They did not hesitate to agree to the old man's request. The old man guides them to a mysterious garden deep in the forest, where splendid fairy flowers grow, but also hides danger. The old man told them that they could only obtain fairy heart grass if they found and picked a flower called the "Flower of the Mind".

Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er began to look for the flower of the soul in the garden. The process is fraught with challenges, as illusions in the garden keep appearing, trying to interfere with their perception. They should always remain calm, look for it with their hearts, and not be influenced by the outside world.

After several days of arduous searching, finally, Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er found the Spiritual Flower at the same time, which exuded a dazzling immortal aura. They carefully picked it and offered it to the old man.

The old man took the Flower of Heart, nodded with a smile, and presented them with a fairy heart grass. He said, "You have passed my test and deserve this gift." The Immortal Heart Grass will help you go further on the path of immortal cultivation. "

With the power of the Immortal Heart Grass, Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er's path to cultivating immortals is smoother and more hopeful. They decided to go to a legendary immortal cultivation holy place in the immortal world, where it was rumored that there was a sect master of the thousand-year-old immortal sect who could teach them more profound immortal arts.

Coming to the Immortal Cultivation Holy Land, they were amazed by the magnificent scenery of the Holy Land. The majestic fairy mountains, waterfalls and springs, and the quiet forest and sea all exude a strong fairy atmosphere. In the hall of the Immortal Sect, they met the sect master, an elder who had been immortal for a long time, but he was still in good spirits.

The Sect Master accepted them and began to teach them esoteric immortal arts. They practice hard every day and work tirelessly. The sect master said in a conversation: "The way of cultivating immortals is not only about mastering powerful spells and immortal arts, but more importantly, it is about state of mind and comprehension. Only by cultivating both inside and outside can we achieve the true realm of immortal cultivation.

These words were deeply imprinted in the hearts of Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er, inspiring them to have a deeper understanding. Their cultivation became more in-depth, and the inner clarity and the enhancement of immortal power gradually merged. The sect master also helped them break some bottlenecks in cultivation, making a qualitative leap in their immortal power.

After spending some time in the Immortal Cultivation Holy Land, Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er felt that they had enough strength to continue moving forward and continuing their adventure. They expressed their gratitude to the Sect Master, who smiled and said, "You have taken a solid step, but the path of cultivating immortals never ends. Continue to move forward and never forget our original intention, in order to reach a higher realm. "

Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er continued their journey of cultivating immortals, searching for deeper mysteries of the immortal world. They had heard a mysterious legend in the immortal world, called the "Domain of Stars", which was the most mysterious place in the immortal world, and was said to have endless star power, which could give immortal cultivators higher insight and power.

They set out to find their way to the realm of the stars, and this time the journey is full of danger and unknown. In a deep forest, they meet a mysterious fairy traveler, an immortal who walks on floating clouds.

The immortals looked at them, smiled and said, "Are you looking for the Domain of Stars?" It is an extremely dangerous path, but I can show you the way if you want to. Xie

Huaiqing and Ling'er were grateful and accepted the help of the immortals. The immortals led them into a magnificent mountain range, dotted with stars, as if the stars in the sky had fallen into the earthly world. The immortals told them that this was the entrance to the realm of the stars.

However, they also learned that the entrance to the Domain of Stars is made up of a series of trials, and only by passing these trials can one qualify for entering the Domain of Stars. Trials include a great test of one's own strength and insight, as well as a connection to the power of the stars.

Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er worked together to challenge one trial after another, their immortal power continued to increase, and their comprehension power gradually improved. In the process, they delve into the mysteries of the power of the stars and their connection to the universe.

In the end, they passed all the trials and successfully entered the realm of the stars. In this mysterious realm, the stars twinkle and the power of the stars pervades, and they feel as if they are integrated into the universe and have insight into the mysteries of the universe.

The immortal appeared in front of them again, and said with a smile: "You have obtained the gift of the power of the stars, which will be a precious treasure on your path of cultivating immortals. But remember, the power of the stars needs to be used carefully, it is part of the universe and needs to be respected and protected.

During their continued adventure, Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er heard another mysterious legend about an immortal treasure called the Yuan Force Seed. According to legend, this seed contains the primordial power of the universe and can give immortal cultivators infinite potential. They decided to search for this legendary treasure to further enhance their Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Their journey leads them to a secluded lake with a gorgeous lotus flower floating in the center of the lake, which radiates a dazzling light. Huge crystal trees grow around the lake, shimmering with colorful light. This place is called the "Lake of Genri".

A wise immortal, named Morrowind Fairy, guards the Lake of Yuanli. She told Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er that the Yuan Power Seed was hidden in the heart of the lotus, but only those who had a pure mind and extremely high insight could obtain it.

The words of the Morrowind Fairy inspired their determination and they sat down to meditate and try to make a deep connection with the lake and the lotus flower. Their minds are gradually purified in the tranquility of the lake, becoming one with the forces of the universe. As the days passed, their hearts became calmer and their comprehension improved.

Finally, when their hearts were completely connected to the lotus, the seed of Yuan Power in the lotus slowly emerged. Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er carefully took out the seed, feeling the tremendous power contained in it.

The Morrowind Fairy nodded gladly and said approvingly: "You have a pure heart and excellent insight, which is the reason why the Yuan Power Seed chose you. This power is a gift from the universe that will accompany you and help you grow. Xie

Huaiqing and Ling'er were grateful and thanked the Morrowind Fairy again. They understand that the Yuan Power Seed is an important asset on their path to cultivation and will help them face various challenges more easily in their future adventures.

Xie Huaiqing and Ling'er, who possessed the power of the stars and the seeds of the Yuan Power, decided to go to a mysterious place in the immortal world, known as the "Valley of the Immortal Heart", which is said to contain endless wisdom powers, which can help immortal cultivators deepen their hearts and wisdom.

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