Xie Huaiqing carefully picked some blood herbs, and they understood how precious this herb was. However, in the process of picking, a low roar suddenly sounded, and a huge carnivore pounced on them.

Liu Wan'er was stunned with fright, but Xie Huaiqing calmly pulled her and found a narrow cave. They hurried into the cave, and the claws of the giant beast streaked through the mouth of the cave.

"It should be safe here." Xie Huaiqing breathed a sigh of relief, but they also understood that this was only temporary.

They waited quietly in the cave and waited until the behemoth had left before quietly leaving. Despite all the difficulties, they finally got the blood grass.

"It will be a new beginning and we can bring hope to more people." Liu Wan'er said encouragingly.

After returning to the village, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er carefully planted the blood grass in a special herb garden. Gradually, this herb garden became a valuable resource in the village, and people came from all over the world to seek healing. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er cured many diseases with blood and grass, winning the respect and gratitude of more people.

However, a sudden fire almost flattened the entire herb garden. When the fire intensified, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er rushed into the fire without hesitation, wanting to rescue the herbs that had not yet been burned. They fought hard in the fire, risked great danger, and eventually rescued many herbs.

"We can't let these herbs just disappear." A determined light flashed in Liu Wan'er's eyes.

"That's right, we will rebuild the herb garden and hopefully replant." Xie Huaiqing was also full of determination.

Together with the villagers, they rebuilt the herb garden. Although the process was difficult, everyone's efforts were not in vain, and the herb garden was revitalized. People flock here for healing and hope.

In this process, the relationship between Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er became deeper and deeper. They have gone through ups and downs together, and their trust and dependence on each other have become stronger. Their names were also passed around the village and became the heroes of the village.

However, fate does not seem to calm down. One day, a mysterious team suddenly appears in the village, claiming to be emissaries of the royal family, who come to search for rare herbs. They learned of the existence of the Blood Primer Grass and believed that it was the only hope for curing the king's serious illness.

There was a lot of talk in the village, and some supported handing over the herbs to the royal family, believing that it was the only way to preserve their homeland. However, there are also those who firmly oppose it, arguing that herbs are a valuable treasure of the village and cannot be handed over at will.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er were in a dilemma. They understood that giving the herbs to the royal family might save the king's life, but it also meant losing the opportunity to heal more people. They face difficult choices and unknown challenges.

"Huaiqing, I know it's hard, but we have to make a decision." Liu Wan'er looked at Xie Huaiqing, her eyes full of firmness.

"Wan'er, no matter what decision we make, someone will be hurt. But we must always believe that our original intention is to help more people, which is our mission. Xie Huaiqing held Liu Wan'er's hand tightly.

The hearts of the two are intertwined with contradictions and entanglements, how will they choose? The future of the story is full of uncertainty, so let's look forward to the next development.

Faced with the choice, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er sat in the herb garden late at night, silently gazing at the lush plants.

"Handing over some of the herbs may save the king's life, but it also means that we have lost the opportunity to treat more people." Liu Wan'er's voice was full of helplessness.

Xie Huaiqing pondered for a moment, and then said softly: "We can hand over a part of the blood leading grass, but keep a part for the treatment of the villagers. We can't lose sight of our original intention to help more people, whether it's the king or our village.

Liu Wan'er nodded in agreement, she knew that this was a compromise method and the decision that best balanced the interests of all parties.

The next day, the messengers came to the village again and demanded the blood and weeds. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er came with the blood grass, and they gave some of the herbs to the messenger, while leaving some for the treatment of the villagers.

"This is a little bit of our heart, and I ask you to give them to the king." Xie Huaiqing said, his eyes revealing deep hope.

The messengers took the blood and thanked them. They then left the village and returned to the palace with herbs.

The village returned to a peaceful life. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er continued to treat the villagers, using the healing power of blood to bring grass back to more people's health. The villagers were full of gratitude to them, and their names were once again spread around every corner.

However, the emissaries did not return as expected. The king's condition did not improve significantly, and there was tension inside and outside the palace. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er were very worried about the news, and they understood that the king's life would have a huge impact on the entire kingdom.

"Can we help him?" Liu Wan'er's voice was full of unease.

"Maybe we can go to the palace again and personally treat the king." Xie Huaiqing came up with an idea.

So they decided to go to the palace again, hoping to bring healing to the king. They traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers and finally came to the gate of the palace. However, they were intercepted by the guards and had no chance to enter the palace.

"We had to find a way to enter the palace." Xie Huaiqing frowned.

"Maybe we can find other ways to enter without having to enter through the main entrance." A flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Wan'er's eyes.

Outside the palace, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er finally found a hidden passage to enter the palace after many attempts. They carefully traversed the back garden of the palace and finally came to the vicinity of the king's bedchamber.

"We must be careful not to alarm the people in the palace." Xie Huaiqing reminded softly.

They went on and finally came to the king's bedroom door. There was a conversation outside the door, and they vaguely heard some information about the king's condition.

"The king's condition has deteriorated, and the medical skills seem to be." A voice said.

"We have to find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise the country will be in turmoil." Another voice was full of apprehension.

Hearing this, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er's hearts became heavier. They understood that the king's condition was not optimistic and that time was urgent.

"We have to find a cure quickly." Determination flashed in Liu Wan'er's eyes.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, and they decided to wait for the dead of night to enter the bedroom

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