The body is also gradually tired. In a remote village, they meet a wise man who tells them that their mission has been affirmed and that it is time to take a break and find some tranquility for themselves.

"We can rest for a while, but our mission is not yet complete." Liu Wan'er stared into the distance, her gaze firm.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and hugged her: "Yes, but a break is also necessary, we need to accumulate strength for the next journey." In

the village, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er spent a quiet time. They have set up health clinics among the villagers to provide treatment and guidance to those in need. The people of the village are full of gratitude for them and consider them their own family.

However, fate always seems to be full of trials. On a cold winter, a severe flu outbreak left many villagers infected with the virus and their lives were in danger.

"This time the virus seems to be more ferocious and spreading faster." Xie Huaiqing's brows were deeply locked.

Liu Wan'er pondered the solution: "Maybe we can try to use a special herb that has shown antiviral potential in previous treatments.

Xie Huaiqing nodded: "You are right, we can try to develop this herb into a medicinal agent to provide treatment for patients." "

They started working urgently on potions, working day and night. Although the cold weather made them unwell, their determination did not diminish in the slightest.

Eventually, they succeeded in developing an antiviral agent and distributing it to the villagers. Under their treatment, the patients gradually recovered their health and the virus was effectively controlled.

"You are our saviors!" A middle-aged woman gratefully grabbed Xie Huaiqing's hand.

Liu Wan'er smiled and said, "We just did our part. However

, the flu crisis has also made them realize that time is not sparing and their bodies are no longer young. They know that they can no longer devote themselves to medical work endlessly, and they need to take better care of themselves.

"Maybe we can find a suitable heir to pass on the medical career." Liu Wan'er came up with an idea.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "Yes, our experience and knowledge should be passed on so that more people can continue to help those in need." So

they began to train a young healer to impart their medical skills and wisdom. Although that young man was under great pressure, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er guided him carefully, allowing him to gradually grow into an excellent healer.

However, when a new generation of healers began to take on medical work independently, a letter of urgent help broke the calm again....

"Our mission is not over." Xie Huaiqing looked at Liu Wan'er, her eyes full of determination.

Liu Wan'er nodded: "Yes, no matter where we are, as long as someone needs help, we can't ignore it."

After reading the letter of help, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er embarked on the journey again. They have travelled to a remote place, a small, isolated village whose people are facing a mysterious outbreak.

When they arrived at the village, they found that the people in the village were showing abnormal symptoms, including dizziness, vomiting, etc. Liu Wan'er looked closely and suspected that this might be caused by some kind of poisoning.

"This outbreak does seem extraordinary, and we need more information to determine the cause." Xie Huaiqing said with a frown.

In the village, they met an old man who told them that there was an ancient forest near the village that was rumored to hide a special plant that might be related to the outbreak.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er did not hesitate at all, and they decided to go to the forest to find the answer. The forest is full of ancient atmosphere, towering trees and lush grass. However, after entering the forest, they gradually felt a sense of depression and unease.

"The atmosphere here is a little weird, and there seems to be some danger lurking." Liu Wan'er said carefully.

While they were exploring the forest, suddenly a group of strange creatures appeared in front of them. These creatures look like a fusion of humans and animals, full of hostility.

"We have to deal with it carefully." Xie Huaiqing prepared some herbs and prepared to use them when needed.

Liu Wan'er tried to communicate with the creatures: "We came to find herbs, hoping to solve the mystery of the epidemic in the village. The

creatures seemed to understand her words and let their guard down slightly. Subsequently, they led Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er deep into the forest to a mysterious garden.

In the garden, they saw a huge plant that emitted suffocating energy. Liu Wan'er noticed that these energies seemed to be emanating from this plant, which may be the source of the epidemic.

Xie Huaiqing held Liu Wan'er's hand tightly, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time. They decided to take a closer look at the plant to find a way to solve the mystery of the pandemic.

However, in the process of research, they gradually discovered that this plant has a special ability to absorb human emotions and energy. And the outbreak was precisely because the plant began to spiral out of control, affecting the entire village.

"The plant seems to feed on human emotions, but under over-sucking, it loses its balance." Liu Wan'er said in shock.

Xie Huaiqing pondered, "Can we find a way to restore the balance of this plant without harming the people of the village?" "

to bring it back into balance. However, herbs undergo a complex refining process and a special ritual to accomplish this mission.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er decided to return to the village and tell the villagers about their findings and plans. Although the villagers were worried, under the explanation of Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er, they decided to work with them to try to control the power of the plant.

In the village, they worked together and began refining herbs and preparing them for special preparation. In the process of refining, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er's medical skills were fully utilized, and their formulas and methods were gradually perfected with the help of the villagers.

On the day of the ceremony, people from the whole village gather around the garden. They light bonfires, chant incantations, and concentrate the power of herbs in a special vessel. Liu Wan'er's voice resounded throughout the garden and seemed to resonate with the natural world.

Xie Huaiqing, on the other hand, carefully channeled the power in the container into the huge plant. The plants began to tremble, emitting a bright glow, and the entire garden seemed to be filled with energy.

However, as the ritual progresses, the plant's power becomes unstable and seems to rebel against control. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er tried their best to maintain control and not make things more dangerous.

The villagers also cheered for them and supported them with firm faith. Finally, under the convergence of efforts, the power of plants began to level off, and the power of herbs was successfully injected into it.

A ray of light shot out from the plants and filled the entire garden. Liu Wan'er's voice became weaker and weaker, and Xie Huaiqing felt as if she had a strange connection with plants.

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