Personally treated the king.

As night falls, the palace gradually quiets down. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er took advantage of this opportunity and quietly entered the king's bedroom. They saw the king lying on the bed, pale and breathing weakly.

"We need to find out his condition before deciding on treatment." Xie Huaiqing said softly.

The two began to make detailed diagnoses for the king, using their vast medical knowledge to find a cure. After some examination, they found that the toxins in the king's body were extremely powerful, not only from diseases, but also from some kind of influence from the outside world.

"The toxins in the king's body seem to be related to his environment." Liu Wan'er mused.

"Maybe some kind of external poison has invaded his body." Xie Huaiqing guessed.

They decided to use their healing skills to try to remove toxins from the king's body. Through various herbs and techniques, they began their attempts at this adventure.

Time passed quickly, and after a long period of hard work, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er finally felt that the toxins in the king's body had weakened. The king's breathing gradually stabilized and his complexion improved.

"We're getting closer to success." Liu Wan'er's voice was filled with excitement.

However, at this moment, the bedroom door was suddenly opened, and a group of guards poured into the room.

"Who are you? Dare to trespass into the palace! One of the guards shouted angrily.

Although Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er were in danger, they did not flinch in the slightest. Xie Huaiqing protected Liu Wan'er and said calmly: "We are not here to do bad things, we are here to help the king." His condition required urgent treatment.

Liu Wan'er also stood up, her voice firm and resolute: "Our purpose is to save the king's life, and if we can continue the treatment, there may be a glimmer of hope." The

guards looked at each other, hesitation flashing in their eyes. The king's illness was urgent, and they knew that there was no time to delay now.

At this moment, a clear voice sounded: "Let them in." With

the sound, a gorgeously dressed old man walked in, he was the king's adviser and the prime minister of the country.

"Your Majesty?" Liu Wan'er looked at the old man who walked in in surprise.

"What evidence do you two physicians have that you can heal the king?" The Prime Minister asked.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er explained their diagnosis and treatment process in detail to the prime minister, and their medical knowledge and efforts convinced Zai.

The prime minister thought for a moment, and then nodded: "Since you are willing to help our country's worries, I am willing to give you a chance." But if you can't heal the king, you will suffer serious consequences. "

We're going to do everything we can, give it our all." Xie Huaiqing said solemnly.

Liu Wan'er also joined: "Please allow us to continue the treatment." The

Prime Minister looked at them for a moment, then agreed to their request. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er were given the opportunity to continue their treatment.

Immersed in the healing process, they exhausted all methods and herbs in an effort to remove toxins from the king's body. The prime minister and the guards stood by and watched the whole process nervously.

After a period of hard work, the king's face gradually improved slightly. Liu Wan'er gently wiped the sweat from her forehead and said encouragingly: "Your Majesty, please persevere, we will do our best to treat you." Although

the king was not yet awake, his breathing became steady and some of his symptoms were alleviated.

"Hope is really coming." A look of relief appeared on the Prime Minister's face.

However, the process of treatment was not all smooth sailing. Suddenly, the king's condition took a turn for the worse, his face became paler and his breathing weakened.

Liu Wan'er's brows furrowed, and she anxiously asked Xie Huaiqing: "Huaiqing, what should we do?"

Xie Huaiqing's eyes were firm: "We can't give up, we must find a way to stabilize the king's situation." I have an adventurous treatment that I hope will work.

Xie Huaiqing held Liu Wan'er's hand tightly and said with a firm expression: "We must take a risk." I have heard of a rare herb called the 'Fountain of Life', which is said to awaken life in the human body and if we can find it, we may be able to save the king."

Liu Wan'er looked at Xie Huaiqing, her eyes full of trust and determination: "Huaiqing, I believe in your decision, we will succeed." "

They left the king's chamber and began their journey in search of the fountain of life. According to ancient legend, the Fountain of Life is hidden deep in a mysterious forest and needs to go through many trials to obtain.

In the forest, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er face various challenges, including thorny roads, fierce beasts, and mist-shrouded meadows. However, they did not flinch, relying on strong will and mutual trust, step by step towards the goal.

Finally, they came to a deep valley where the legendary fountain of life is located. However, there is a strong ghostly aura in the valley that is daunting. However, they were not intimidated, and they knew that only by overcoming these difficulties could they obtain herbs and save the king.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er traveled through the valley together and met a mysterious old man. The old man told them that in order to obtain the fountain of life, they must pass a test of the heart.

"You must look back on your past, face the contradictions and struggles in your heart, and only by untying the knot in your hearts can you be recognized by the fountain of life." The old man said affectionately.

After listening to the old man's words, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er closed their eyes and began to recall their past. They recall their experiences, face past mistakes and pains, and always face their inner struggles.

In memory and reflection, they gradually release their inner bondage and find stillness. The process is not easy, but they firmly believe that only by overcoming their past can they gain the recognition of the fountain of life.

When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves in a secluded meadow. A clear spring emerges in front of you, exuding tranquil and healing energy.

"This is the fountain of life." Xie Huaiqing said with emotion.

Liu Wan'er approached the spring water and carefully put a piece of herb into the water. As the herbs come into contact, the spring water emits a brighter glow, which then slowly blends into the herbs.

They took out the herbs and returned to the king's bedchamber. Under the watchful eye of the prime minister and guards, they ground the herbs into powder and gently fed them to the king.

Time seemed to freeze, and everyone held their breath, nervously waiting for the results. The king's face gradually returned to bloody color, and his breathing became steady.

Finish! The king's condition was finally stabilized. "

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