Li Xuan stood beside Xie Huaiqing, his eyes were full of pride and confidence, and their dreams would become reality step by step.

Based on the successful experience of farmland, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan decided to continue to expand the cultivation scope of farmland and began to try to grow medicinal plants to provide more resources beneficial to health. They allocated a plot of land in one place specifically for the cultivation of medicinal herbs.

"Although growing medicinal herbs is challenging, our experience and belief will help us overcome the difficulties. Xie Huaiqing encouraged Li Xuan and the team.

Li Xuan nodded, he was full of interest and desire for new challenges. They planted some commonly used medicinal plants such as astragalus, angelica and danshen in their fields. Each plant is planted on carefully treated land to ensure that they can fully absorb the soil's nutrients.

Over time, medicinal plants in the fields gradually grew. Each plant appears to be exceptionally strong, as if to show people their healthy vitality. The smell of herbs fills the fields, making people feel as if they are in a natural medicinal garden.

"These medicinal plants seem to be growing well, and I think they will be very good as well." Li Xuan said excitedly.

Xie Huaiqing smiled, he knew how much Li Xuan was looking forward to the success of this attempt. They are not only growing medicinal herbs, but also exploring the relationship between people and nature, hoping to create healthier and more beneficial resources through sustainable cultivation.

Over time, medicinal plants finally ushered in the harvest season. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan led the team to carefully pick the mature plant parts to ensure that their medicinal properties were not damaged.

"The harvest looks good this time. Xie Huaiqing looked at the medicinal plant in his hand with satisfaction.

Li Xuan also smiled and nodded, he felt the hard work and dedication of the team behind him, it was all worth it.

Harvested medicinal plants are set aside and carefully processed. They dry and dry them to preserve the best qualities of the herbs. The whole process is full of ritual, as if interpreting a sense of gratitude to nature.

Harvest celebrations take place in the fields, where people sit around and share the joy of medicinal plants. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan took the stage and shared their experience and experience with everyone, hoping to convey the concept of healthy and harmonious life through the cultivation of medicinal plants.

"Medicinal herbs are not only for health care, but also a way to live in harmony with nature. We hope that through our efforts, more people can realize the gifts of nature and cherish our common home. Xie Huaiqing's voice was full of affection.

Li Xuan stood beside him, his eyes full of confidence and hope, their efforts will continue, exploring more possibilities.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan's farmland has become a paradise of diversity, not only with rice, but also with the fragrance of medicinal plants. Their exploration and innovation continue to inspire enthusiasm and curiosity. Every attempt is a respect for nature and an ecological balance

, and with the success of medicinal cultivation, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan's farmland paradise has gradually attracted more people's attention. More and more people come to visit and learn, hoping to gain knowledge about farmland cultivation, ecological protection and the use of medicinal herbs. In order to meet the needs of people, they decided to develop the farmland paradise into a farmland science popularization base, providing training and education.

"We hope that through this base, we can convey more information about farmland culture and ecological protection, so that more people can join us." Li Xuan's voice was full of passion.

Xie Huaiqing nodded in agreement: "Yes, our farmland paradise is not only a place to plant, but also a platform for transmitting knowledge and ideas. We hope that through our efforts, we can influence a wider scope and make more people aware of the importance of ecological protection. "

The construction of the base began, and people set up exhibition halls, lecture halls and experimental areas in the fields. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan personally participated in it, and they carefully designed every detail, hoping to bring the best experience to visitors.

With the completion of the base, the first visitors arrived. People visited the base, they walked into the exhibition hall, looked at the display panels about farmland culture, listened to the explanations of the docents, and gained a deeper understanding of the history and significance of farmland.

In the experimental area, a group of children are hands-on farming, carefully turning the land with shovels in hand. The children's laughter echoed through the fields, and their eyes were filled with curiosity and excitement.

"This was my first hands-on experience with farming and it was so much fun! A little boy said excitedly.

Li Xuan walked over, squatted down, and encouraged the children: "Great, keep up the good work, you are the future guardians of the farmland."

After listening to Li Xuan's words, the children became more motivated, and they continued to farm seriously, as if they were creating their own small farmland.

In the lecture hall, Xie Huaiqing is explaining to a group of adults about ecological protection and medicinal plants. People listened intently, their eyes filled with longing and curiosity, wanting to learn more about the mysteries of nature.

"Herbs are not only medicinal herbs, but also precious gifts from nature. We should learn how to protect them so that they continue to contribute to our health. Xie Huaiqing's voice was gentle and deep.

People nodded, and they felt a sense of responsibility and mission from Xie Huaiqing's words. The base is not only a place for popular science, but also a starting point to guide people to live in harmony with nature again.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan's farmland paradise has become a respected farmland science popularization base, attracting people from different places to come to learn and visit. Their efforts are not only for themselves, but also for the whole society, so that more people can realize the importance of ecological balance and sustainable development. No matter what challenges and difficulties lie ahead, they will unwaveringly as

the reputation of the farmland park grows, and more and more people are willing to visit and learn. This also brought more opportunities for Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan, who began to think about how to make the farmland paradise more sustainable and reap certain benefits from it.

At a meeting, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan discussed the issue with the team members.

"Our farmland is not just about publicity, it's about promoting sustainable farmland farming. We can consider making some high-quality agricultural products into specialty goods to obtain certain benefits. Xie Huaiqing put forward his own idea.

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