Jia Zhang is not ashamed.

Get up and quickly lie down to the window and shout.

"Help, help!"

At this time, Qin Huairu was washing vegetables in the yard.

Jia Dongxu didn't know what to do, he didn't come back.

So no one in the family could save her.

She could only call the three masters in the yard.

"One grandpa, two uncles, three grandfathers, help!"

Her harsh shouts made everyone else snort.

Who is idle and has nothing to do, dare to provoke that kid from the Xie family.

Didn't she deserve it?

Yi Zhonghai was coming from the backyard with Jia Dongxu.

As soon as I heard this shout.

The two of them quickly ran over.

"Xie Huaiqing, what are you doing!"

The eldest man had a headache at this time.

This family surnamed Xie is not a character to mess with.

Why can't Jia Zhangshi understand this.

You have to provoke the other party.

But now is not the time to say these words.

Yi Zhonghai walked next to Xie Huaiqing, who was frantically chopping the door.

"Child, child, calm down."

"If there is something you tell the grandpa, the grandpa will call the shots for you."

"Don't cut it, be careful if you hurt your hand."

This gentle policy did not stop the other party.

It's bad, what if this kills?

He looked around.

When he saw the stupid pillar, he made a look and motioned for him to come over.

The other party understood in seconds after seeing his eyes.

Walking over quickly, he snatched the knife from the little cub of the Xie family.

Which will let him take the knife away.

Xie Huaiqing's eyes were swiftly slashed across his chest.

"Get out of my way!"

Seeing that he is not splitting the door.

Yi Zhonghai took the opportunity to go.

"You kid, at such a young age, how can you be so impulsive."

"Then she is old and fast into the soil, and she can slander my mother without evidence?"

"Ahem, what the did you say?"

He turned his head and pushed open the door of Jia's house to ask Jia Zhang in the house.

However, only listen to the other person crying.

There was still dripping urine on his pants.

There was a smell of urine in the air.

Everyone who came in couldn't help but cover their noses.

Seeing this situation, the second uncle who followed the two followed, looked like a leader and named a person.

"Jia Dongxu, tell me, what is going on?"

Jia Dongxu, who was named, sighed.

"This is not the child's mother, my salary of thirty-seven yuan a month, I only deducted seven yuan for me."

"How can this seven yuan be enough for our family of four."

"My mother really can't help it, that's it."

Silly Zhu listened and gasped.

"Jia Wenxiu is also too ruthless."

"These seven dollars are enough for anyone to spend, the stick terriers are all in school, and the expenses for a month must be greater."

"No matter how much contradiction there is in the yard, it can't involve the factory."

He held the grievances for the other party.

Jia Wenxiu, who came out of the house and was afraid that his son would suffer a loss, heard this sentence.

She immediately laughed angrily.

"Yo, silly pillar, when will it be your turn to be a cook in charge of things in our fitter workshop?"

"I'll do things and you don't interrupt."

She turned around and said to Jia Dongxu, who pretended to be pitiful.

"If you are not convinced, then you will go and react to the factory."

"Less pretend here, as if I bullied you."

"Don't you look at what kind of work you are doing in the factory, I will be ashamed of you when you say it!"

She said in a fierce voice, and Jia Dongxu's face became darker and darker as she said it.

Seeing this, Yi Zhonghai hurriedly made a fork, and furthermore, this matter could not be done.

"Okay, let the past pass."

"The point is, Jia Dongxu, what do you want to do now?"

"I didn't think about it, how dare I?"

Jia Dongxu said aggrievedly.

"I just wondered how I could get by this month."

"Seven dollars, I really can't survive..."

"In this way, hold a whole hospital meeting for you, and ask the neighbors to donate some to you."

Xie Huaiqing thought, this old fox, it turned out to be this attention.

The other party has worked for so many years, does the family have no savings at all?

Besides, because of Qin Huairu's affairs, didn't he ask his master for hundreds last month?

It's only been a month, and hundreds of them have already been spent?

This surnamed Jia wanted to deduct money from other people in the courtyard.

Maybe this plenary meeting was also discussed by them a long time ago.

Yan Bugui, who came in, happened to hear the phrase of donating money at the meeting.

He didn't know anything yet, so he was the first to respond.

"Okay, meeting!"

Anyway, this will be the money donated, and the uncles will return it in full.

Neighbors pay fifty-fifty cents of money, as always.

Liu Haizhong is certainly happy too.

This is not a meeting, how to show his authority?

"Meeting, meeting!"

The silly pillar ran all over the three courtyards and called people into the middle courtyard.

"What's going on, why is the meeting again?"

In the impatience of the people.

Liu Haichang clapped his palms.

"Everyone be quiet, now I will say one thing."

"It is said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and whoever has difficulties, let's help and pass."

"The Jia family is having a difficult life now, so I hope everyone will lend a hand."

After he finished speaking, Yi Zhonghai took out a big unity sheet from his pocket.

"Since I want to donate, as a grandfather in this courtyard, I will lead by example."

"Donate ten yuan first!"

"Then I, the second uncle, will give five pieces."

Liu Haizhong also slapped the money on the table.

Anyway, after the people are gone, the money will still be their own.

It's the turn of the three masters.

Everyone looked at him.

I saw him hold up his glasses, and then said with a smile.

"The situation in my family, everyone also knows, I am afraid it is not as good as the Jia family."

"But since I am the three masters in the courtyard, I have to assume the responsibility of the three masters."

"In this way, in the future, the tutoring of the stick terrier will be handed over to me, I don't want money, is that okay?"

Rather, it will work!

As long as Yan Bu is expensive, he doesn't share the money.

Whatever he wants.

Yi Zhonghai nodded, and the others in the courtyard did not object.

Soon, in line, the money of each family was placed on the table.

Everyone gave it, leaving the Xie family.

"I said Jia Wenxiu, how much money do you give?"

Instead of speaking, she looked at her son.

The meaning is obvious, let your son decide whether to donate money or not.

Xie Huaiqing looked at this scene with a sneer on his face.

"Uncle, let me ask you why you donated money?"

"Of course, it's because of the difficulties of the Jia family."

"Is it? Then when our family was also very difficult in those years, why didn't you hold a plenary meeting to donate money to our family? After

these words fell.

Yi Zhonghai's face changed.

The people around also started talking.

"yes, it seems to be."

"Our family is also in difficulty, why don't we donate money to our family."

"Yes, Jia Dongxu's family will not have any savings, let's donate money."

"Why does Yi Zhonghai always help the Jia family?"

Xie Huaiqing continued.

"Uncle, you have a partial eye, you can't be so partial eye."

"But yes, it makes sense for you to do that."

"I'll tell you the truth about a big master who favored the Jia family today!"

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