The team agreed, and everyone began to think about how to put the idea into practice. They decided to first select some high-quality rice and medicinal plants and make them into beautiful gifts such as rice gift boxes and herbal gift packs for tourists to buy.

With the meticulous processing and packaging of agricultural products, the small shops in the farmland paradise come alive. Visitors browse the shop for a variety of exquisite agricultural products and are captivated by their quality and creativity.

"This rice gift box is so creative, I must buy one to take home. A tourist excitedly shopping for gifts.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan personally entertained the visitors in the store, and they introduced the characteristics and stories behind each agricultural product in detail. People are not just buying products, they are buying a concept of ecological protection and sustainable development.

With the passage of time, the agricultural products of Farmland Paradise have been loved by more and more people. Not only tourists, but also some merchants are beginning to notice the potential here. A medicinal herb company contacted Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan to buy their medicinal plants for making herbal products.

"It's a really great opportunity for us to sell herbs to this company and make a profit from it, while also being able to pass on our ideas to more people." Li Xuan said excitedly.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, he knew that this was an important decision, not only about economic interests, but also about their mission and values.

They had in-depth communication and cooperation with medicinal herb companies and reached a cooperation agreement. Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan insist on sustainable cultivation methods to ensure the quality and purity of medicinal plants.

With the advancement of the cooperation, the income of the farmland park gradually increased. These revenues are not only used to maintain the operation of the base, but also into the improvement of farmland and the construction of communities.

On a clear day, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan stood on the high ground of the farmland paradise, overlooking this vibrant land. Their efforts have paid off, not only in achieving their sustainability goals, but also in terms of economic gains.

"Our farmland paradise is not only our dream, but also a responsibility and mission. Through our efforts, we have influenced many people and brought more people to join the action to protect nature. Xie Huaiqing's voice was full of pride and satisfaction.

Li Xuan looked into the distance, he took a deep breath, felt the breath of nature, and felt the pleasure of being one with it.

Over time, farmland parks not only gained a local reputation, but began to gain recognition on a wider scale. A large agricultural cooperative from the city came to cooperate with Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan, hoping to use their experience and ideas to promote the sustainable development of the agricultural industry.

When the leaders of the cooperative held a meeting with Xie Huaiqing, Li Xuan and others, the atmosphere was warm and full of expectation.

"We heard about your farmland and were inspired. We hope to use your experience to expand this sustainable farming method to more places. The cooperative leader said excitedly.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and nodded: "We are very willing to cooperate with you to spread this concept further."

Li Xuan added: "The resources and scale of the cooperative will be a great advantage for us, and we can jointly promote the development of the agricultural industry in a greener and sustainable direction." In

the ensuing collaboration, Farmland Park co-curated a large-scale agricultural exhibition with the cooperative. The exhibition not only showcases the cultivation methods and achievements of the farmland paradise, but also the agricultural products and technological innovations from the cooperative. People learned about the bright future of agriculture from all angles and were moved by the green and sustainable picture presented.

At the exhibition site, Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan explained in detail the planting skills and agricultural concepts for the visitors. People surround them, asking curious questions and learning more from them.

"How do you protect soil and water? A visitor asked curiously.

Xie Huaiqing replied with a smile: "We use methods such as crop rotation and organic fertilizer to maintain the fertility and ecological balance of the soil. In addition, we focus on the recycling of water resources to ensure that not a drop of water is wasted.

The visitors nodded and praised, and they felt a kind of wisdom in the coexistence of farmland and nature from Xie Huaiqing's words.

The exhibition has received widespread attention and recognition, not only praised by farmers and agricultural experts, but also attracted the attention of government officials and the media. A feature story about farmland paradise was broadcast on TV, allowing more people to know about this project that benefits people and nature.

With the support and input of the cooperative, the farmland paradise began to expand on a wider scale, and they established branches in different places to promote the concept of sustainable agriculture. The farmland brand has gradually established itself in the field of agriculture and has become a model of sustainable development.

Xie Huaiqing and Li Xuan, with the support of the cooperative, began to explore more innovative planting methods and agricultural product development. They positioned the farmland as an experimental field, constantly experimenting with new ideas and technologies, and

Xie Huaiqing, an ordinary young man,

lived in an ordinary small village. He has no special talent in him, nor is he amazingly talented, just an ordinary person who struggles hard. However, fate doomed him to become a legend.

In this world, there is a mysterious creature called the dragon race. They are powerful creatures with amazing strength and intelligence. Dragons are divided into different races, each with unique abilities and characteristics. These dragons are hidden in human society and are deeply respected and admired.

Xie Huaiqing's life changed drastically when he inadvertently saved a badly injured little dragon. This little dragon is named Illya, a rare astral dragon with the ability to predict the future. Illya is grateful to Xie Huaiqing for saving his life and decides to marry him.

From that moment on, Xie Huaiqing's fate began to reverse. He was introduced to the world of dragons and learned about their culture and history. He finds himself with a special place among the dragons, as he is the only human able to communicate with Illya. He became friends and allies of many dragons, and also met many impressive dragons.

However, the world is not at rest. There are complex relationships and conflicts of interest between dragons and other races. Xie Huaiqing and his dragon friends had to face threats from inside and outside and try to protect their homeland and clan. In the course of this adventure, Xie Huaiqing gradually unveils the mystery of the dragon clan and discovers a larger conspiracy.

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