission is so, but I did not expect the consequences to be so serious." The

girl suddenly said, "Perhaps, we can find a way to use this power for justice to balance the world."

The masked man pondered, as if considering the girl's words. After a moment, he whispered, "Perhaps, you are right." I would like to listen to your suggestions.

Huaiqing felt a glimmer of hope and said, "We must work together to stop that person's conspiracy and direct this power in the right direction." "

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