Today my mother does not go to work with a day off.

Xie Huaiqing originally planned to take his mother and sister.

Let's go fishing and play by the river.

The fishing gear is ready.

The bag also contains homemade egg scones.

Just pushed into the car.

The stupid pillar came and stopped them.

"What for?"

What a beautiful weather this Sunday!

I hope this group of beasts will not find themselves unhappy.

"It's a meeting, you are not allowed to leave."

Xie Huaiqing only noticed this.

Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangqi were moving tables, chairs and benches into the middle courtyard.

This is a necessary process for meetings in the courtyard.

The three uncles are going to sit and talk about things.

He didn't want to bother with it.

But Jia Wenxiu felt that he had to listen to it.

"Xiaoqing, let's go after listening."

"All right, Mom."

In this case, there is no need to keep the egg scones in the bag.

Pull it out directly.

The big one is his own and his mother's, and the small one is his sister's.

Although the cake has a size, the ingredients in it are not missing at all.

Each person's cake has an egg in it.

The middle of the cake is ham, pickle cubes, lettuce, and leftover fish slices.

The maid was standing in the middle courtyard.

While eating breakfast, waiting for people to arrive.

Inside the yard, someone arrived early.

Looking at what this maid ate, she was very curious.

"What are you eating?"

Liu Guangtian is still young and does not have to be supported by his father to work.

He was standing in the crowd.

Smelling the aroma of sausages came to Xie Huaiqing.

"We eat egg scones."

"Egg scones?"

He frowned suspiciously.

What is that?

It must be delicious.

Although Liu Guangtian didn't know what egg scones were.

But it doesn't prevent him from knowing that eggs are a good thing!

Their family can only eat one egg a day.

This egg is still something his father can enjoy alone.

He always thought that after becoming a father, he could only eat eggs.

So he always wanted his father to be a son, and he himself to be a father.

Now look at Xie Huaiqing's household, each has an egg scone.

He asked incredulously.

"Do you have eggs in your egg scones?"

This is a question, inexplicable.

Can there be no eggs in egg scones?

"Of course there is!"

Liu Guangtian showed an expression that his world view had collapsed.

"Children can actually eat eggs?"

I didn't wait for him to think clearly about this philosophical question.

The plenary meeting has begun.

I only listened to his father cough a few times, and then said with a big belly.

"Everyone be quiet!"

"Today we have a plenary meeting in our yard."

"That Deputy Director Jia, do you want to come over here and sit too?"

Deputy Director Jia, who?

It won't be Jia Dongxu.

When did he become deputy director?

Why didn't I hear Qin Huairu say it!

The crowd stirred.

Jia Wenxiu's just became the deputy director of the fitter workshop not long ago.

Coupled with the intentional information blockade of Yi Zhonghai and others.

So most of the people in the yard don't know.

She is now the deputy director.

Jia Wenxiu himself did not expect it.

There's something about her.

But she was impatient to take care of all this mess in the yard.

So I just refused.

"No need, you guys drive, I won't go up."

After the words fell.

The crowd, which was already a bit of a riot, has now directly become a riot.

Many people looked at her.

"What, Jia Wenxiu became the deputy director? What deputy director?

"Hey! I thought it was Jia Dongxu, so I said, he was cheating and playing tricks in the factory, how could he be promoted, and deducting his salary was almost the same.

"Jia Wenxiu became the deputy director of the workshop, so isn't he the first person in our yard to be a leader?"

After Jia Dongxu heard these words.

I almost crushed my teeth.

The other family's life is doing so well now.

It made him very unbalanced in his heart.

Since he was a child, he has bullied that cheap sister.

I didn't look at her.

Now the other party has actually been promoted and made a fortune.

He was tempted to ask why.

Why is a woman better than herself?

Just when the crowd rioted.

Yi Zhonghai coughed hard, twice.

The stupid pillar standing next to him spoke.

"What's wrong with the deputy director of the workshop?"

"Even if she is the director and enters our yard, she has to listen to the words of the three uncles."

"The uncles hung up when they were on the street office, and the leaders of the rolling mill didn't care about the affairs in our yard."

The second uncle was refuted.

With a very ugly face, he sat on the stool and stopped talking.

I only listened to the stupid pillar and then asked the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, do you say this is true?"

What can a deaf old lady say.

Of course you're right.

As long as it's good for the silly column.

She will definitely do it.

Yi Zhonghai is the backer of the pillar.

For the sake of the pillar, she will definitely help him.

The deaf old lady smiled and said.

"Yes, yes, the pillar is right."

"The affairs in our yard are naturally decided by our three uncles."

"No matter how big the officials are outside, they can't care, can they know the specific situation in our yard?"

After she said this.

A slight smile appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Xie Huaiqing, who was watching their actions below.

Coldness leaked from his eyes.

This time singing and fighting.

This sentence is a high-sounding sentence.

In fact, he was worried that his mother would meddle in the affairs of the yard.

It seems that the identity of the mother of this deputy director of the workshop.

It does challenge the authority of these three masters.

If the mother has the heart to intervene in the affairs of the yard.

Among the three uncles, it doesn't matter if one person speaks.

No wonder they want to sing today's play.

Jia Wenxiu was also sneering.

When she was still the same woman who was brainwashed by their words before?

Now the intentions of these three uncles are clear to anyone.

She didn't want to pay attention to the troubles of the Li family in this courtyard.

If it weren't for the fear that her husband wouldn't find her when he came back.

She could have found a way to take the children with her.

She said right away.

"Yes, yes, old lady, you are right."

"Oh, this pipe rolling mill fitter workshop is enough for me to be busy."

"I, I really don't have time to take care of things in the yard, I can't take care of the children's meals, and I really have a weak heart for things in the yard."

Jia Wenxiu's words.

It made the three uncles and Jia Dongxu feel uncomfortable.

Well, she's busy in the factory, which means we're not busy?

What is powerlessness, we didn't want you to have this heart at all!

Especially in the bangs, the face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

He camped in the factory, but he didn't catch anything.

Yi Zhonghai's expression changed several times, and finally raised his hand and pressed down.

Silenced the people in the yard.

"Guys, be quiet, call everyone here today, not for anything else."

"Instead, I want to say that the trees in our yard, which have been confirmed, are collectively owned and belong to the public property of the people in the yard."

"It's like that poplar tree in front of Xie's house."

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