In the center of the temple, they found a huge crystal with blue flames shimmering in the crystal. Illya felt the energy emanating from the crystal, a powerful magic associated with the water element.

"This is a water crystal," she said softly, "it has the power of the water element, and it may be the key to maintaining the water source in this area." However

, their arrival did not make Crystal appear friendly. Suddenly, the crystal released powerful energy fluctuations that trapped them inside the temple, and ice and snow began to condense around them.

"We have to find a way to calm this crystal," Xie Huaiqing said, trying to interact with the crystal with the power of the dragon, but the power of the crystal was too strong.

Illya tries to transmit emotions of calm and peace with her astral powers, and Slovin also uses his wind magic to regulate the temperature, trying to influence the crystal's energy. However, Crystal seems to turn a deaf ear to their efforts.

They face a showdown with the forces of the elements, one of the toughest challenges in their adventure. They must exert the power and wisdom given by the exercises together in order to calm the crystal's anger and free themselves.

Deep in the Frozen Temple, a thrilling duel is about to unfold, and their adventure is

in the fierce battle with the Water Crystal, Xie Huaiqing, Ilia and Slovin realize that they need more help to deal with this powerful elemental force. Their brows were locked, but they didn't give up either, because they knew their mission well.

"We need a way to control this crystal," Ilia muttered, her astral power colliding with the crystal's energy.

Slovin thought, and suddenly his gaze rested on a corner of the temple. There are some clods piled up there that appear to be part of the temple.

"Dirt... He whispered, "Water and earth come together." Perhaps earth can help us control the power of crystals.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, and they quickly walked towards the clods and began to collect them. They then placed clods around the crystal in an attempt to neutralize the crystal's anger with the power of the earth.

"We need to concentrate together," Illya said, her astral power fused into the clod, "let our hearts connect to the earth and calm this crystal."

Slovin joined in, and his wind magic formed a protective film on the clods to stabilize the clump's energy. Xie Huaiqing's dragon power was injected into the clods, forming a solid enchantment.

With their joint efforts, the clods gradually exuded a stable power and began to interact with the crystal's energy. The crystal's anger gradually weakened, and the ice and snow began to melt.

Illya's starlight power forms a warm glow on the crystal, which represents peace and harmony. Slovin's wind magic blew away the cold around the crystal, bringing the temperature back up.

Eventually, the crystal's anger completely dissipated, and the crystal became calm and no longer released powerful energy fluctuations. They managed to control this water crystal.

"Great," Xie Huaiqing breathed a sigh of relief, the three of them were sweaty, but their faces were filled with the joy of victory.

This experience gave them a deeper understanding of the power and dangers of elemental power, and also made their team more united. They feel their growth and strength and are confident in the adventures ahead.

They keep going, continuing to explore this mysterious world, every step full of challenges and wonders. As his

adventure continues, Xie Huaiqing, Illya, and Slovin's team becomes more and more tacit. Their hearts are closely connected, and everyone knows each other's strengths and weaknesses and supports each other to move forward.

One day, they came to a mysterious forest, the trees were tall and ancient, and the sunlight shone through the leaves on the earth, forming dappled light and shadows. The forest is full of mystery, as if something is hidden in it waiting for them to discover.

"It's a very different atmosphere here," Illya said, looking around and feeling the life force in the forest.

Slovin shrugged, "It's full of mystery and magic, and maybe some treasure or secret awaits us." "

They began to go deep into the forest, carefully through the dense woods. Suddenly, they heard a faint cry for help, seemingly from a distance.

"Did you hear that? Xie Huaiqing asked alertly.

Illya nodded, and her ears immediately turned to the direction of the voice, "Yes, that's someone calling for help, let's go and see!" They

followed the direction of the cries for help and crossed a patch of thick bushes. Finally, they came to a small clear stream and saw a small dragon with one of its wings trapped under a rock.

The little dragon saw their arrival and said in a trembling voice: "Help me, my wings are stuck and I can't break free." Xie

Huaiqing, Illya, and Slovin immediately rushed to the side of the little dragon, and Illya illuminated the surroundings with her starlight power, allowing them to see the situation more clearly. Slovin used his power to try to pry the rock open, but the rock was unusually hard.

"This rock is too hard," Slovin frowned, "we need more strength to free it."

Xie Huaiqing looked at the injured little dragon, his heart full of sympathy and determination. He knew they had to act.

"We can work together," he said, "Illya, use your astral power to increase our power, Slovin, and help us focus our power with your wind magic. They

worked closely together, Illya's starlight power illuminating the rock, and Slovin's wind magic forming a powerful air stream that gradually pried the rock apart. Xie Huaiqing used his dragon power to exert on the rock, and finally succeeded in freeing the little dragon's wings.

The little dragon looked at them gratefully, his eyes filled with tears, "Thank you, you saved my life." My name is Oliver and I got lost in this forest. They

became friends with Oliver and listened to him tell stories about mysteries and dangers in the forest. Oliver also introduces them to a special plant that heals injuries and diseases, a valuable bonus from their adventures.

They continue to move forward, and the little dragon Oliver becomes their companion, exploring this mysterious Xie

Huaiqing, Ziqing, born during the Jiayou period of the Northern Song Dynasty, from a poor family, but with a fiery heart for knowledge. His father was a poor farmer, and the young Xie Huaiqing often helped his father in the rice fields, but his mind flew in a sea of books whenever and wherever he was.

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