"Don't be afraid, I will do everything I can to save you. Xie Huaiqing gently comforted the wounded.

He quickly treated wounds and used traditional Chinese medicine to help the wounded stop bleeding and relieve pain. Although the whole process was full of hardships, Xie Huaiqing did not hesitate at all, he focused on his work and concentrated on it.

The wounded gradually regained consciousness under Xie Huaiqing's treatment, and he opened his eyes slightly, and when he saw Xie Huaiqing, he showed a hint of a smile.

"Thank you, Doctor. The voice of the wounded, though faint, was full of gratitude.

"You're welcome, as long as you can recover, it's the best reward. Xie Huaiqing responded.

The recovery process of the wounded was long and arduous, but Xie Huaiqing always accompanied him and gave him encouragement and care. Gradually, the wounds of the wounded began to heal, and his body gradually regained strength.

"You are my lifesaver, and if it weren't for you, I would probably be long gone." The wounded man said to Xie Huaiqing with emotion.

"Every soldier is a hero, I just did my part. Xie Huaiqing replied modestly.

One day, a seriously injured miner was rushed to the Qingfeng Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, his body was filled with iron ore irritants, and his body was fractured in multiple places. Xie Huaiqing immediately began treatment, but soon he found that the anesthetic was not enough.

Xie Huaiqing looked anxiously at the miner on the hospital bed, he knew that this patient needed to continue the operation, but not enough anesthesia would make him suffer unbearable pain. He quickly summoned the staff of the medical center.

"We need more anesthetics, hurry up and find them!" Xie Huaiqing's voice was full of urgency.

The staff went out to look for anesthetics, but time passed by minute by minute, and the drugs could not be found. The miner struggled in pain, sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Doctor, I... I can stand it and don't need anesthesia anymore. The miner reluctantly uttered the words, but his voice was filled with pain.

Xie Huaiqing frowned, he knew that without enough anesthetic drugs, the operation would bring unbearable pain to the patient. But he also knew that without surgery, the miner's injuries could worsen and even be life-threatening.

"You have to hold on, we'll find the medicine as soon as possible." Xie Huaiqing encouraged the miner, then turned around and continued to do what he could.

In the following hours, Xie Huaiqing constantly adjusted the miner's wounds, trying to alleviate his pain. The miner clenched his teeth, sweat soaking the sheets, but never uttered a shout. At this time, the staff of the medical center finally brought back enough anesthetic drugs.

"Quick, give it to me! Xie Huaiqing quickly took the medicine, knowing that the miner's pain would be unbearable if he dragged on any longer.

Xie Huaiqing carefully injected the miner with anesthesia and then began the operation. During the procedure, his technique was skillful and steady, and he worked with full concentration. The miner's pain gradually lessened and the operation was successfully completed.

When the operation was over, the miner's face showed a tired but contented smile. He looked at Xie Huaiqing gratefully.

"You saved my life, Doctor. The miner's voice was full of emotion.

Xie Huaiqing took a deep breath and gently patted the miner's shoulder.

"No, it was your strong will and courage that saved you. Xie Huaiqing replied modestly.

As night fell, the Qingfeng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall was closed, but Xie Huaiqing's heart did not have a moment of tranquility. He knew that the miner was still in a coma and needed more anesthetic to keep the surgery running smoothly. The only hospital near the hospital has these drugs, but it is a long way from the hospital, and it is late at night, and the hospital may not be there. However, Xie Huaiqing decided to venture to the hospital.

He put on his coat, put on his medical bag and left the hospital lightly. The streets were unusually silent at night, with only faint street lamps illuminating his path. He hurried to the hospital, silently praying in his heart, hoping that everything would go well.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xie Huaiqing found that the door was closed, but he was not discouraged. He went around to the side of the hospital, found an open window, and carefully climbed in. The interior of the hospital is dim, with only faint corridor lights.

He walked through the long corridor to the door of the hospital pharmacy. He tried to push the door open and found it locked, but he didn't lose confidence. He took a handful of medical devices from his medical bag and deftly opened the lock.

Once inside the pharmacy, Xie Huaiqing began to search the anesthetic cabinet. He found the vial, but found that there was not much anesthetic in it. He understood that this anesthetic might not be enough to support the procedure, but he also knew that there were no other options.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard footsteps in the corridor. He quickly hid in a corner, his heart racing. Hospital staff passed by, fortunately not aware of his presence.

Xie Huaiqing continued to search and finally found more anesthetics, which he carefully put into the medical bag. He knew that time was running out and he couldn't stay any longer. He exited the pharmacy, climbed back into the window, and hurried back to the infirmary.

Upon returning to the hospital, he immediately injected anesthesia into the miner's body to ensure that the operation went smoothly. The miner's pain gradually lessened and the operation was successfully completed.

After a period of treatment, the miner's injuries stabilized and began to recover slowly. Xie Huaiqing still stuck to his bed, never giving up, and cared about his condition.

However, the hospital's venture did not escape the attention of the local health department. One day, the doors of the hospital were suddenly opened, and a team of health officials walked in. They wore uniforms and had serious expressions.

"Are you Doctor Xie Huaiqing of Qingfeng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall? An official asked.

Xie Huaiqing stood up and responded calmly to the official: "Yes, I am." Can I help you? Officials

handed Xie Huaiqing a document that stated that the hospital had violated health regulations by taking medicines without permission.

"It is illegal for you to take medicines without permission, and we have blocked the medical center. You need to assist us in investigating this matter. Another official said coldly.

Xie Huaiqing was silent for a moment, then nodded and showed cooperation. Although he knew he was acting to save patients, he also understood the importance of laws and regulations.

Health officials began a thorough search of the hospital for evidence of any violations. Xie Huaiqing assisted them by providing detailed information about the miner's injuries and surgery.

A few days later, the results of the investigation came in, and officials confirmed that Xie's actions were aimed at treating patients and praised his medical prowess and benevolence. The hospital was unsealed, but Xie Huaiqing was also told to comply with the relevant regulations.

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