Just as everyone was enjoying the banquet, suddenly, a messenger hurriedly entered the banquet hall. He handed Xie Huaiqing a letter in a low voice, and then retreated. Xie Huaiqing opened the letter suspiciously, and there were only a few short words on it:

the three words "Tom Ryfeng"

shocked Xie Huaiqing's heart, and he immediately understood that this was a Turkic threat. He looked up at Li Shimin, and the emperor's eyes revealed a deep worry.

Xie Huaiqing put the letter back in his sleeve and said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, the Turks are threatening my Great Tang again, and they seem to have regathered their forces. We must be prepared for the unexpected.

Li Shimin nodded, and his brows furrowed slightly: "What the general said is extremely true." Although we defeated them, their threat has not disappeared. We need to be fully prepared. As

a result, the Great Tang Dynasty once again entered a state of intense preparation. Xie Huaiqing personally supervised the training of the army, and he promoted innovation in military technology to strengthen border patrols and defenses. Together with Li Shimin, he discussed strategies and formulated plans to deal with the Turks.

During a military exercise, Xie Huaiqing stood on a high place and observed the soldiers' performance from a distance. His eyes are sharp and he meticulously examines every detail. He discovered an omission among the soldiers and immediately ordered the formation to be adjusted, so that the entire exercise returned to order.

Suddenly, a loud bang broke the tranquility, and a mock unit of the Turkic army suddenly appeared at the border. Xie Huaiqing's eyebrows furrowed, he knew that this was a sudden exercise. He immediately gave the order to organize the soldiers to carry out an emergency counterattack.

The battle began, and Xie Huaiqing, dressed in armor and holding a long sword, personally led the soldiers to face the battle. His sword skills are accurate and swift, and each blow is able to hit the enemy's point with precision. His eyes showed determination and determination, and he knew that this mock battle was not just a drill, but also a test of his leadership ability.

The exercises were in full swing, and the soldiers were racing against the clock to fight the enemy. Xie Huaiqing constantly adjusted his tactics and commanded his soldiers to launch orderly attacks and retreats. His mind is racing, and he must make accurate decisions in a short period of time in order to achieve ultimate victory.

Over time, Xie Huaiqing's position in the Great Tang army became more and more solid, and he was known as the "Great General of Chang Sheng". His military wisdom and courage made him a mainstay of the country, and he could calmly cope with any difficulties he faced.

One day, Xie Huaiqing was discussing a new military strategy with military advisers, when suddenly Li Shimin personally came. The emperor's expression was serious, and he faced Xie Huaiqing and said: "General, intelligence shows that the Turkic army has gathered again and is preparing to launch a large-scale attack.

Xie Huaiqing nodded to show that he understood, he knew that this threat should not be underestimated. He thought for a moment, and then said, "Your Majesty, I have a plan. We can take advantage of our geographical advantages to set up ambushes in the border areas and lure the Turkic army into encirclement.

Li Shimin's brows frowned slightly, and he expressed doubts about this plan: "General, the Turkic army is strong, and they may not easily fall for it.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and explained, "Your Majesty rest assured, I have considered various possibilities. We will choose the right time and place, and I have devised a detailed set of tactics to ensure that we can defeat the enemy under limited conditions.

Li Shimin looked at Xie Huaiqing, and then nodded approvingly: "The general is indeed a wise person, and I fully trust your decision." Hopefully, we can win this battle. "

The trumpet of war sounded again, and the Great Tang army entered a state of readiness for battle. Xie Huaiqing personally commanded the soldiers, dividing them into several squads and lurking in suitable positions. His eyes revealed confidence and determination, and he knew that this battle was crucial to the future of the country.

The Turkic army marched like a torrent. Xie Huaiqing held his breath and concentrated, he waited for the best opportunity. When the Turkic army fell into an ambush circle, he suddenly made a loud noise, the sound of a trumpet, and the beginning of the battle.

The Great Tang army attacked from all directions, and the Turkic army was surrounded in the center. Xie Huaiqing rode a war horse and led the elite troops to charge forward, his sword light flashing, and every hit could easily cut off the enemy's resistance.

The battle was in full swing, filled with gunfire, and the sound of killing was shocking. The Turkic army was defeated and retreated under the siege of the Great Tang army, and its morale gradually declined. Xie Huaiqing's military wisdom was fully manifested, and his tactics made it impossible for the enemy to deal with it.

In the end, the Great Tang army successfully defeated the Turkic army and successfully defended the country's borders. On the battlefield, Xie Huaiqing stood in the midst of a mess, his eyes flashing with determination and pride. He knew that this victory was the result of the team's hard work and his own decision-making wisdom.

The post-war victory did not cause Xie Huaiqing and his army to relax their vigilance, on the contrary, they tightened their patrols and defenses of the border more closely. However, under the prosperity and peace of the country, a young man named Cheng Yanjin gradually attracted everyone's attention.

Cheng Yanjin was born in an ordinary peasant family, but his body was unusually strong and his strength was amazing. Since childhood, he has loved to practice fighting skills with wooden sticks, and soon showed a superhuman fighting talent. Although he had no formal military training, his martial arts were unmatched.

One day, Cheng Yanjin heard that the Great Tang army was selecting new generals, and he decided to go to participate in the selection. When he stepped into the selection venue, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. His tall body and resolute expression made people involuntarily feel awe.

Xie Huaiqing stood on the sidelines, his eyes intently observing the performance of each contestant. When he saw the scene of Cheng biting Jin, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. Every move and every form of Cheng Yanjin reveals unparalleled power, as if no one can stop it.

The contestants were gradually eliminated, leaving only Cheng and several other candidates. In the end, it was Cheng's turn to face off against one of the candidates. The two stood in the ring, the atmosphere tense and full of expectation.

The duel began, Cheng Yanjin's movements were like a tiger descending a mountain, and his punches and kicks hit immediately, making people dizzy. Although the opponent barely resisted, he was quickly defeated, and Cheng Yanjin won the victory. Applause and cheers from the ring rang out.

Xie Huaiqing walked into the ring, personally stretched out his hand to Cheng Yanjin, and said approvingly: "Cheng Bitjin, your martial arts are excellent, which is very impressive. Our army is in need of talents, and I hope you can join the Great Tang Army and do your part for the country. "

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