The iron hand scoffed, "You guys are so naïve, do you think you can stop me? The power of Yunlong Dan is already a part of me, and you are doomed to failure.

But Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er were not discouraged, they firmly believed that the power of good can defeat evil. The battle continued, Yun Longdan's strength grew stronger in them, and they were determined not to let the iron hand succeed.

This decisive battle will be a watershed in their destiny, and they must use all their strength and wisdom to fight against the Iron Hand, stop his evil plans, and maintain peace in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. The power of Yunlong Pill will play an important role, but it also needs to be used carefully and carefully so as not to fall into the evil path. The climax of this adventure is coming.

In the fierce battle, Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er gradually experienced the true power of Yunlong Dan. Yunlong Dan seemed to be able to sense their intentions and provide the power of fusion, making their cooperation more tacit. Their attacks and defenses became more powerful, and they began to push back the iron hand.

Lin Wan'er held Yunlong Dan tightly, and she felt the warmth and power of Yunlong Dan flowing in her body. She said: "Xie Huaiqing, we must exert the fusion power of the Yunlong Pill to the extreme in order to defeat the Iron Hand.

Xie Huaiqing nodded, and the two began to cooperate tacitly, constantly strengthening each other's strength. Their attacks have become sharper and their defenses stronger. The iron hand gradually fell into disadvantage, and he felt the power of Yunlong Dan quickly wither.

The iron hand roared angrily: "Impossible! I can't lose to you! However

, Yunlong Dan's fusion power became more and more powerful, and in the end, Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er joined forces to deliver a fatal blow, defeating the iron hand, causing him to lose control of Yunlong Dan.

The iron hand knelt on the ground, looking tired, and his voice was full of regret: "I used to be righteous, but ambition and greed made me fall. You are the real heroes, and the Yunlong Pill should be in your hands.

Xie Huaiqing stretched out his hand, lifted the iron hand, and said: "It's not too late, you can find the justice in your heart, abandon evil and follow good."

Lin Wan'er added, "We are willing to share the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill and protect the peace of the Immortal Cultivation Realm together." "

The Iron Hand accepted their goodwill, knowing the mistakes he had made, and decided to pursue a nobler path. After this decisive battle, Xie Huaiqing and Lin Wan'er understood that the power of Yunlong Pill must be used for justice and protection of peace in the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Xie Huaiqing, Lin Wan'er, and Iron Hand join forces to continue their adventure to unlock more mysteries about Yunlong Pill and the secrets of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Their journey takes them through treacherous mountains, ancient temples, and mysterious caves.

During an expedition, they accidentally discovered an ancient stone tablet with an ancient inscription carved into it. The inscription mentions a legendary immortal cultivator named Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor, who once mastered the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill but chose to hide it to prevent abuse by evil forces. The inscription also mentions clues left by the Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor, which may point to the whereabouts of Yunlong Dan.

Xie Huaiqing said: "This may be the key to our finding Yunlong Dan, and we must pursue these clues."

Lin Wan'er agreed, "The wisdom of the Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor may help us solve more puzzles. The

iron hand also expressed his willingness to join the search for Yunlong Dan. He said, "I once embarked on an evil path, but now I want to make amends for my mistakes and help you protect the Immortal Cultivation Realm. They

began to look for clues left by the Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor, traveling through all corners of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, collecting ancient documents and mysterious items. Every step was full of challenges and dangers, but their determination was unwavering.

Eventually, they came to a mysterious cave that exuded a powerful fairy aura. Deep in the cave, they found a statue of the Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor, who was holding a bright gem in his hand. The inscription mentions that this gemstone may have been part of Yunlong Dan.

Lin Wan'er carefully removed the gemstone, and suddenly, a mysterious energy poured into her body, and her eyes flashed with wisdom. She said: "This gemstone seems to contain the wisdom and memory of the Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor, and I feel an unprecedented insight. Xie

Huaiqing and Iron Hand also felt a wonderful change, and they understood that this gemstone would become a powerful tool for them to find Yunlong Dan. They decided to continue to follow the clues of the gem, unlock more secrets of the Cloud Dragon Pill, and protect the peace of the Immortal Cultivation World.

As they continue their adventure, Xie Huaiqing, Lin Wan'er, and Iron Hand increasingly rely on the wisdom of the Xuanfeng Immortal Emperor contained in the gemstone. This gemstone not only helped them unlock the secrets of Yunlong Dan, but also gave them a deeper understanding and insight.

One day, as they pass through an ancient forest, the gem suddenly emits a strong glow, leading them to a hidden cave entrance. Inside the cave is a huge rock carved with intricate martial arts patterns.

Lin Wan'er stared at the gemstone, and a strong intuition surged in her heart. She said: "There seem to be clues about Yunlong Dan and Extreme Martial Arts here. There must be a reason why gemstones have led us here.

Xie Huaiqing and Iron Hand also agreed with this view, and they began to carefully observe the martial arts patterns on the rock. Gradually, they began to understand the mystery of these patterns.

The iron hand said: "These patterns seem to be a martial arts secret, but unlike ordinary martial arts, they contain a higher and deeper power.

Lin Wan'er pointed to a special pattern and said, "This part of the pattern seems to describe an otherworldly martial arts skill, which may be related to the power of Yunlong Dan.

Xie Huaiqing thought seriously, and then said: "Perhaps this is an ultimate martial art that combines the power of the Cloud Dragon Pill. If we can master it, it will increase our power and stop the evil plan of the Iron Hand with more certainty. So

they decided to spend time learning these martial arts patterns and exploring their mysteries. Gems help them comprehend these skills faster, allowing them to improve their martial arts. The power of the ultimate martial arts gradually revealed, making them more invincible in battle.

However, they understood that learning the ultimate martial arts was only part of it, and they still needed to unlock the full power of Yunlong Dan in order to completely stop the conspiracy of the iron hand. Their journey is far from over, and the future is full of challenges and unknowns, but they are ready to move on, guard the peace of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, and reveal the ultimate secret of Yunlong Dan and Extreme Martial Arts.

At the top of the form

, Xie Huaiqing, an ordinary person living in the

city, lives an ordinary and fulfilling life. His life didn't seem to be much special, until one day, he discovered his unique love of food.

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