Canghai was silent for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement and handed the fragment to them. He said: "I hope you can make the right choice, Yunlong Dan's power is extremely strong and dangerous. Xie

Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er continued their journey, pieces of the Cloud Dragon Pill gathered together, but they also understood that time was passing and the iron hand was still waiting. They must find all the fragments as soon as possible to stop the potential disaster brought by Yunlong Dan. The end of this adventure has not yet arrived, and their fate is still uncertain.

Over time, Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er gradually collected most of the fragments of Yunlong Dan. Each fragment contained powerful spiritual power, causing their cultivation to continue to improve. However, the threat of the Iron Hand remains, and they know that they must find the last piece as soon as possible to be safe.

One day, they were given an old, hand-drawn map indicating the location of the last fragment. This time the clue points to a mysterious mountain range hidden in the clouds. The mountains are steep and treacherous, and legends hide dangerous fairy beasts and mysterious caves.

Xie Huaiqing frowned and said, "It seems that this task will not be easy. We must be careful to ensure that the last piece of the fragment is obtained smoothly.

Lin Wan'er nodded in agreement: "We have come so far, we can't let the last step go wrong." "

After traveling for months, they finally reached the top of that mysterious mountain range. There is a temple on the top of the mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, which looks like a fairyland. However, there was a powerful immortal cultivator guarding the entrance of the temple.

The guardian was an old man named Ziyang, and his eyes were deep, revealing a majesty that could not be ignored. He said coldly, "Are you here for the last fragment of Yunlong Dan?"

Xie Huaiqing replied without hesitation: "Yes, we need it to prevent a disaster."

Lin Wan'er added: "We have collected most of the fragments, only the last piece.

Ziyang examined them for a moment, then nodded and said, "The power of the Yunlong Pill is indeed not to be underestimated, but only true heroes and people with lofty goals can master it. I will allow you to enter the temple, but you must undergo a rigorous test to prove your sincerity and wisdom. They

gladly accepted the test and entered the depths of the mysterious temple. The temple is full of puzzles and challenges, but they unleash the power of teamwork and successfully solve all the trials. Finally, they came to the deepest part of the temple and found the last fragment of Yunlong Dan.

After obtaining the fragments, they saw Ziyang again. Ziyang nodded in satisfaction and said, "You have passed the test and proved that you are worthy of the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill. I hope you can use it to maintain peace in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Xie

Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er pocketed the last fragment of the Cloud Dragon Pill, but they also realized that the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill was much more than that. It needs to absorb and fuse all the pieces to be at its most powerful. They decided to go to a mysterious immortal cultivation holy place, where legend said it was an immortal array that absorbed and fused the fragments of the Cloud Dragon Pill.

During their journey, they meet an immortal cultivator elder named Yanzong, who volunteered to help. Yanzong told them: "The power of Yunlong Pill is huge, but it is also full of danger. You must be careful when fusing the fragments, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xie Huaiqing asked, "What should we do?"

Lin Wan'er added, "We hope to be able to use the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill to maintain peace in the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Yanzong nodded, and then told them where to go to the Immortal Array. Hidden in an ancient forest, the Immortal Array seemed to be extremely calm, but the inside was full of organs and formations that absorbed and fused energy.

When they entered the Immortal Array, the fragments of the Cloud Dragon Pill began to gradually fuse together, releasing a powerful absorption power. Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er felt that their cultivation was growing rapidly, but at the same time, they also felt the enormity of Yunlong Dan's power. It is not just a elixir, but a mysterious force that attracts evil.

Yanzong watched from the sidelines, and he warned: "Don't let the power of Yunlong Dan control you, always keep your will. It can be a powerful ally or a terrible enemy. Xie

Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er worked together to maintain their will and successfully completed the fusion of the fragments. The fiery light emitted by the Cloud Dragon Pill illuminated the entire Immortal Array, and then it stabilized and became a complete elixir.

Yanzong nodded approvingly and said, "You have succeeded, and now the Yunlong Pill is no longer a fragment, but a powerful force. But remember, it's a double-edged sword and should be used sparingly. Xie

Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er accepted Yanzong's advice and took Yunlong Dan into their arms. They know that this is only part of the adventure, the iron hand is still waiting, and the power and secrets of Yunlong Dan still have more parts to reveal. They will continue to move forward, using the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill to maintain the peace of the Immortal Cultivation Realm and explore more truths. The outcome of this adventure remains unknown, full of unknown challenges and wonders.

After Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er left the Immortal Array, they continued their adventure. Yunlong Dan's power began to gradually integrate into their cultivation, allowing their strength to be greatly improved. However, the power of Yunlong Pill also made them feel a greater responsibility, and they had to use it carefully so as not to fall into the evil path.

They continue to search for clues about the Iron Hand, hoping to understand his true intentions. During an expedition, they meet a fairy named Pearl, who is knowledgeable in the world of immortal cultivation and knows something about the Iron Hand.

Mingzhu said: "The iron hand is a strong man from the mysterious immortal cultivation sect, he used to be a representative of justice, but then he was attracted by a mysterious dark force. He is now pursuing the power of Yunlong Dan, hoping to use it to realize his ambitions.

Lin Wan'er asked, "Do you know what his specific goals are?"

Mingzhu replied after thinking for a moment, "I'm not sure, but he seems to be trying to master the full power of the Cloud Dragon Pill in order to become the master of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. You must stop him, or the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er decided to track the trail of the iron hand in order to stop his evil plan. However, the whereabouts of the iron hand were not easy to track, and he seemed to be able to hide in the corners of the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

In a narrow canyon, they were suddenly attacked by an iron hand. A fierce battle broke out, and the power of the iron hand was extremely strong, and he showed the power of the Yunlong Pill. Although Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er absorbed the power of Yunlong Dan, they still felt great difficulty when facing the iron hand.

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