, determined to jointly guard the power of the Stone of the Heart for justice and peace. In the shadow of intrigue, they welcomed the arrival of spring, and people set foot to admire the flowers.

One clear morning, they came to a picturesque valley. The valley is full of green grass, flowers, babbling streams, and spring.

Huai Qing said with a smile: "It seems that spring has finally come, and it is really a good time to step into the green."

Yingyin readily agreed: "Yes, the scenery here is so beautiful and makes people feel happy."

Liu Yunfei scanned the surroundings and reminded: "Although we are pursuing clues, we cannot ignore the safety around us." The

girl smiled softly: "Don't worry, it's peaceful and safe here, just right for us to rest for a while." The

masked man also nodded: "Yes, we need to adjust our state and prepare for the next challenge." "

They found a quiet place to sit and started enjoying the spring beauty. The stream rippled in the sun, and the flowers emitted a faint fragrance, as if a picture of nature unfolded in front of them.

Huaiqing broke the silence and asked, "Masked friend, do you know more secrets about the Heart Stone?" The

masked man pondered for a while and said, "In the family legend, the Heart Stone is the key to guarding balance. It has the power to balance the power of the world, but it can also cause chaos.

Liu Yunfei interjected, "We should find a suitable way to direct the power of the Heart Stone in the right direction. The

girl said hopefully: "It would be a wonderful thing if we could use its power to help people."

Yingyin added, "However, we must be careful to prevent the power of the Heart Stone from being abused. "

In the spring light of the valley, Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, the maiden and the masked man continued to rest and discuss the power of the Heart Stone. However, just as they were immersed in the discussion, there were suddenly cheers and loud sounds.

They turned their heads and found a group of people playing an ancient sport on the grass not far away, Keju. Keju is a soccer sport that originated in ancient times and requires players to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with their feet.

Huai Qing looked at the laughter on the Keju Field and said with a smile: "It seems that the people here are enjoying the green while also playing an interesting game.

Yingyin also said with interest: "Keju is an ancient sport and a good way to exercise.

Liu Yunfei looked at the skills on the field and said, "This doesn't seem simple, the athletes' skills are really superb. The

girl asked curiously, "Does Keju's competition also require balance and teamwork?" The

masked man nodded: "Yes, Keju not only requires individual skills, but also the tacit cooperation of the entire team."

Huai Qing suddenly thought of something and said, "Perhaps, the concept of Keju can also be related to our task of protecting the Heart Stone.

Yingyin nodded in agreement: "That's right, Keju's emphasis on balance, cooperation and team spirit is exactly what we need."

Liu Yunfei also echoed: "We can learn from Keju's concept and use the power of the Heart Stone to protect peace, and cooperate with others to resist the conspiracy of that family member." "

Next to Kejuba, people are laughing and enjoying their time in the green. Suddenly, however, a faint turbid breath pervaded, making people feel a little uneasy.

Huai Qing and the others raised their heads alertly and found a dark cloud in the sky, like a sudden storm. The people's joy gradually fell silent, replaced by the cries of worry.

Yingyin frowned and said, "What is the situation?" Why did the sky suddenly become so gloomy?

Liu Yunfei looked around and said worriedly: "This faint turbid breath makes people feel not very good."

The girl frowned and said, "I feel as if I have a sense of foreboding.

Just as they were on alert, someone suddenly ran from the crowd and shouted in panic: "Plague! The plague broke out!

Huai Qing and the others' faces became solemn, and they all looked in the direction of the city. I saw that in the city, people fell to the ground one after another, and a mysterious epidemic was spreading rapidly.

The masked face also showed anxiety, saying: "This plague seems to be menacing, and we must take action."

Yingyin bit her lip tightly and said, "We can't sit idly by, we have to help those who are suffering from the epidemic."

Liu Yunfei clenched the hilt of his sword and said resolutely: "Yes, we must act to stop the spread of this plague."

The girl clenched her fists and said with conviction: "Our mission is not only to protect the stone of the heart, but also to protect the people of this world."

Huai Qing looked at everyone and said firmly: "Let's go to the city together, help those who are troubled, and stop the spread of the plague."

Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, the girl and the masked man hurried to the city, and the sight in front of them made their hearts heavy. People fell on the streets, and the ravages of the plague were chilling.

In the chaos, they saw a makeshift porridge shack where people were lining up to receive their porridge.

Huai Qing's heart moved, and he said, "Maybe we can help some people here and cook some porridge for them."

Yingyin nodded in agreement: "Yes, the people here are in danger, if we can help." "

Everyone went into action together, and they found some ingredients for cooking porridge next to the porridge shed. Liu Yunfei skillfully lit the fire source and began the process of preparing the porridge.

The girl smiled and said, "Although we have a major mission ahead, we cannot ignore the need for help from the people in front of us. The

masked man silently joined the ranks of the porridge cooking, his movements, although calm, revealed a firm determination.

Soon, a pot of fragrant porridge was cooked, and the crowd began to distribute the porridge to those who were waiting. People took the porridge gratefully, and their eyes were full of emotion.

A middle-aged woman sipped porridge and said gratefully: "Thank you for your help, you are."

Huaiqing smiled and said, "We are just doing our part, hoping to help everyone get through the difficulties."

Yingyin said encouragingly: "This plague will definitely be defeated, everyone must maintain confidence." "

The atmosphere next to the porridge shed gradually became warm and hopeful. Huaiqing and others not only cooked porridge for people, but also sent them encouragement and courage.

Liu Yunfei said: "Let our actions become a light in this plague." While

helping people to give porridge, Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, the maiden and the masked people also realized that they needed more knowledge and methods to deal with this plague. So they decided to go to an ancient library in the city and read ancient books on medicine and plague.

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