Jia Wenxiu eating dinner in the house.

Suddenly, I heard someone outside shouting at myself.

She could hear it, it was Jia Dongxu's beast.

The other party still seems to be angry.

If before, she would never have been able to go out and face the other side.

But now it's different.

He also has two children.

For the sake of the children, she also needs to cheer up.

Face people and things that you didn't dare to face in the past.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

After she calmed down and opened her eyes.

I found both children looking out the door.

She gently touched the children's heads and said.

"You two sit well here."

"Mom will be back in a moment."

Xiao Nuan nodded obediently.

Xie Huaiqing promised good.

Actually, wait for my mother to open the door.

followed behind her.

"Jia Dongxu, what did you tell me to do?"

Jia Wenxiu opened the door and glared angrily at him.

After the other party saw her, his face showed a cold expression.

"You call your son out to me."

At the mention of her son, her face changed.

The other party can find her, but absolutely not her own son.

Moreover, it was when he was angry.

Injuries you've suffered.

She will never let the children suffer again.

"If you have anything, just tell me."

"The children are already asleep."

"Is it?

Jia Dongxu smiled gloomyly.

"Then let me be an uncle."

"Is my nephew really asleep?"

Saying that, he pushed the other party away and went to the house.

Just when his hand was about to touch Jia Wenxiu.

Xie Huaiqing came out of the house.

He pushed Jia Dongxu's waist.

Just push the other person backwards and back for several steps.

He hugged his chest and looked at each other.

"I'm right here, what do you say you're looking for me for?"

"Xiaoqing, you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by her son.

"Mom, it's okay, I'll handle this matter."

Jia Wenxiu did not want his son to be involved.

But at this moment, she can't help it.

Just listen to the other person scolding.

"Xie Huaiqing, you little beast."

"Do you have a little blood kinship?"

"My mother is also your grandmother, so you sent your grandmother to prison?"

The neighbors around him listened and began to point at him.

"Yes, this Xie Huaiqing is cold-blooded, and his grandmother can be sent to prison."

"Their family is not eating and drinking less now, so what's wrong with letting Jia Zhangshi take some?"

"After all, it's not a grandmother, so he can be so ruthless, if he is a pro, he has to send electric fans and bicycles to Jia Zhang's house."

This will be people, noisy people.

Almost no one spoke to Xie Huaiqing.

After all, people are jealous.

These days, he eats meat and fruit again.

I also bought an electric fan and a bicycle.

People in the courtyard.

It has long been seen that he is not pleasing to the eye.

It is obviously the poorest family in the yard.

Now it has become the richest family.

How can this make other people balance.

There is no harm without contrast.

Xie Huaiqing's days at home.

Let them know.

What is a real life!

Instead of thinking about this and that.

A penny is broken into two petals.

The grievance of the days passed.

The three uncles who rushed over listened to what the people were saying.

All of them looked at it coldly.

Jia Wenxiu was already frozen at this time.

She never thought of it.

I usually look at my honest neighbors.

There is such a strong jealousy.

She really understood what her son said at this time.

In the courtyard, there are really few good people.

For a while, she was disappointed with the people in the courtyard.

And Xie Huai had expected these people early in the morning.

Listening to people is not whispering.

He sneered.

"Jia Dongxu, who said that your mother is my grandmother's."

"The matter of severing kinship in the first place was brought up by your mother."

"What, when you use me, say that your mother is my grandmother, and when you don't need me, you break off the relationship?"

"Can your family be more shameless?"

Jia Dongxu was obviously not lightly angry.

"Even if that's the case, you don't have to call the police, do you?"

"Isn't it okay for my mother to take your family's things and give you money?"

"You're doing a great job!"

Hearing his words, Xie Huaiqing couldn't help but laugh.

"You'd better figure it out."

"It's your mother who called the police!"

"Little bunny, you fart!"

He was in a bit of a hurry.

"How could my mother be so stupid and call the police to catch herself."

"Your mother is so stupid, who is to blame?"

Xie Huaiqing took his mother's hand.

"Mom, let's go."

He turned around and went back to the house.

At this moment, the other party clenched his fists and went towards his head.

Everyone watching around gasped.

Jia Dongxu is an adult male.

Because of working in a factory.

I also practiced a pair of unicorn arms.

I don't know how much strength it is.

If this punch hits the kid's head.

It took a concussion.

Xie Huaiqing heard from people's nervous breathing.

Judging Jia Dongxu's movements.

He quickly turned around.

The opponent's fist has already arrived in front of him.

Among the lively crowds watching in the courtyard.

Some people closed their eyes.

As if I couldn't bear to see a small child being beaten by an adult.

But at this time, no one stood up to stop Jia Dongxu.

Jia Wenxiu panicked.

It seems to sense that his son is in danger.

Wait for her to turn around.

I saw Jia Dongxu's fist.

It was about to hit his son's head.

She wanted to stop it.

But it was too late.

Her heart was pounding.

My heart is full of grief and indignation.

Why should his son still be bullied by him.

A triumphant smile appeared on Jia Dongxu's face.

Little beast, against his own family.

Find death!

Just when he thought his fist was going to smash into the other party's head.

Xie Huaiqing moved.

He just gently extended his hand.

Just blocked the opponent's attack.

Such a hand, small, thin and dry.

The wrist is slender, not half as thick as the opponent's wrist.

However, it was this hand that held the other party's wrist deadly.

Let the other party no longer score half an inch.


Being squeezed by such a pair of hands.

Jia Dongxu couldn't help but exhale in pain.

He hadn't had time to struggle yet.

In the next second, a small fist came towards his face.

He couldn't help but close his eyes in fear.


There was a noise from his nose.

The soreness rushed straight to the door.


Jia Dongxu shouted and kept retreating back.

He felt his nose broken.

The nasal cavity is on fire, and tears are constantly flowing out of the eyes.

The people around him looked at the way the bridge of his nose was broken, and they all avoided it.

They don't want to provoke this obscurity.

Xie Huaiqing took a step forward.

Sneered and looked at the three uncles standing in the crowd.

"Sirs, are you watching Jia Dongxu bully me a child?"

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