Eventually, the light dissipates and the plant's power is rebalanced. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er feel as if they have just experienced a magical journey, but in this journey, they successfully control the power of plants and solve the mystery of the epidemic in the village.

The villagers cheered and gratefully paid their respects to Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er. Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er know that their mission has been affirmed again, and their medical skills and beliefs continue to exert great influence in this world.

However, they understand that although they have resolved this crisis, the world is still full of countless challenges and difficulties. Their journey is far from over, and new adventures and missions await them.

With the task of solving the epidemic in the village, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er came to a new place again. This time, they came to an ancient city surrounded by dense forests, and heard that the people here are experiencing a crisis related to mysterious beasts.

When they walked into the city and felt the tension, a city leader came to greet them.

"Welcome, legendary healers, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er. We are facing a crisis that threatens the entire city. An ancient divine beast, Suluku, appeared around us, bringing chaos and fear. We need your help. The leader's voice was full of anxiety.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er exchanged a look, and they decided to investigate the mysterious beast to see why it appeared and if there was any way to calm its anger.

They went to the place where the mysterious beast appeared, and found that it had become a mess. The people of the city talked about it, and they were extremely afraid of this mysterious beast.

Liu Wan'er carefully observed the traces left, and she noticed some subtle changes.

These traces seem to indicate that this divine beast was once peaceful, but now it has become violent and ferocious. It is not behaving properly, there must be some reason. Her voice was full of thought.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "We need to find the root problem of this divine beast, maybe we can treat it and bring it back to normal." They

decided to go deep into the dense forest to find more clues about this mythical beast. Deep in the forest, they stumble upon an ancient altar with some mysterious herbs and ritual items.

"Perhaps this altar is related to the anomaly of Suluku. Maybe someone tried to control it somehow, but it caused the opposite effect. Xie Huaiqing guessed.

At this moment, a heavy breath suddenly permeated, and a huge figure walked out from the woods. It was Suluku, whose eyes were full of anger.

Liu Wan'er quickly stepped forward and tried to communicate with Sulugu in a soft voice: "Sulugu, we are not here to hurt you. We are here to help you. Your anger may be for some reason, and we are willing to listen to your story. Xie

Huaiqing also stepped forward and showed the herbs and altar items they had brought with them, showing their sincerity to Sulugu.

The divine beast seemed to feel their kindness, and its anger eased slightly, but its eyes were still full of guard.

"Perhaps we can perform a ritual on the altar, with the help of the power of herbs, to try to solve the troubles in Sulugu's heart. Liu Wan'er came up with a method.

After a period of hard work, they finally had everything ready on the altar. At the beginning of the ceremony, Sulugu also appears calmer and seems willing to try to cooperate with them.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er began chanting incantations, lighting herbs and surrounding the altar with a faint smoke. Their voices gradually merged into the sounds of nature and seemed to have developed some kind of connection with the soul of Suluku.

Just at the climax of the ceremony, they suddenly saw a apparition, the image of a young maiden appeared above the altar. The girl's eyes were full of pain and sadness.

"This is... Suruku memory? Liu Wan'er guessed.

The Phantom Maiden begins to tell the story of her relationship with Suluku, a former guardian of the forest with whom she has a deep connection. However, an accident puts her life at risk, and Suluku, in desperation, adopts some kind of control method, which leads to the current situation.

"We understand that Suluku became cranky to protect you. Xie Huaiqing said to the phantom girl in a firm tone.

Nodded sadly, and then her apparition faded away, leaving a warm feeling behind.

"We need to help you reconnect with Suluku, resolve misunderstandings, and restore calm to your relationship. Liu Wan'er's voice was full of sympathy.

Under the guidance of the phantom girl, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er had a deep communication with Sulugu. Through rituals, they convey their sincere wishes to help Suluku shake off the troubles of the past and restore its peaceful nature.

Gradually, under the influence of the ritual, Suluku's anger and tension began to ease, and its body gradually became calm. Its eyes were no longer hostile, but full of a hint of softness.

Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er and Su Lugu looked at each other and smiled, and seemed to have reached a tacit understanding in the communication without words.

"We understand your suffering, and maybe this is the time to let go of the pain of the past and start anew. Xie Huaiqing's voice was as soft as a breeze.

They continued the ritual, gradually transmitting the power of herbs into Suluku's body. In the warm light, the mysterious divine beast seemed to release the tolerance and tolerance of the heart.

When the ceremony was over, Suluku's posture appeared lighter, and its eyes were full of gratitude. It seems that with the help of Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er, it found a way to vent its emotions and restore its own peace.

City leaders and residents also arrived to express their gratitude and welcome when they saw the changes in Sulugu.

"Xie Huaiqing, Liu Wan'er, you are our saviors! The leader said gratefully.

Liu Wan'er smiled and shook her head: "We just did what we could, and Sulugu was willing to cooperate with us to make everything possible." From

then on, Xie Huaiqing and Liu Wan'er, together with Sulugu, became the guardians of the city. Through medical skills and spiritual communication, they maintain the peace and tranquility of the city.

However, they know that there are still countless difficulties and challenges in the world and that their journey will never end. They will continue to move forward, using their medical skills and faith to bring hope and warmth to those in need.

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