Xie Huaiqing, an ordinary young man, lives in an ordinary small village. Although his family is poor, he has always cherished the yearning for cultivating immortals. There are ancient legends of immortal cultivation circulating in the village, and those mysterious cultivators who can ascend to the immortal realm always make Xie Huaiqing look forward to it infinitely.

Xie Huaiqing has had a restless heart since he was a child, he is not satisfied with living an ordinary life, and he is eager to pursue a higher realm. Whenever the starry sky was bright at night, he would silently look up and feel the endless power of the universe. He believed that as long as he cultivated hard, one day he would be able to become a great immortal cultivator.

However, the path of cultivating immortals was not easy. There is no heritage in the village, and there is no famous teacher to guide you. Xie Huaiqing could only rely on his ingenuity and tenacious will to explore the path of cultivating immortals step by step. He began to study ancient books, learn various spells and immortal arts, and cultivate painstakingly. During the day, he worked hard, and at night, he practiced in seclusion to constantly strengthen his spiritual power.

Years passed, and Xie Huaiqing's efforts gradually paid off. His spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, and he is able to cast amazing spells. The people of the village also began to notice his change and came to ask for advice. Xie Huaiqing was helpful and selflessly passed on what he learned to the villagers to help them solve problems in life.

However, the path of cultivating immortals does not stop there. Xie Huaiqing gradually understood that in order to truly ascend to the immortal realm, he must master higher and deeper spells and deeper immortal arts. So, he embarked on a long journey to the place where the famous master was cultivating immortals, seeking more advanced teaching.

In the land of immortal cultivation, Xie Huaiqing met many like-minded cultivators, but also encountered various obstacles and challenges. He has gone through the test of life and death, constantly breaking through his limits and constantly improving his strength. His name also gradually spread throughout the world of immortal cultivation, becoming a highly respected immortal cultivator.

However, the pursuit in Xie Huaiqing's heart did not stop. He knew that the road to ascending to the Immortal Realm was still very long, full of unknowns and difficulties. But he firmly believes that as long as he keeps working hard and moving forward, he will eventually be able to embark on the journey to the immortal world and become a true immortal.

In the land of immortal cultivation, Xie Huaiqing met a teacher named Li Yuntian, a legendary immortal cultivator known as the guardian of the immortal world. Li Yuntian enthusiastically accepted Xie Huaiqing as an apprentice and began to personally teach him more profound spells and immortal arts.

One day, Li Yuntian took Xie Huaiqing to a mysterious cave, and a mysterious aura came from the depths of the cave. Li Yuntian said: "Xie Huaiqing, this cave is a place where an ancient immortal cultivates, and it is rumored that there are endless opportunities for cultivating immortals. As long as you can get into it, you may be able to go further.

Xie Huaiqing felt extremely excited, and he followed Li Yuntian and stepped into this cave. The cave is pitch black, but full of mysterious energy. Xie Huaiqing closed his eyes, concentrated his mind, and began to feel the breath in the cave.

Suddenly, a strong light appeared in front of him, and a huge force instantly attracted his attention. He reached out and touched it, only to see an ancient immortal talisman floating there, exuding a dazzling light. Li Yuntian's voice came: "That is an immortal talisman, one of the supreme treasures of the immortal world, which can help you go further on the road of cultivating immortals."

Xie Huaiqing carefully took the immortal talisman into his arms, and then continued to comprehend the mysterious power in the cave. His body gradually merged into this force, and he felt as if he was integrated into the entire universe, one with heaven and earth.

A few days later, when he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in a strange immortal land. It's a beautiful and mysterious world, the air is filled with fairy air, and everything is so different.

Just as he was feeling intoxicated, an immortal floated in from a distance, looked at him with deep eyes and said, "Young man, welcome to the immortal world. You are the chosen Immortal Cultivator, and now you will begin your journey here. "

In the cultivation life of the immortal world, Xie Huaiqing met all kinds of immortal creatures and immortal cultivators. By chance, he met a fairy girl named Ling'er, who had a fairy-like appearance and a kind and pure heart.

Ling'er and Xie Huaiqing became close partners, encouraging each other on the road of immortal cultivation. Together, they explore all corners of the fairy world, learn new spells and fairy arts, and face challenges together. Ling'er's cleverness and flexibility complemented Xie Huaiqing's tenacity and determination, making them stronger and stronger on the path of immortal cultivation.

Once, they meet an ancient immortal who tells them legends about the mysterious history and mysterious powers of the fairy world. They learn that hidden in the immortal realm is a mysterious realm known as the "Realm of Heavenly Destiny", which is said to have endless immortal power, which only true immortals can enter.

Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er decided to pursue this legendary "Realm of Heavenly Destiny" together to gain more powerful power. They embarked on a journey full of dangers and adventures, crossing various fields of the immortal world, fighting against various immortal beasts and immortals, and constantly improving their strength.

During the trip, they also met other like-minded immortal cultivators and formed a strong immortal cultivation team. They learn from each other, help each other, constantly push their limits, and move towards the realm of destiny.

However, the Realm of Destiny is not such an easy place to access. They must pass a series of tests and challenges to prove that their immortal power is strong enough. Every step is full of unknowns, and each time is a life-and-death challenge, but they firmly believe that as long as they unite and work together, they will eventually be able to reach that mysterious situation.

During their adventure, Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er accidentally learned that a legendary ultimate elixir, known as "Immortal Heart Grass", could greatly enhance the immortal power of immortal cultivators, and it was even possible to break the bottleneck and ascend to a higher realm. The news excited them and decided to search for this mysterious herb together.

They came to an ancient forest in the Immortal Realm, where fairy heart grass was said to grow. However, this forest is extremely mysterious, full of all kinds of spooky illusions and traps. In the process of exploring, they met a seemingly ordinary old man who also happened to be looking for the Immortal Heart Grass.

The old man talked with them, and Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er gradually felt the special aura emanating from the old man. They couldn't help but suspect that this old man might be the legendary Immortal Heart Grass incarnation. Therefore, they respectfully consulted the old man, hoping to obtain the Immortal Heart Grass.

The old man nodded and said, "You have a firm heart for cultivating immortals, and you deserve the power of the Immortal Heart Grass. But before you can get it, you must be tested by me. "

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