Cheng Yanjin's eyes flashed with firmness, he tightly held Xie Huaiqing's hand, nodded solemnly and agreed: "General, I am willing to serve the country." From

then on, Cheng Yanjin became a member of the Great Tang Army. His addition made the entire army stronger, and his bravery and fighting skills were astounding. Xie Huaiqing saw unlimited potential in Cheng Yanjin, and he trained him to be an excellent military leader.

At one time, the Great Tang army once again faced a Turkic challenge. The Turkic army was large and imposing. Xie Huaiqing and Cheng Yanjin stood side by side in front of the team, their eyes firm, not saying a word, but they could feel each other's trust and tacit understanding.

The battle began, and Cheng Yanjin wielded a huge war hammer, like a violent god of war, he could defeat a group of enemies with one hammer. His figure came and went like the wind on the battlefield, and the morale of the enemy was suppressed by his power.

Xie Huaiqing commanded the team and strategized, his eyes revealing calmness and wisdom. His tactics kept the Great Tang army highly organized, and his command made the soldiers as unshakable as steel.

In the fierce battle, Cheng Yanjin suddenly felt a powerful sense of crisis. He turned to see a Turkic army general rushing towards him on a war horse, armed with a giant axe.

Cheng Yanjin's pupils contracted, and he raised his war hammer without hesitation to face the enemy's giant axe. A huge impact sounded, and Cheng Yanjin felt the amazing power of the enemy. His arm shook and he was almost shaken away, but he gritted his teeth and steadied his figure.

Cheng Yanjin swung his war hammer and slammed into the enemy. The enemy's giant axe was knocked off by his power, and Cheng Yanjin followed by a sideways kick, kicking the enemy off his horse. He then jumped onto the enemy's horse and swung his giant axe to knock the enemy out completely.

This scene made the soldiers of the Great Tang Army excited, and their morale once again reached its peak. Cheng Yanjin stood on the battlefield, his chest heaving, and the muscles in his body seemed to tell his fighting spirit.

Cheng Yanjin successfully repelled the enemy, but the situation on the battlefield was still very fierce. The Turkic army kept coming, and the Great Tang army had to deal with it with all its might. Xie Huaiqing stood at the front of the battlefield, his brows furrowed, thinking about his next tactics.

Cheng Yanjin rushed to Xie Huaiqing's side, panting, but said firmly: "General, we can't be beaten passively anymore, let me lead an elite army, charge, and directly break through the enemy's front."

Xie Huaiqing looked at Cheng Yanjin, and he saw the flame in the young warrior's eyes, a brave and fearless aura. He nodded slightly and agreed: "Okay, Cheng Yanjin, you lead the troops to carry out a surprise attack, and we will provide support in the rear." Cheng

Yanjin nodded, and without saying much, he turned to leave, followed by several soldiers. Cheng Yanjin's troops were like an iron wall, breaking through the enemy's line and charging towards the core of the Turkic army.

The battle broke out again, and Cheng Yanjin swung his giant axe, invincible. His strength made the enemy dare not approach easily, and his courage inspired every soldier of the Great Tang army. For a while, he became the focus of the battlefield and attracted everyone's attention.

However, the counterattack of the Turkic army was also unusually fierce. Although Cheng Yanjin was brave, he was also constantly besieged by the enemy. His body was wounded in many places by enemy knives and guns, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered, and did not flinch.

Xie Huaiqing observed the battlefield, and when he saw the situation in which Cheng Yanjin was, a wave of worry surged in his heart. He knew that Cheng Yanjin's courage was commendable, but if he continued like this, his life would face great danger.

Xie Huaiqing resolutely decided that he personally led a support army to Cheng Yanjin's side. His sword skills are like lightning, and each blow can defuse the enemy's attack. His gaze revealed deep concern, and he knew that Cheng Yanjin was not only a soldier, but also a precious talent of the Great Tang.

When Cheng Yanjin saw Xie Huaiqing's figure appear on the battlefield, a warm current surged in his heart. He felt the general's concern and encouragement, which made him more determined to fight.

"Cheng Yanjin, retreat, let me come!" Xie Huaiqing shouted loudly, his sword light was like a rainbow, clearing a safe clearing for Cheng Yanjin.

Cheng Yanjin retreated, short of breath, his body was already suppressed by the pain and could not move. He stood aside, his eyes firmly fixed on Xie Huaiqing, and his heart was full of gratitude and admiration.

Under the leadership of Xie Huaiqing, the Great Tang army launched an even more fierce counteroffensive. They showed unimaginable unity and courage and finally suppressed the Turkic army.

After the battle, the battlefield was filled with gunsmoke and the smell of battle. Cheng Yanjin stood up with difficulty, his body was full of pain, but his eyes were full of determination and pride.

Xie Huaiqing walked to Cheng Yanjin's side and patted him on the shoulder: "Cheng Bitjin, you have performed very well, you are a real warrior." A

smile appeared on Cheng Yanjin's face, and he felt the general's approval, which was his greatest reward for fighting.

Yingyin also joined the persuasion: "If we can unite and use the power of the Heart Stone to protect peace, then both the family and the world will benefit from it."

Liu Yunfei put down his sword and said with a smile: "This may be our only choice, we must unite and dispel the shadow of the conspiracy." In

the communication with the masked man, Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei and the girl gradually established a kind of trust and understanding. They decide to work together to direct the power of the Stone of the Heart in the direction of justice and stop the shadow of the conspiracy.

Huai Qing stretched out his hand and said sincerely: "Maybe we can become friends and jointly guard this jade ring and protect the peace of this world."

The masked man thought for a moment, then also stretched out his hand, held Huaiqing's hand, and said, "I am willing to work with you to use the power of this jade ring for goodwill."

Yingyin smiled and said: "With our cooperation, we can exert greater strength, threat."

Liu Yunfei also joined in: "We will join hands to stop the malice of that family member and lead the world to peace and justice."

The girl said expectantly: "We can protect this world full of love and faith, and use the power of the heart stone to help people and transmit hope." The

four clasped each other's hands, conveying their determination and conviction to each other. They decide to work together to stop the malicious conspiracy of that family member and protect the power of the Heart Stone for justice and peace.

Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, the girl and the masked man became partners

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