Li Shimin touched his chest, his eyes filled with exhaustion and relief. He turned to Xie Huaiqing and said with a smile: "Xie Huaiqing, thanks to your resourcefulness, we can win this battle.

A smile appeared on Xie Huaiqing's face, but he frowned unconsciously. Deep down, he understood that the victory over the Turks was only the beginning, and the future of the country was still full of challenges and difficulties. He knew he had to continue his efforts to fight for the future of his country.

Back at the palace, Li Shimin summoned Xie Huaiqing, and he said solemnly: "Xie Huaiqing, I am impressed by your talent and courage. I have decided to appoint you as a general with full responsibility for the country's military affairs. The

heavy responsibility of the great general made Xie Huaiqing feel that the burden on his shoulders was heavier, and at the same time, he was full of fighting spirit. He actively planned the country's military reform, reorganized the army, strengthened the training of soldiers, and improved the quality of weapons and equipment. He understood that only a strong army can ensure the security and stability of the country.

During a military exercise, Xie Huaiqing personally commanded the army to conduct combat simulations. He stood on a high place, looking down at the soldiers in a neat formation, and the pride and sense of responsibility in his heart were intertwined. He commanded the soldiers to carry out various tactical maneuvers and controlled the entire exercise in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, a mock unit of a Turkic army appeared in the distance. Xie Huaiqing's eyes froze, and he quickly gave an order, adjusted his formation, and was ready to face the battle. He knew that this was a test of his military talent and also a test of the overall quality of the army.

The battle begins, and the two sides come and go, and the swords and shadows are woven into a spectacular picture. Xie Huaiqing was the forerunner, riding a war horse, shuttling through the battlefield, directing the cooperation of different troops. His sword skills are flexible and his every swing is accurate, knocking enemies back.

The exercise was in full swing, and in the end, the Great Tang army successfully repelled the simulated Turkic army. The soldiers showed excellent combat literacy in battle, and Xie Huaiqing strengthened his confidence. He knew that through constant training and exercise, the army would definitely become stronger.

When night fell, Xie Huaiqing stood alone on the city tower, looking at the starry sky in the distance. An inexplicable emotion surged in his heart, he remembered his family, remembered his first encounter with Li Shimin, and remembered the rise and fall of the country. He deeply understands that his responsibility is very heavy, but he is also willing to work hard for it.

In the following days, General Xie Huaiqing worked hard to promote military reform, and he formulated a series of training plans and tactical exercises to continuously improve the overall quality of the army. He trained with soldiers and studied deeply with military strategists, striving to find innovative tactics and strategies.

At a tactical seminar, Xie Huaiqing and his military advisers sat around a large table discussing how to deal with the threat posed by the Turkic army. Xie Huaiqing's brows furrowed slightly, and he pointed out various key points on the map, showing his tactical ideas. His clear thinking and rigorous logic convinced everyone present.

After the meeting, a military strategist couldn't help but praise Xie Huaiqing: "General, your resourcefulness is really admirable. If we can act according to your plan, we will surely be able to defeat the Turkic invasion.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and nodded, his eyes flashing with determination: "We will definitely make every effort to defend our country." No matter what difficulties I encountered, I would face them with the soldiers

, and under the leadership of Li Shimin, the Great Tang Army became stronger and stronger through Xie Huaiqing's reform and training. However, the threat of the Turks did not disappear, and they took advantage of the discord within the Great Tang to launch another wave of fierce attacks.

Xie Huaiqing frowned, he knew that this time the battle would be even harder. He called a meeting of military advisers to discuss responses. At the meeting, everyone put forward different opinions, but Xie Huaiqing summed up the reasonableness and finally decided on a brand new tactic.

War broke out, and the Great Tang army and the Turkic army fought fiercely. Dressed in armor and armed with a long sword, Xie Huaiqing commanded the soldiers to set up according to predetermined tactics. His eyes were resolute and his steps were firm, like a flag, which boosted the morale of the soldiers.

The Turkic army came like a tide, the battlefield was filled with gunfire, and the swords and shadows were intertwined. Xie Huaiqing calmly commanded the team and let them withstand the onslaught of the Turks. His sword technique is like flowing water, with both the swiftness of attack and the firmness of defense, and every swing can effectively block the enemy's attack.

In the midst of the fierce battle, a Turkic general rode a embarrassed war horse and rushed towards Xie Huaiqing. He was armed with a steel knife and was murderous. Xie Huaiqing did not show weakness, he calmly stepped forward, and the sound of swords colliding echoed on the battlefield.

The two clashed, swords, swords, swords and shadows intertwined, and sparks splashed everywhere. Xie Huaiqing's sword technique was flexible and changeable, but he could clearly feel the strength of his opponent, and he had to do his best to deal with it. During the battle, his mood was unusually calm, and he was thinking about how to find the flaws in his opponent.

The Turkic generals suddenly increased their offensive, and Xie Huaiqing felt a powerful force pressing towards him. With a movement in his heart, he quickly moved his figure and avoided the fatal blow. Then, he seized the moment and stabbed a sword into the abdomen of his opponent.

The Turkic general screamed, his steel knife fell to the ground, and his war horse galloped away uncontrollably. Xie Huaiqing quickly stepped forward and cut off his opponent's life with a sword. He took a deep breath and scanned the battlefield with his eyes firmly.

After the battle, Xie Huaiqing and the soldiers cleaned up the battlefield and cleaned up their wounds. He knew that victory in the war was hard-won, but he also understood that the tranquility of the country required their constant efforts. He was deeply proud of the courage and dedication of the soldiers, and at the same time satisfied that he was able to contribute to the country.

In the days after the war, the Great Tang army returned home in triumph, and Xie Huaiqing's name became even more resounding. However, nation-building and development still require continuous efforts. With the support of Li Shimin, Xie Huaiqing continued to promote various reforms and contributed his wisdom and strength to the prosperity and stability of the country.

Li Shimin invited Xie Huaiqing to discuss plans at a banquet at the palace. At the banquet, the aroma is overflowing, and delicious food is placed in the banquet hall. Li Shimin smiled and toasted Xie Huaiqing and said, "The general has worked hard, and this victory is thanks to your resourcefulness and courage.

Xie Huaiqing also raised his glass and responded respectfully: "Your Majesty is wrong." It is also my honor to be able to do my part for the country. "

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