When the clinic reopened, patients came in, knowing that there was a doctor here who was willing to do whatever it took to save lives, regardless of personal gain or loss. Although the medical center was once blocked, Xie Huaiqing's reputation became even more famous, and his medical skills and benevolence were still admired and trusted.

After the reopening of Qingfeng TCM Center, Xie Huaiqing continued to stay in the hospital and busily treat patients. However, soon after, he began to sense that something was wrong. The number of patients began to decrease dramatically, as if someone was spreading negative rumors about him. Xie Huaiqing felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

One day, a strange middle-aged woman came to see her. She had an imperceptible smile on her face, but Xie Huaiqing's keen intuition told him that something was wrong.

"Doctor, please save my mother, she has been bedridden for many days, and the other doctors are helpless. The woman pleaded.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, accepted the woman's request, and then turned and entered the inner room. He began to examine the patient, but for some reason, he felt an unusual pressure.

During the examination, Xie Huaiqing found that the patient's condition was indeed very complicated, but he had a unique idea of the treatment. He began to formulate drugs for patients, but still had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

When he returned to the clinic, he found that the women had left. All she left behind was a note that read, "Thank you Doctor for your help."

Xie Huaiqing suddenly felt a bad premonition, and he immediately called the staff of the medical center and asked them to check the pharmacy. Soon after, staff discovered that some of the drugs in the pharmacy had been replaced with counterfeit ones.

"It was a conspiracy and someone deliberately wanted to frame me. Xie Huaiqing muttered.

He immediately called the police and informed the health department of the situation. The police and health departments began to investigate, and Xie Huaiqing began to look for clues. He reviewed recent cases to try to find out if there were any suspicious patients or episodes.

One evening, as he pored through his medical records, he suddenly noticed some unusual details. The condition of many patients improved after Xie Huaiqing's treatment, but then deteriorated again. He began to wonder if someone was deliberately interfering with his treatment process.

As the investigation deepened, Xie Huaiqing gradually uncovered the truth of this conspiracy. He discovered that a rival TCM physician and an unscrupulous drugmaker had teamed up to deliberately deliver substandard drugs to patients, and then blamed Xie Huaiqing for the treatment after the patient deteriorated.

Xie was outraged by this discovery, but he also knew that he had to take legal measures to protect his reputation and the credibility of the hospital. He gave the evidence to the police and prepared to attend a court trial to seek justice for the victims.

As the court trial approaches, Xie's reputation has been questioned, but the patients in his clinic are reluctant to believe that he will commit any immoral acts. One day, a crowd of hurried people gathered in front of the hospital, holding banners and slogans and shouting support for Xie Huaiqing.

"Dr. Xie is our benefactor! He saved our lives!

"Don't wrongly accuse Dr. Xie, he is a great healer!" "

The voices of the people spread throughout the streets and attracted more attention. The massive demonstrations weighed pressure on both the local government and the courts.

When Xie Huaiqing learned the news, he felt very moved. He walked out of the infirmary, stood in front of the crowd, and looked at them affectionately.

"Dear people, I am very grateful for your support and trust. I will firmly walk on the path of medicine and help everyone in need. Xie Huaiqing's voice was full of emotion.

The people shouted in unison: "Dr. Xie, come on!" The

demonstration also attracted the attention of the local media, and news reports published the incident. Public opinion gradually tended to support Xie Huaiqing, believing that he was a selfless and dedicated healer, rather than a framed criminal.

The day of the court trial has finally arrived, and the trial scene is crowded with media reporters rushing to report. Xie stood firmly in the courtroom, his defense lawyer ready to defend him.

During the lengthy trial, defense lawyers successfully uncovered the conspiracy of rival TCM physicians and drugmakers, proving that Xie Huaiqing was the victim and not the perpetrator. The judge finally pronounced a verdict of not guilty, and Xie Huaiqing was completely dismissed.

As he walked out of the courtroom, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers. The people celebrated his victory, knowing that justice had triumphed.

Xie Huaiqing walked out of the courtroom, and the feeling of victory bathed him, but the persistence in his heart remained unchanged. He felt the need to re-establish the clinic and start providing medical care to patients again.

Back at the hospital, he saw that the staff of the hospital were still here, and their support made him feel warm. He said with emotion: "We need to start again together and bring the hospital back to life." Staff

applauded in support, and news of the clinic's reopening quickly spread throughout the community.

However, although he cleared his wrongs and restored his reputation, Xie Huaiqing was still worried in his heart. He knows that rival TCM physicians and drugmakers may not give up easily. He decided to be more careful and make sure that the drugs and treatment procedures in the clinic were absolutely safe.

At the same time, he also felt the need to strengthen medical research and improve his medical skills to better help patients. He set up a small laboratory in the hospital and spent time every day studying medical literature and new treatments.

Soon after, the clinic reopened and patients came to see each other. They all know that Xie Huaiqing is a selfless and dedicated healer who is willing to take risks and challenge difficulties in order to save lives. The hospital is revitalized and every visitor can feel the warmth and professionalism of the place.

One cold winter day, a young and thin teenager stood in front of the entrance of the medical center. His clothes were worn out, and his face bore signs of hunger and hardship. Xie Huaiqing noticed him and walked over.

"What are you looking for? Xie Huaiqing asked gently.

The boy raised his head, his eyes full of longing and determination.

"I want to learn medicine from you. The teenager's voice, though weak, was full of determination.

Xie Huaiqing stared at the young man, and he felt the longing and persistence in the young man's heart. He knew that he had also been a young man eager to study medicine, so he nodded.

"Well, I'm willing to take you as an apprentice. But studying medicine is not an easy thing to do, and you have to put in a lot of effort. The

young man immediately showed a joyful smile, knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times to express his gratitude and respect.

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