The story is full of friendship, love, betrayal and sacrifice. Xie Huaiqing will have to face difficult choices to protect everything he holds dear. His heart will undergo great trials, and at the same time it will show courage and wisdom that he never imagined.

Xie Huaiqing has spent many incredible moments in the world of the dragon clan. His friendship with Illya grows deeper, and they explore this mysterious world together every day. One day, they came to an ancient dragon relic hidden deep in the mountains, which is the sacred place of the Starlight Dragon Clan.

Standing in front of the ruins door, Ilia whispered softly, a mysterious force surrounded them, and the door quietly opened. The two entered the ruins and found precious documents about the origin and history of the dragons. These documents gave them a better understanding of their identity and the deep connection between dragons and humans.

During their adventures, they meet other powerful dragon races such as Flame Dragons, Crystal Dragons, Forest Dragons, and many more. Each dragon clan has unique strength and wisdom, and Xie Huaiqing becomes their connecting point, facilitating cooperation between different races.

However, the world of dragons is not peaceful. A dark force rises in an attempt to destroy the social order of the dragons. A thrilling battle broke out, and Xie Huaiqing and Ilia led the other dragons to resist. In this battle, Illya reveals the true power of her Starlight Dragons, foreseeing the enemy's actions so that they can win.

But this victory is not the end, but a new beginning. Xie Huaiqing understood that the dark forces were only one of the many threats facing the dragon race. They need stronger forces, broader alliances, to keep the peace.

At the moment of decision-making, Ilia said to Xie Huaiqing: "We must find the legendary Dragon Heart, which is the source of strength for all dragon races. Only by joining forces can we confront the threat of darkness.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, and they began an adventure across the treacherous territory in search of clues to the Dragon's Heart. Their journey was full of dangers and challenges, but their determination was rock solid.

During the journey, Xie Huaiqing continued to grow, his heart became more determined, and his wisdom gradually grew. The relationship between him and Illya also gradually sublimated, and although there were insurmountable racial differences between them, the friendship and trust became deeper.

As they go deeper into danger, Xie Huaiqing and Illya encounter an ancient crystal dragon named Christa. Christa has crystal clear scales that exude a mesmerizing light, and his voice is as clear as crystal, as if he can see everything.

Krista tells them the legend of the Dragon's Heart: it is hidden in the distant Valley of the Phantom Dragon, and only a pure mind can touch its powers. But to get there, one must go through a series of complex trials that test courage, wisdom and perseverance.

"The road ahead is full of challenges," Krista said, "but only those who are truly willing to fight for peace and justice will succeed." Xie

Huaiqing and Ilia decided to accept the challenge. They traverse forests, climb steep mountains, endure a ferocious storm, and even encounter magical traps and monsters. But they never flinched, because they knew that it was all about finding the Dragon's Heart.

During the adventure, Xie Huaiqing's heart was tested like never before. He kept thinking back to his past, wondering if he was strong enough to be worthy of the task. Ilia was always by his side, comforting and encouraging him, and her presence became the driving force for him to persevere.

Eventually, they came to the entrance of the Phantom Dragon Valley. The place is shrouded in a mysterious fog and the legendary trial is about to begin. They entered the fog and immediately felt their bodies become extremely heavy, as if they were going to crush them. But they persevered, solving the puzzle of one trial after another.

During a trial, Xie Huaiqing found himself in an endless darkness, as if lost in the depths of his heart. He is constantly attacked by negative emotions and fears, but he tries his best to stay calm, and in the end, he uses his inner light to repel the darkness and find a way out.

Illya looked at him, her eyes full of appreciation and emotion. She knew that at this moment, Xie Huaiqing had become stronger and closer to the power of the Dragon Heart.

The next trial is an intellectual challenge that requires solving a complex puzzle. Xie Huaiqing and Ilia worked together to finally solve the puzzle and get closer to their goal.

On their way, they enter a breathtaking valley. The valley is surrounded by towering peaks, the sky is as blue as a jewel, and the ground is covered with exotic plants and flowers. This is the deepest part of the Phantom Dragon Valley and the final place of trials.

"We're finally here," Illya's voice was full of excitement and anticipation, and she seemed to feel the presence of the Dragon Heart.

In the middle of the valley, a magnificent crystal altar stands there, which emits a dazzling light. In front of the altar, they saw an ancient mysterious rune.

"This is our final test," Illya said, "This rune was created by the elders of the dragon race, and only a pure mind can understand it.

Xie Huaiqing stared at the rune, and he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that he could understand and solve this puzzle. As his mind gradually focused, runes began to flicker and an ancient wisdom began to flow into his heart.

Then, he suddenly understood that the rune was a poem about love and unity. He began to recite, his voice full of emotion and determination, every syllable as clear and beautiful as crystal.

Illya stood by and looked at him intently, her mind connected to his, one with the runes. As the poem ended, the crystals in the altar began to emit an intense glow, and a huge force rushed towards them.

They felt the presence of the Dragon's Heart, an unparalleled power that contained love, hope and wisdom. This force will be their greatest support for maintaining peace and will help them meet the challenges ahead.

However, their task is not yet complete. The power of the Dragon Heart needs to be shared and passed on to more people to create a better world. They decide to return to dragon society, share their findings with other races, and forge a closer alliance against the dark forces.

On the way back, they meet the leader of the Flame Dragon Clan, Renaud. Renault presents them with an important mission to help resolve a serious dispute that could endanger the stability of the entire dragon society.

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