Slovin nodded, and he decided to join Xie Huaiqing and Illya's adventure team. His wind magic will bring new possibilities to their journey, and their adventure will also provide Slovin with the opportunity to find his long-lost family.

The three move on, the power of the Wind Fox intertwined with the power of Starlight and Dragon Heart, creating

the adventure of Xie Huaiqing, Ilia and Slovin continues, and their team becomes more versatile with the addition of the Wind Fox. Slovin's Wind Magic not only helps them traverse dangerous terrain, but also allows them to detect nearby enemies and dangers.

During an adventure, they come to a mysterious forest, shrouded in a dark fog. The trees are towering and the ground is wet, and ancient magical powers seem to flow in them. However, this forest also hides many dangers.

"This forest is full of mystery and danger," Illya said, her eyes scanning the surroundings, warily ready.

Slovin's ears moved suddenly, and he seemed to hear some distant sounds. He used his wind magic to probe and found a group of half-human, half-beast creatures approaching them.

These creatures are half-orcs, guardians of this forest, and mysterious users of magic. Their leader is named Carragher, a tall and strong half-orc with powerful earth magic.

"You are human beings who have entered our territory," Carragher's voice was low and majestic, "What is your purpose?"

Xie Huaiqing explained to Carragher their mission and adventure, and that their intention was not to invade the forest. Illya also tried her best to calm the doubts of the half-orcs, and she used her astral powers to show their sincerity.

Carragher was silent for a moment, then nodded. He tells them that this forest is home to their half-orc race, and they have been working hard to protect it from outlaw invaders.

"We need to defend this forest," Carragher said, "but also willing to cooperate with you, as long as you are willing to respect its mystery and balance." Xie

Huaiqing, Ilia, and Slovin readily agreed to cooperate, and they developed a friendly relationship with Carrag and the orcs. Carragher teaches them about the mysterious magic and ecological balance of the forest, knowledge that will greatly benefit their adventures.

Together with the orcs, they face the challenges of this mysterious forest and protect this ancient natural place. This adventure not only enriched their knowledge, but also made them understand that only through respect and cooperation can different races live in harmony and maintain the balance of nature.

Their adventure continues, the future is full of endless possibilities

, and their partnership is also in their adventure, Xie Huaiqing, Illya and Slovin experience a series of amazing events. One of them was that they traveled to an ancient desert known as the "Sands of Dreams" because there were many seemingly impossible wonders and mysterious phenomena in it.

When they step into the Sands of Dreams, they are swallowed by a huge whirlpool of sand and dust and transported into a fantasy world. In this world, the sand in the desert turns into twinkling stars, and dreamy bubbles float in the sky.

"This is ... Is it really the Sands of Dreams? Illya exclaimed, touching the bubbles floating in the air with her hand and feeling a wonderful energy.

Slovin was also amazed, his tail wagging with joy. However, this fantasy world is also full of dangers, because here they face various illusions and challenges.

They encounter phantom creatures in the desert, made of sand and starlight, seemingly real but illusory. These phantom creatures try to confuse them and guide them to get lost in the sands of dreams.

"We can't be disturbed by them," Xie reminded his partners, his eyes wary.

Illya uses her astral powers to strip away the illusions of phantom creatures, revealing their true form. Slovin used his wind magic to blow away the dust in the illusion.

Eventually, they reached the depths of the desert and found an ancient shrine containing a treasure known as the "Stone of Dreams." The stone emits a wonderful glow and seems to possess endless wisdom and power.

"This is what we were looking for," Xie Huaiqing said, reaching out to try to touch the Dream Stone.

However, when his hand touched the Dream Stone, a powerful energy suddenly poured into his body, drawing his consciousness into a strange illusion.

In that vision, he saw his past and future, countless wonderful sights and mysterious symbols. He felt an amazing sense of wisdom and strength, but also a great challenge.

"This is ... The power of the Dream Stone? Xie Huaiqing muttered, his mind lost in this illusion.

Ilia and Slovin called out to him anxiously, trying to awaken his consciousness. They knew that only Xie Huaiqing could master the power of the Dream Stone, but they also understood the great power and challenge of this power.

The miracles and challenges in this Dream Sands continue, and they must work together to be able

to relieve Xie Huaiqing from immersing himself in the illusion of the Dream Stone, his mind travels through time and space, and experiences countless wonderful scenes. He felt as if he was integrated into the rhythm of the universe, integrated with the forces of nature.

In the vision, he sees the ancient legend of the dragon race and learns how the power of the dragon heart is closely linked to the balance of the world. He also sees Illya's past and future, as well as her deep connection to the power of the stars. He understood how Slovin's wind magic resonated with the forces of nature.

But with that comes a huge challenge, and he has to face his deepest fears and insecurities. He saw his weaknesses and past mistakes that hindered his growth. However, he also sees his potential and strength, and the better person he can become.

"Are you ready, Xie Huaiqing? A voice sounded in the illusion, it was Illya's voice, full of concern and encouragement.

Xie Huaiqing struggled to concentrate, and his consciousness began to gradually become clearer. He felt the presence of Illya and Slovin as if it were a rope of safety that made him no longer feel alone.

Slowly, he began to unravel his inner troubles, accept his past, and set clear goals for his future self. The power of the Dream Stone is no longer a threat, but his friends and mentors who help him find his true power.

When he finally woke up from his vision, his eyes flashed with wisdom and determination. His heart was baptized, and he understood his responsibility and mission.

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