The envious eyes of the workers.

Jia Wenxiu walked in front of the children.


Xiao Nuan threw herself into her arms excitedly.

She picked her daughter up and asked her son.

"Why are you two here?"

"Xiao Nuan missed you mother, so I brought her here."

"What about this car?"

Look at this beautiful body.

She couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

When she married into the Xie family before, she actually had a bicycle.

Or a permanent bicycle.

The husband rode with him all the way from Jia's house to Xie's house.

At that time, I was also very beautiful.

Who can not say that he married a good husband?

After getting married, he also took himself to learn cycling.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Jia Wenxiu's face.

It's just that the good times did not last long, and the husband went to the army, and there was no news.

The bicycle that carries the sweet memories of myself and her husband.

Because I wanted to treat my mother-in-law, I also sold it.

She was also persuaded to remarry, but she did not.

After marrying such a good man.

Other men, she couldn't look at them anymore.

She will guard her children and wait for him to return.

If you can't wait for a day, then wait a year, if you can't wait for a year, then wait for a lifetime.

Xie Huaiqing looked at his mother, who seemed to be caught in some kind of memory and looked surprisingly gentle.

He exclaimed softly.



Jia Wenxiu was pulled out of his memories by this sound.

"Mom, you forgot, Uncle gave us some things!"

"This bicycle is also a ticket and money given by the uncle."

"It's also too luxurious."

She couldn't help but smack.

The kid didn't know who he learned from.

It actually costs money so much!

Xie Huaiqing looked at his mother with a frightened look.

Can't help but laugh.

"Mom, that's what it's for."

"Uncle gave us so many things."

"If we don't use it, then we will waste the uncle's painstaking effort!"

There is some truth in this.

Jia Wenxiu was persuaded by her son.

She nodded, swearing secretly in her heart.

I will definitely return these things to my sister-in-law one day.

Brother, clear accounting.

You can't take other people's things for nothing!

"Come, I'll take you home."

With that, she picked up her daughter and put her in the back seat.

"Xiaoqing, you sit on the beam yourself."

Seeing my mother about to ride on her bicycle.

He quickly took the lead and got into the seat first.

"Mom, you sit in the back seat, I'll take you."

Jia Wenxiu looked at her son suspiciously.

"Kid, can you?"

"Mom is very heavy, much heavier than your sister."

Just kidding, my own strength is infinite, and I can't bring my mother who is less than a hundred pounds?

"It's okay, Mom, you sit first, if you see I can't ride."

"You will do it for me again."

Hearing her son say this, she had to agree.

"Okay, then you ride for a while first."

"If you can't ride, tell your mother, but don't hold on."

"Got it!"

He promised, and then stepped on his feet.

Riding like a gallop.

At this point, there was no one at the factory gate.

So he doesn't have to dodge pedestrians much and can ride fast.

Jia Wenxiu held her daughter and sat in the car, only feeling that the evening breeze was very cool.

"Xiaoqing, you ride slowly."

The wind blew her words into the ears of the pedestrians behind.

Xu Damao looked at the bicycle whizzing by, and the whole person was stupid.

"Am I right? That is Xie Huaiqing who rides the bike?

"Where did they get the bike?"

Jia Dongxu also opened his mouth wide and let the evening breeze pour into it.

He now wondered if his eyes were glazed.

Otherwise, how could you see Jia Wenxiu sitting on the back seat of a brand new bicycle.

Yi Zhonghai was also confused at this time.

How could Xie Huaiqing be so vigorous, riding so fast with his mother and his sister!

"This and this, uncle, I didn't read it wrong."

"Is that Xie Huaiqing taking his mother and riding a bicycle?"

Xu Damao asked incredulously.

Just listen to the other person speak.

"Yes, it's Xie Huaiqing and his mother."

When the words fell, Jia Dongxu shouted.

"How is that possible? Their family is so poor.

Yi Zhonghai was silent.

He was also very unhappy in his heart.

He is a big man in the yard.

The living conditions are also much better than those in the yard.

But he doesn't even have a bike himself.

The Xie family is so poor, they actually have a car more than themselves!

Where does their money come from?

Xu Damao said at this time.

"I estimate that the Xie family's money is not coming from the right way."

"If it's not right, wait until I go back to investigate first."


Xie Huaiqing had already returned home with his mother.

He brought out the spiced smoked fish left at noon.

"Where did this fish come from?"

"I caught it myself."

Jia Wenxiu looked at this plate of fish, and his heart was complicated and unspeakable.

"I want to fish in the future, wait for my mother to take you when she is free."

"You're so small, it's too dangerous by the river."

Xie Huaiqing agreed.

"Got it, Boy Scouts promise!"

The mother nodded in satisfaction and smiled.

He smiled too.

The Boy Scouts promised, but they weren't Boy Scouts themselves.

At the dinner table, halfway through eating, Jia Wenxiu asked the children.

"Jia Zhangshi didn't come to our house today, did he?"

Mentioning this person, Xie Huaiqing remembered that there was still a matter of Jia Zhang's family that had not been explained to his mother.

So he told the other party about stealing things, calling the police and sending her to jail herself.

When Jia Wenxiu heard that the other party claimed to be the mother-in-law of the children.

Can't help but scold.

"Who is one family with her is really shameless."

"I don't have relatives like theirs."


Jia Dongxu returned home.

From Qin Huairu's innermost innermost knowledge, he knew that his mother had been arrested.

He cursed angrily in the house.

"What a beast!"

"It's his grandmother, he's so cold-blooded and ruthless?"

Qin Huairu looked at her husband's furious appearance and silently hid aside.

She thought to herself, didn't your mother take the initiative to break off relatives with others?

How come you admit to being a relative again?

The stick terrier looked at his father's angry appearance, adding fuel to the fire.

"Dad, they took Grandma."

"Don't give me fish yet! I asked my mother to get it.

"Mom still beats me!"

Saying that, he pulled up his sleeve and let his father see his beaten black and green arm.

"You slut!"

After Jia Dongxu saw his son being beaten like that, he directly slapped his wife.

"You weren't there when my mom was bullied by that kid."

"If my son wants to eat a fish, you will hit him."

"Qin Huairu, after so many years of marriage, you haven't been at home at all!"

Qin Huairu was blinded.

What does Jia Zhang's arrest have to do with her?

Could it be that she let the other party steal it?

If the son wants to eat fish, but he doesn't give it to him, and he can't be delayed for a day or two?

She burst into tears.

Jia Dongxu ignored his wife's grievances.

He rushed straight out of the house.

Quickly walked to Xie Huaiqing's house, and then desperately patted the door.

"Jia Wenxiu, you give me out!"

This knock on the door alarmed the neighbors in the courtyard.

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