Xie Huaiqing, also known as Qingfeng, is a young TCM physician born in southern China. His life is full of legends, and his deeds have been passed down through the ages, becoming a legend in the field of Chinese medicine.

The young Xie Huaiqing grew up in a small village in the south, where his father was a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner. Since childhood, Xie Huaiqing studied Chinese medicine with his father, and his talent made his father proud of him. However, the village's medical skills are limited, and Xie Huaiqing longs for a wider world of medicine.

One day, a You Fang doctor came to the village and brought a precious Chinese medicine book with him. Xie Huaiqing consulted the doctor and was able to glimpse the mystery. Doctor You Fang saw Xie Huaiqing's talent and decided to take him as an apprentice and take him out of the village in search of more medical knowledge.

Under the guidance of Dr. You Fang, Xie Huaiqing traveled through mountains and rivers, visited famous doctors, and learned various therapies and herbal medicines. He became a highly respected physician. However, he did not stop there, he began to explore the deeper aspects of Chinese medicine, studying the classics, deeply understanding the meridians of qi and blood, and gradually comprehending the mysteries of Chinese medicine.

Xie Huaiqing's reputation spread throughout the Central Plains, and people came to seek medical treatment, all of them benefiting a lot. He gradually went beyond tradition and created his own therapies that cured many terminally ill patients. His name became thunderous and became a titan in the field of Chinese medicine.

However, Xie Huaiqing did not think of fame and fortune, he always adhered to the belief of the benevolence of the healer, in order to save people from the depths, he selflessly dedicated, thousands of miles to danger. He practiced medicine in mountains and rivers, and traveled everywhere, whether it was barren mountains or prosperous cities, leaving his footprints of healing diseases and saving lives.

Once, he traveled to a remote mountain village where the plague was plagued by the plague. Xie Huaiqing was not afraid of life and death and decided to stay and help the villagers. He worked day and night to research treatments and eventually found an effective herbal formula that gradually allowed the villagers to recover. Under his treatment, the once-diseased village was revitalized.

By chance, Xie Huaiqing came to a rich town. He walked into a busy clinic filled with anxiously waiting patients. A woman cried that her child was seriously ill and had gone to the town's doctors, but to no avail.

"Please save my son, Doctor, he is my only child!" The woman pleaded hopefully with Xie Huaiqing.

Xie Huaiqing felt a deep sympathy in his heart, he gently comforted the woman, and then turned and entered the inner room. He checked the child's pulse, carefully observed the symptoms, then closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

"Don't worry, this lady, I will do my best to heal your son. Xie Huaiqing finally spoke, his voice full of confidence.

In the following days, Xie Huaiqing worked day and night to study the condition and constantly adjust the treatment plan. He sent the town's herbalists to collect rare herbs and concoct the medicines himself. While healing, he shared medical knowledge with women and taught her how to take care of children.

Gradually, the child's condition began to improve, his face returned to rosy, and his spirit gradually recovered. The people of the town came to hear the news and witnessed the miracle happen. The woman knelt on the ground with gratitude, thanking Huaiqing for saving her life.

"It's just my business, you have to take good care of the child and let him grow up healthy." Xie Huaiqing gently encouraged, but deep down, he knew that every success was inseparable from his unremitting efforts and deep understanding of medicine.

As time passed, Xie Huaiqing's fame spread all over the country again. He specializes in treating all kinds of incurable diseases, and some people call him "the magician of incurable diseases". With his wisdom and medical skills, he saved countless lives and relieved the suffering of patients' families. His deeds are told, his clinic is crowded, and patients from all over the world flock to him.

During the lifetime of legendary Chinese medicine practitioner Xie Huaiqing, as his reputation grew, he decided to open his own clinic in a busy city to better serve his patients. The hospital is located on a bustling street with a banner in front of the door that reads: "Qingfeng Chinese Medicine Center, treat the sick and save people, and serve carefully." "

On the first day of opening, there was a long queue in front of the hospital, and there was an endless stream of people waiting for treatment. A middle-aged woman stepped through the door, looking anxious, holding a young child.

"Doctor, please save my daughter, she has a high fever and has seen several doctors, but she has not improved. The woman said eagerly.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, took the child, and gently touched her forehead. His brow furrowed slightly, and then he turned and entered the inner room. He checked the child's pulses, carefully observed the symptoms, and began to formulate herbs.

"This lady, please don't worry, I will do my best to help your daughter recover. Xie Huaiqing turned around and came out with a reassuring smile on his face.

A few days later, the child's condition began to improve, and the woman knelt on the ground in ecstasy to thank Xie Huaiqing. The reputation of the hospital has become more and more popular, and more and more patients come to seek treatment. Xie Huaiqing wakes up early every day and treats each patient with all his heart, not only focusing on the symptoms, but also establishing a deep emotional connection with them.

One day, a middle-aged man came to seek medical treatment, he was suffering from a strange disease, his skin was covered with strange red spots, and other doctors were helpless. Xie Huaiqing accepted the challenge, carefully observed and asked about the medical history, and then began to formulate a treatment plan. He came personally every day to treat the patient and concoct special drugs for him. After several weeks of treatment, the man's skin gradually returned to normal, and he said goodbye to Xie Huaiqing with gratitude.

In the operation of the medical center, Xie Huaiqing is not only a doctor, but also a mentor. He continued to impart medical knowledge to young apprentices, cultivating a group of potential TCM practitioners, so that the career of TCM could be passed on. His hospital also became a center for medical research, attracting medical enthusiasts from all over the world.

One day, a young soldier who was shot was carried into the Qingfeng Traditional Chinese Medicine Center. He lay on the bed, pale, cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and short of breath. The comrades on the side looked at him anxiously, their voices trembling.

"Doctor, please save him, he is my brother and a hero among our comrades-in-arms! The comrade-in-arms said choked.

Xie Huaiqing made a quick decision, and he organized the staff of the medical center to carry the wounded to the inner room with his comrades. He examined the wounds for the wounded and found that the bullet had penetrated the shoulder, leaving a serious wound. The wounded clenched their teeth in pain, but did not complain.

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