The truth, what truth?

The people in the courtyard all raised a strong sense of gossip.

After all, this uncle has recently been in the limelight.

Xie Huaiqing said so.

Everyone fell silent.

I want to hear what this truth is.

Yi Zhonghai was a little confused at this time.

The truth, what truth?

I don't just want to take some money as a pension.

By the way, get closer to the relationship with the Jia family that is on the verge of collapse.

These things, even if the people in the yard know about it, what does it matter.

Saw with your own eyes that you divided money with the three uncles?

Not seeing is slander.

What happened to the Jia family?

You can't find someone to retire yourself.

He smiled coldly.

He wanted to see this little beast surnamed Xie.

What the hell can be found in the end.

Xu Damao in the crowd laughed twice.

The eldest master usually helps the stupid pillar against himself.

Now there is the possibility of taking revenge on him.

How can you not seize this opportunity?

He was hiding behind a man.

Pinching his nose and asking.

"What truth? Tell us about it.

Xie Huaiqing pressed his hand down.

"Don't worry, listen to me."

The afterglow fell, and a golden light fell on him.

With his back to the sun, he turned his back to the light, as if his whole body was glowing.

Even the hair strands have changed to the color of the sunset.

The people in the courtyard listened to him quietly.

"Do you know why when our family was in trouble, the eldest master didn't say a word for us?"

"And the Jia family, nothing happened, that is, Jia Dongxu's salary could not be paid, so he opened a general meeting of the whole hospital to help them."

"The Jia family's family base is not thin, and their family does not have a little savings? Can't live without this money?

"If that's right, didn't the eldest master return more than two hundred surnamed Jia last month? These two hundred were spent so quickly? After

saying these words.

Everyone in the courtyard was in thought.

That's right!

The eldest man because of the matter with the daughter-in-law of the Jia family.

But gave the Jia family a lot of money!

More than 200 yuan, which is enough for many families to live for three or four months.

If you save a little, you can spend five months.

The Jia family took so much money, even if they didn't receive much salary.

This money is also enough for the family of four.

Why do you have to have a meeting and ask the people in the yard for money?

"Yes, yes, that's what I said."

"Why didn't I expect this stubble! Usually, I listen to the eldest master say how difficult the Jia family is, but I forget about it. "

There's cat greasy, there's cat greasy."

Yi Zhonghai listened to the noisy voices of people.

His face was almost pulled to the ground.

This little cub, which pot does not open which pot.

The past things are easy for the people in the yard to forget a little.

Why did he bring it up again.

Can't let him go on anymore.

"You boy, have you said enough?"

"Your uncle, what are you in a hurry, let the family finish talking."

Xu Damao said happily there.

Seeing that the other party was unlucky, he was really happy in his heart.

Xie Huaiqing spoke again.

"Let's think about it."

"Except for my parents, who would worry so much about other people's homes."

"Who will worry about whether other people's money is enough to spend!"

Speaking of this, the people in the courtyard all frowned.

Listening to the other party's meaning, is the eldest master and the Jia family have a bit of that kind of relationship?

"No, what does this have to do with mom and dad?"

"Could it be that Jia Dongxu and the eldest master are... But this age is not right.

"I know, it's with Qin Huairu!"

"Really fake, the two of them got it so early?"

"Who knows, it is estimated that this uncle is afraid that his own son will starve."

Hearing these words, the two uncles looked sideways at Yi Zhonghai.

He could read it from their eyes: You are this kind of person.

He was literally vomiting blood.

What is this little king bastard surnamed Xie talking about!

A strong sense of crisis came to his heart.

If he can't save the way.

Then in the future, he will have no place in this courtyard.

There must be a way to stop this!

His brow furrowed.

It was still a hot afternoon.

Unconscious, cold sweat broke out on his back.

His brain was racing.

Yet this crazy burning brain cell is thinking quickly.

Nor did it save his decline.

Xu Damao jumped out of the crowd first.

He jumped to the table.

And then got his money back.

The rest did the same.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

"Bah! I really didn't expect that the eldest man was actually this kind of person.

"I used to think he was a good man."

"I really know people and don't know their hearts."

"Qin Huairu, you slut, I'll kill you!"

Jia Dongxu dragged his wife aside.

Lifting a fist is a hit.

The also pinched and kicked at each other.

"You shameless little girl, you are not cheap!"

"Say, how many times have you been with that old thing."

"Is the stick terrier my own grandson, you say you say."

In response to her, only Qin Huairu's whimpering cry.

"You cry a fart, you talk, you talk to me."

Jia Zhang's heart was about to break.

Let whoever has raised a mongrel from someone else's house for so many years.

It will be uncomfortable in the heart.

Silly Pillar hasn't figured out what this is going on.

I saw the people around me grabbing money, grabbing money, fighting and fighting.

What surprised him even more.

The usually gentle and smooth aunt is actually beating the eldest uncle now.

Just listen to her cry.

"Yi Zhonghai, you shameless old product."

"When I said anything, I wouldn't dislike me for not being able to have children, and I must live with me for the rest of my life."

"What's going on now! How old are the children, are you human?

She grabbed the other man's collar and shook it vigorously.

Yi Zhonghai's head is now bigger.

How did things come to this point.

He just wants to have a good relationship with the Jia family.

"It's not like that, you listen to me."

Auntie has already been greatly stimulated by the previous incident.

Now where will listen to his explanation.

Still grabbed him by the collar and cursed.

Upset, Yi Zhonghai pushed his wife.

Caught off guard, Aunt fell to the ground.

She looked at each other incredulously.

After so many years of marriage, he was moving towards himself for the first time.

It's for that little beast he and Qin Huairu gave birth to!

She yelled.

"I'm not alive!"

"Yi Zhonghai, I'm going to jump into the well and die as a ghost, I won't let you go."

With that, she ran to the backyard.

At this time, Jia Dongxu finished beating his daughter-in-law.

He came to Yi Zhonghai's face.

Grabbing the opponent by the collar and reaching out is a punch.

"Yi Zhonghai, I'll beat you to death and let you hook up with my daughter-in-law."

"You're an old and disrespectful rotten thing."

"Don't fight, don't fight, your aunt is going to jump into the well."

Yi Zhonghai couldn't break free.

"I'm going to see her."

"Jump into the well and jump into the well, and if you die, you die!"

Jia Dongxu did not adhere to it.

Silly Zhu saw it and punched Fei, surnamed Jia.

Then he pulled the grandpa to run quickly to the backyard.

A corner there.

But there really is a dry well.

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