In a small village in ancient times, there lived a clever and witty boy named Xie Huaiqing. He was a small doctor in the village, because of his father's early death, he learned medical skills from the old doctors in the village since he was a child, and gradually, he skillfully used herbs to treat various diseases in the village, and was highly respected by the villagers.

One day, a beautiful girl came to the village, her name was Liu Wan'er. Liu Wan'er's family is superior and her appearance is beautiful, but she always looks melancholy, as if she is worried about things. People in the village speculate about her intentions, but no one knows her true story.

Once, Liu Wan'er became seriously ill, and the whole village fell into panic. After Xie Huaiqing heard the news, he rushed to Liu Wan'er's residence without hesitation, exhausted his medical skills, and finally stabilized her condition. Liu Wan'er woke up and looked at the young doctor in front of her, and a sense of gratitude surged in her heart.

Since then, the fates of Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er have begun to intertwine. Whenever Liu Wan'er was depressed, Xie Huaiqing would always try his best to make her happy, and he used his ingenious medical skills to resolve Liu Wan'er's worries. The two gradually became intimate, and Xie Huaiqing's wit and humor conquered Liu Wan'er's heart.

However, fate was not all smooth sailing. One day, Liu Wan'er's family suffered a huge blow and fell into crisis. She was forced to leave the village and had to take responsibility in the face of her family's plight. Xie Huaiqing decided to support Liu Wan'er, and he dropped everything in his hands and followed her on an unknown journey.

During the journey, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er experienced many difficulties and dangers, but they always held each other's hands. Xie Huaiqing used his wisdom to solve many difficulties, and Liu Wan'er gradually found a strong strength under his company. The relationship between the two has become deeper and deeper, and they are no longer just confidants of each other, but have become indispensable beings in life.

However, the test of fate is not over. An accident left Xie Huaiqing injured and was in critical condition. Liu Wan'er desperately searched for herbs and finally treated Xie Huaiqing's injuries. The relationship between the two reached its peak at the moment of life and death, and they knew the importance of each other.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er continued their journey of collecting medicines. They came to a mysterious mountain forest where it is said that an extremely precious herb grows that can cure many diseases. However, this mountain forest is full of danger, and the roar of wild beasts sounds from time to time, which makes people fearful.

Liu Wan'er held Xie Huaiqing's hand tightly, and they carefully walked through the dense woods. Suddenly, a huge poisonous snake burst out of the grass and attacked them. Xie Huaiqing quickly pulled Liu Wan'er to dodge, but the speed of the poisonous snake was extremely fast, and it bit into Liu Wan'er's leg.

Liu Wan'er fell to the ground in pain, her face pale. Xie Huaiqing was so anxious that he quickly found some herbs and began to urgently treat Liu Wan'er's wounds. He was skillful, and after a while, Liu Wan'er's injuries were brought under control. However, the venom of the poisonous snake has penetrated into her body, and the situation is still very dangerous.

Liu Wan'er looked at Xie Huaiqing weakly and said softly: "Huaiqing, I'm afraid I won't be able to move forward." You don't have to worry about me, go find that herb.

Xie Huaiqing shook his head firmly: "Wan'er, I won't leave you behind." We face the difficulty together and overcome it together. I heard that there is also a rare herb called 'Flower of Life' in this forest, which is said to neutralize the venom of poisonous snakes. I'll look for it for you.

Liu Wan'er looked at Xie Huaiqing with emotion, her eyes full of gratitude and warmth. The two relied on each other's strength and continued to move forward. They traversed dense jungles, climbed steep mountains, and braved hardships to find the flower of life.

Finally, in a deep valley, they found traces of the flower of life. However, the flower of life grows on a steep cliff that seems out of reach. Xie Huaiqing did not have the slightest hesitation, he decided to climb up, at all costs.

The climb on the cliff was full of challenges, and Xie Huaiqing almost missed many times. However, he remembered Liu Wan'er and their commitment, which gave him firm strength. Finally, he grabbed the protruding rocks and managed to climb to the location of the flower of life.

Xie Huaiqing carefully picked the flower of life, knowing that it would be the only hope to save Liu Wan'er. When he returned to Liu Wan'er again, she was unconscious.

He ground the flower of life into medicinal powder and gently fed it to Liu Wan'er. As time passed, Liu Wan'er's breathing gradually stabilized, and her face gradually returned to bloody.

"Wan'er, you have to live well." Xie Huaiqing's voice was full of firmness and warmth.

Liu Wan'er slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xie Huaiqing, her eyes full of emotion: "Huaiqing, you are really my lifesaver." With you by my side, I feel fearless. With

the help of the flower of life, Liu Wan'er gradually recovered. However, they did not stop moving forward, as they learned about another herb that was said to be able to cure more diseases with blood as a guide. This herb is known as "blood leading", but it grows in a mysterious forbidden place.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er decided to go to this forbidden place together to find the blood grass. They traveled through dense forests, over steep mountains, and finally came to a gloomy and deep valley. The legendary Blood Primer is said to grow deep in this valley.

"It feels really weird here." Liu Wan'er whispered, her eyes revealing a trace of fear.

Xie Huaiqing held her hand and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, with me by your side, everything will be safe." The

two entered deep in the valley, in a thick wood. Suddenly, a buzzing sound came, and a group of huge mosquitoes attacked them. These mosquitoes are unusually fierce and bloodthirsty, and once they bite, they draw a large amount of blood.

"These mosquitoes are really hard to deal with!" Xie Huaiqing frowned, and he kept waving the branches in his hand to try to repel mosquitoes.

"Maybe we can find a way to lure them away with blood." A flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Wan'er's eyes.

Xie Huaiqing understood what she meant, and they gently scratched their fingers, allowing blood to drip on the ground. Sure enough, under the attraction of blood, mosquitoes flew to the ground, buzzing around the blood.

"Now we can take the opportunity to move forward." Xie Huaiqing said, and the two carefully passed through the mosquito surrounding.

They continued deeper into the valley and finally saw a peculiar meadow. On that meadow, a bright red herb grows, which is exactly the legend.

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