It turns out that they hit this idea.

After Xie Huaiqing listened to the other party's words.

Their intentions were instantly understood.

This is aimed at the tree of your own home.

I bought my own electric fan and bought a bicycle.

It must have made this group of birds and beasts in the yard crazy with jealousy.

And I always say intentionally or unintentionally that these money and tickets are all paid out of the bird's nest in the tree.

No wonder they want to hold a plenary meeting.

Only to hear Yi Zhonghai continue.

"The poplar tree of the Xie family is the public property in our yard."

"And the elm tree in front of Jia's house, that too."

"In the front yard, that..."

he counted the trees in the yard in one breath.

Two trees in the front yard, two trees in the middle yard, and one tree in the back yard.

"There are seven trees in total, and these trees are."

"The other day we were negligent and the ownership of the tree was not clear."

"Now, let me officially announce that these trees cannot be privately owned in the future."

"Did you know?"

After the words fell, the people in the courtyard whispered in twos and threes.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is settled."

As soon as he said a word, he wanted to close the coffin.

But this time.

Xie Huaiqing spoke.

"Wait a minute, I have an opinion!"

As soon as he spoke, the other party looked over coldly.

I saw the other party frowning and said.

"What is your opinion?"

He sneered and spoke.

"Sir, I remember you saying that the trees in this yard belong to private property."

"When my grandfather was about to go, he wanted to eat steamed elm leaves, so my mother went to Jia's door to pick them."

"But at that time, how did you say, not to let you pick it, saying that the elm tree is private property, and my grandfather was uneasy when he left."

At that time, Jia Zhang and her son disliked their grandfather and could not move.

I moved to my current house.

It has always been my mother who gave my grandfather and urine.

That's why my grandfather left the location of the rolling mill in the house to my mother.

After Yi Zhonghai heard this.

A feeling of heat rose on my face.

Obviously, this weather is not very hot.

The sun is also not very strong.

But he just felt a little pain in his cheeks.

As if he had been beaten by someone, the hot feeling made him sit still.

It seems that there was such a thing, and there were many people around the courtyard at that time.

At that time, people were scolding Jia Dongxu for not being filial, and his father was dying and would not be allowed to eat elm leaves.

Seeing him fall into an eerie silence.

Jia Dongxu spoke at the right time.

"It's not to blame Uncle for this."

"I didn't let Jia Wenxiu pick it up in the first place."

"Uncle just can't beat me."

This is somewhat far-fetched.

The eldest man usually looks at love and generosity.

But talking in the yard also works well.

No matter how stubborn he was, he did not have the permission of a grandfather.

He absolutely could not do such a thing without giving elm leaves to his own father.

Although this reason is really far-fetched.

But it can also be regarded as giving Yi Zhonghai a step down.

"Everyone heard it, and now the Jia family has already admitted their mistake."

"Then, from today onwards, the courtyard, no matter what kind of tree, is publicly owned."

"Does the big guy still have a problem?"

After the words fell, Jia Dongxu took the lead in responding.

"No problem, I'm okay."

"In the future, everyone can pick the elm leaves in the yard casually."

"What about the others?"

He asked again.

The people in the courtyard were silent.

Xie Huai knew early on what they wanted to do.

So also just sneered.

Aren't these beasts red-eyed and able to take things down from the trees?

Then give it to them.

They won't get anything anyway.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yi Zhonghai nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, then it is so decided."

"All the trees in the yard are collectively owned, and no one may encroach on them in the future."

"Otherwise, my grandfather will be fined!"

The others, of course, have no opinion.

In the past, when the tree was privately owned.

If you want to eat some leaves from the tree, you can't eat it.

Now it's okay, after the tree gong has it, won't you just pick it.

And on the poplar tree of the Xie family, there are good things!

It would be foolish for them to disagree.

Other people with trees also felt that it didn't matter.

The leaves on their trees are not edible anyway, and there are no bird's nests.

Put it in a decoration.

"Okay, then disperse!"

"Wait a minute, uncle."

Just as the crowd was about to disperse.

Jia Dongxu suddenly spoke.

"Then how should the things on this tree be divided?"

"The Xie family took a lot of things from above."

"I think I should give the big guy a point?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

That's a great idea!

Xie Huaiqing sneered.

"Okay, of course I can give it to everyone."

After saying these words, Jia Dongxu's face showed an expression of ecstasy.

Yan Bugui's eyes also lit up, and this kind of good thing?

The second uncle thought to himself, can you give me the identity of your mother's deputy director?

The rest of the courtyard also had more or less happy smiles on their faces.

However, Yi Zhonghai felt that things would not be so simple.

This little cub has always refused to suffer.

How could everyone take advantage of him at this time.

Sure enough, I only listened to Xie Huaiqing say.

"Then first let Jia Dongxu spit out the elm leaves that he ate into his stomach."

"As long as he can spit it out and give it to everyone, then I can also give my things to everyone."

What has already been eaten has already been digested, how can you spit it out?

Jia Dongxu's face darkened.

If he could really spit elm leaves, then he would vomit.

But now it's a scorching summer, and spring has long passed.

Who will eat elm leaves in the scorching summer, they can't spit it out if they want to!

"Jia Dongxu, can you spit it out?"

Xie Huaiqing had a faint smile on his face.

As if you can help me, what tricks can you make.

Yi Zhonghai stood up from the stool.

"Okay, that's the end of the matter."

"It's all in the past, so don't care."

"As for what is taken from the tree, from now on, whoever gets it first counts."

As soon as the words fell, everyone applauded.

In this way, it is not just that the hands are fast enough.

That would take advantage.

So I didn't wait for these three uncles to speak and disperse.

The people present rushed to the big poplar tree in front of Xie Huaiqing's house.

There seems to be a lot of stuff in the bird's nest above!

Among them, Yan Xie into Yan Jie mine runs the fastest.

Hey, bird's egg, here we are.

Just as they were climbing the tree one after another, their ankles were suddenly grabbed.

Looking down, it turned out that it was Jia Dongxu pulling them.

The angry brothers cursed twice.

"Fuck off, stay out of the way!"

"You don't want to face, rob us children!"

He didn't care about this, and he used a force in his hand.

Grabbed the brothers off the tree.

Then he climbed up the tree.

Xie Huaiqing looked at this chaos.

Quietly walked to the door of Jia's house under the elm tree.

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