Three words and two words sent the three mothers.

Xie Huaiqing let his sister walk in front.

He himself carried the sewing machine behind the sister and walked into the courtyard.

The doll in Xiao Nuan's hand whined.

Don't say it's children.

Even adults can't help but look sideways.

Such a doll that makes a sound.

How is it not a novelty?

Yan Xiedi washing vegetables in the middle courtyard.

She looked at the doll in Xiao Nuan's hand with envy.

She had been coveting this toy for a long time.

But only seen in the window of a department store.

Xiao Nuan's family is really rich!

Her brother is really willing to give her flowers!

Not like your own home.

Dad is so picky, and mom is still partial to her brothers.

And the brothers always bully themselves.

He also snatched food from his own hands.

In addition to Yan Xiedi, the other children also looked at the doll with fascination.

And Xiao Nuan seems to feel the envy of others.

Raise your head and hold your chest.

Shen Zheng walked towards the house in high spirits.

Children's toys, in the eyes of adults.

It is often not as interesting as the sewing machine in Xie Huaiqing's hand.

They stared at the doll a few times before glancing.

I set all my eyes on the sewing machine.

"How much does such a sewing machine cost?"

"I went to see it in the department store, and it cost one hundred and ninety-eight just like this."

"Shhhhh My salary for a year.

Xie Huaiqing ignored them.

I opened the door and left the sewing machine in my mother's house.

Just put it under the window, there's plenty of light.

Better for the eyes.

The watch is in the drawer of the sewing machine.

Wait for your mother to come back and give her the watch.

After doing all this.

It's almost noon.

He originally thought that Xiao Nuan would play with the dolls until he forgot to eat.

But I didn't expect that the girl actually came on point.

I also specially ordered to eat fish.

"Brother, Yuyu."

She pointed to the fish passage kept in the basin.

Little girl, it turns out that she hasn't forgotten what she said in the morning.

"Okay, brother cooks for you."

Lunch is squirrel mandarin fish and stir-fried greens with ham.

Another bowl of fragrant rice.

Xiao Nuan happily ate.

After eating, she was a little sleepy.

"Go to sleep."

He took his sister to the grave.

"Brother, the doll also has to sleep."

Before going to sleep, she also took her pillow and sat on a pillow under the doll's head.

After that, he took his pillow cloth and covered the doll.

"Well, sleep, sleep, both of you sleep."

After coaxing my sister to the end.

He cleaned up the unfinished food on the table and went into the stove.

Facing the cupboard, he thought silently in his heart.

"Use the Ice and Snow Card, Target Cabinet."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully using the Ice and Snow Card, and the target cabinet successfully obtained the cooling effect. "

The card given by the system is really good.

It's a natural refrigerator and doesn't consume electricity.

Summer food no longer has to worry about spoilage due to high temperatures.

He put the remaining squirrel mandarin fish, rice, and stir-fried greens with ham into the cupboard.

It's really okay to be idle.

After cleaning the house, there is nothing left to do.

I really miss the existence of mobile phones.

He was now idle trying to fiddle with the sewing machine.

Let's sleep.

When I wake up, the sun sets.

He reached out and grabbed his sister's hand that was grabbing his face.

Just listen to my sister hehe smile.

"Brother, lazy pig."

"You girl, your skin is itchy, isn't it?"

He reached out and scratched his sister's belly.

"Haha, brother, don't dare, haha."

The younger sister screamed and laughed for a while.

Small children can't withstand such a big stimulus.

He quickly let go.

Xiao Nuan quickly hugged the doll and fled to the side.

Pouting and accusing

, "Brother bullied me!"

"I want, tell mom!"

"Mom is not home now."

"I'll look for it."

Saying that, this girl is about to go to the ground.

She herself can't wear shoes yet.

Standing on the ground holding the doll, he said angrily.

"Brother put shoes on me!"

Little girl, don't see with you in general.

Xie Huaiqing had to put shoes on her.

Follow her out the door.

She strode forward angrily.

The little short legs are pouring upside down.

However, taking three steps is not as much as he takes.

He looked at it and laughed in his heart.

Unhurriedly followed her.

Look at where she's going.

Walk out of the courtyard and come to a fork in the road.

Xie Huaiqing saw that his sister was about to go to the wrong path.

He hurriedly prompted.

"Wrong! Over there!

At this time, Xiao Nuan cried.

"Brother, I'm tired, you hold me to find my mother."

What else can be done?

My own sister spoiled it!

Carry her in the direction of the rolling mill.

After walking for a while, I saw my mother riding a bicycle and returning with a smile on her face.

Jia Wenxiu also happened to see the children.

She stopped the car and asked in amazement.

"How did you guys get out?"

"Xiao Nuan is coming to you."

"This girl is really..."

she shook her head as she smiled and put Xiao Nuan on the back seat of the bike.

"Xiaoqing, you sit on the beam yourself."

"No, Mom, I'll take you on a ride."

"No, mom has energy this year."

"I really don't need to, speaking of which, why did you come back so early today?"

Seeing my son so persistent.

Jia Wenxiu had to give up.

She pushed her bicycle and walked with her son to the house.

Heard my son ask.

Just say happily.

"Your mother, I was promoted today!"

"Deputy director of the workshop who specializes in discipline!"


Jia Wenxiu told his son what the director said.

Xie Huaiqing then let go of his heart.

"Now Jia Dongxu is going to be unlucky, let him bully me!"

"And that Yi Zhonghai, check me in public."

"This breath in my heart is kind of out."

She said cheerfully, not noticing that the face of her son who was listening to her next to her was dark.

"Mom, what's going on? Who bullied you?

After hearing this, she realized that she had slipped out of her mouth.

She didn't want her children to know about that.

Under Xie Huaiqing's questioning.

She finally told Yi Zhonghai and others that made her suffer losses.

He listened to the fire in his heart.

These beasts actually dare to bully their mothers.

I will definitely not spare them.

Back at home, Jia Wenxiu looked at the sewing machine in the house in amazement.

"Child, this sewing machine..."

He walked over to the sewing machine.

Then he took out his watch from the drawer.

"Mom, there's still this."

He handed the watch to his mother.

The other party's eyes showed an incredulous look.

"This is also given by your uncle?"


"This, when will this have to be paid back."

Jia Wenxiu muttered.

Xie Huaiqing listened and almost didn't hold back.

It turned out that my mother remembered all these money.

I have to pay people back!

He had to say.

"Mom, don't worry, you can use anything."

"These things are a big deal, I'll be back later!"

After this sentence fell, Jia Wenxiu smiled and touched his son's head.

"Okay, mom knows, it's really a good son of mom."

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