When they came to the library, a smell of ancient books came to their faces, and they were greeted by the arrangement of countless ancient books and classics.

Huai Qing looked around and said, "The books here must have knowledge about medical techniques and plagues.

Yingyin walked to a row of bookshelves and began to browse the books, saying, "We need to find some ways to cure the plague."

Liu Yunfei also joined the flip and said: "Although the plague is terrible, there are many successful cases of cure in history. The

girl searched carefully and said, "If we can find a secret recipe to fight the plague, we may be able to save more people."

The masked man quietly flipped through the ancient books, suddenly stopped, and said, "There is a medicine called 'Life Protection Pill' here, which is said to have the effect of treating infectious diseases. Several

of them gathered together to study the ancient book in detail. The production method and materials of the life protection pill are all recorded in detail in the book.

Huaiqing clenched his fists and said, "We not only want to give porridge, but also find ways to treat medicine for people."

Yingyin said hopefully: "The Protective Pill may be able to curb the spread of the plague, and we must prepare quickly." Everyone

decided to follow the methods in ancient books and find the herbs and materials needed to make the health protection pill. While reading medical knowledge in ancient books, they are also bringing a glimmer of hope to the people of the city.

In the library, Huai Qing and others successfully found the preparation method and the herbs needed for the health protection pill. However, making a health pill was not an easy task, and they realized that they needed more medical knowledge.

Just as they were thinking, a mysterious young girl walked in, followed by an old man. The girl's eyes were full of wisdom, she looked at Huaiqing and the others, smiled and said, "It seems that you are also looking for a cure for the plague.

Huaiqing and the others looked at the girl, and Yingyin asked, "Do you have any knowledge about medical techniques?" The

girl nodded and said, "My family has been a doctor for generations, and I am also one of them, and I heard your conversation and may be able to provide some help."

Liu Yunfei hugged his fists and said, "Divine Doctor Girl, if you are willing to help us, we will be very grateful." The

girl smiled and said, "My name is Han Xue, and I hope to do my part for everyone." The

masked man also stepped forward and said, "We need a way to cure the plague, and we also need to make a life protection pill."

Han Xue looked at the ancient book and said after thinking for a moment: "I also know the method of making the Life Protection Pill, but I need some rare herbs and special materials.

Huai Qing asked, "Do you know the whereabouts of these herbs?"

Han Xue nodded and said, "I know, but these herbs are not easy to obtain, and we need to go to a place called 'Grass Sea Valley'. The

decision to go to the Grass Sea Valley to find rare herbs was not easy, but Huaiqing, Yingyin, Liu Yunfei, the girl, the masked man and Han Xue all knew that this was the only chance to save the people of the city. So, they were ready and embarked on a journey to the Grass Sea Valley.

Along the way, they trekked through dense forests, climbed steep mountains, and trekked through barren grasslands. Their journey is full of hardship and uncertainty, but each step is to heal those who have been plagued by the plague.

During the trip, Han Xue shared a lot of knowledge about medical techniques and herbs with everyone, and her experience and insights benefited everyone. At the same time, Huaiqing and the others also learned more and more about Han Xue's strength and kindness.

One day, they finally arrived at the Grass Sea Valley. The place is covered in lush herbs, which gently sway in the breeze, like a sea of green.

Liu Yunfei looked around and said, "There is indeed lush vegetation here, and herbs should be among them."

Huai Qing nodded and said, "We must be careful not to touch dangerous herbs.

Yingyin looked at the ground and said, "Han Xue, do you know the characteristics of those rare herbs we are looking for?

Han Xue nodded, pointed ahead and said, "Those rare herbs usually grow between other herbs, and their leaves and flowers have unique patterns and colors. While

carefully searching, everyone communicated with Han Xue, and from time to time they would also collect some ordinary herbs to prepare for making the health protection pill.

The king slowly opened his eyes, his gaze resting on Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er, full of gratitude: "Are you those two doctors?"

Liu Wan'er smiled and nodded: "Your Majesty, we have been working hard to heal, and finally found the fountain of life, and hope that you can recover."

The king sat up with difficulty and looked at them: "You are the true heroes of our country, saving me and the whole kingdom."

The prime minister also approached and said with emotion: "Your medical skills and courage are admirable, and our country will never forget your contribution."

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er saluted the king and prime minister, and said humbly: "Your Majesty, we are just doing our part, and hope that you can recover."

The king smiled kindly: "Your kindness and medical skills have saved me, and I will not forget it." "

Over time, the king's recovery went well and peace and prosperity returned to the kingdom. The names of Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er were inscribed in history and became legendary heroes of the kingdom.

However, they did not stop at the mission of healers. They continue to work hard to develop the herbs of the Fountain of Life to bring hope and healing to more people.

With the support of the king, they created an herbal medicine academy that trained generations of excellent healers. With their experience and wisdom, they have created new medical methods and pushed medicine to new heights.

The love between Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er has also become deeper and deeper with the passage of time, and they have been together for a lifetime and have experienced countless storms together. Their stories have become beautiful legends passed down from generation to mouth, inspiring generations to pursue hope and courage.

After establishing the Herbal Medicine Academy, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er did not stop their pursuit. They decide to leave the kingdom and embark on a new journey to further afield to further study medicine.

"Although our experience and knowledge are rich, there are still many unknown herbs and treatments in the world waiting for us to explore." Liu Wan'er said expectantly.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "Only by continuous learning can we better serve people." "

During their travels, they met many like-minded healers and scholars, exchanging experiences and sharing knowledge. They learned a variety of different medical techniques, delved into the efficacy of various herbs, and constantly enriched their medical knowledge.

With their efforts, their fame gradually spread.

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