Xu Damao listened.

His face was pulled straight down.

Can a man give birth to such a thing.

How can it be said easily.

It's about a man's dignity!

Not to mention that his fiancée is still here.

How can this little cub talk nonsense!

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Young people, do you know how to have children?"

Lou Xiao'e's face is also not very good-looking.

Originally, she was dissatisfied with this marriage.

But Dad told her.

The ingredients of the other party can.

If there is anything to take care of yourself in the future.

She also agreed to spend some time with the son of her nanny.

Today is her first visit.

Just hear such news.

Whether it's true or not.

It always makes people feel unhappy.

"Little friend, who are you listening to?"

"Qin Huairu said to Silly Zhu!"

Lou Xiao'e listened and thought in her heart.

She didn't know who the silly pillar was, though.

But the name of another person she knew.

Isn't it the woman who cheated on this child's mouth.

She believed it for a while.

A woman who cheats with others can be a good thing.

She looked at her fiancé suspiciously.

See here.

Jia Wenxiu took his children aside.

"Kid, where did you hear this?"

"And where did you learn the word stealing?"

It's bad, the tutor at home is very strict!

Hearing his mother's question, he immediately felt bad.

The woman surnamed Qin couldn't hold back the scolding.

He hastened to remedy it.

"Jia Zhangshi scolded people like this, I just..." The

rest of the words, he didn't say, Jia Wenxiu also understood.

She raised her hand.

Then he gently put it on his son's head and rubbed it.

"Don't say it next time."

"Don't learn from her, got it?"

"Got it!"

A smile appeared on Xie Huaiqing's face.

He knew his mother wouldn't do it.


Xu Damao pulled Lou Xiao'e out of Xie's house.

Stay there again.

I don't know what kind of nonsense this little cub surnamed Xie will say.

This daughter-in-law is about to arrive.

Can't just let her fly.

This condition of oneself must be put on hold.

How could he marry such a daughter-in-law.

Fortunately, it is now a new society.

Xu Damao took Lou Xiao'e into his home.

"Ezi, don't listen to that Qin Huairu talking nonsense with stupid pillars."

"I'm a good person, how can I not give birth."

After the words fell, Lou Xiao'e did not react.

It was as if he didn't believe what he said.

He was anxious all of a sudden, and quickly said.

"Ezi, if you don't believe it."

"Then come with me to the hospital tomorrow."

"My father and my mother are healthy people, how can I be defective."

Hearing this, the other party gave a slight reaction.

"Okay, then we'll take a look tomorrow."

Xu Damao exhaled.

In his heart, he secretly hated Qin Huairu for talking indiscriminately with the stupid pillar.

As for the little cub of the Xie family, he didn't even know what the crotch was.

How could such words come out.

It must be those two people!

But fortunately this matter stabilized him.

He began to change the subject.

"Ezi, I'll cook for you."

"It's nice that you try my craft."

He said and walked to the stove.

Lou Xiao'e stopped him.

"No need, let's go eat outside."

OK! The province did it himself.

He promised.

Anyway, today is to bring her to recognize the door.

It's nothing to go out and eat.

The two men were talking as they walked.

Passing by the truth of the middle court.

Lou Xiao'e said in the direction of the Xie family with emotion.

"I didn't expect that in this yard of your house, it was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

He asked unknowingly.

"What dragon what tiger?"

Seeing the other party's stupid look, she shook her head gently.

Then start explaining.

"Just think about it, those things on the table of the Xie family."

"How can ordinary people be willing to eat, and how can they eat."

When she was young, the situation at home was still very good.

Every autumn, you can eat the big crabs of Chengyang Lake.

When she was young, she thought that every family could eat like this.

She didn't know until she grew up.

Many ordinary people have never seen a crab at all.

Not to mention eating.

And on the Xie family's dining table, the split is so fine.

It's an expert at first glance.

People who don't eat crabs often can't eat so finely.

For example, crab legs, many people will not actually take out the meat inside to eat.

Therefore, she felt that the Xie family was really not an ordinary family.

"Is it? Probably maybe.

Xu Damao didn't pay much attention.

He only cared about the cub and said that he was sterile.

He said indifferently.

"I guess where did the little cub pick it up."

"Moth, don't talk so much, go, I'll take you to dinner."

"Ming'er early in the morning, let's go to the hospital for examination."


The next day.

Xu Damao went to the factory to take a leave.

The reason for taking leave is also to solve personal life problems.

His colleagues knew he had found a nice look.

When I heard the reason for his leave, they all quipped.

"Yo, this is going to the door of my mother-in-law's house?"

"Remember to send us candy when you come back!"

"Xu Damao, you kid can do it, I'm going to see my parents so soon."

"Haha, you don't look at who I am."

He proudly left the office building.

After abducting to the cafeteria and bringing two meat buns.

Just joined his fiancée Lou Xiao'e in front of the hospital.

"Moth, did you have breakfast?"

Xu Damao took out the meat buns specially bought in the rolling mill from his arms.

"After eating, I won't eat, let's go into the hospital."

"No hurry, no hurry, let me eat first, I haven't had time to eat yet."

Right in front of the hospital.

Xu Damao nibbled on the bun unhurriedly.

This check does not lie in the time of this moment.

Anyway, there will be no problems with the results of the examination.

His body, can he still not know himself?

After eating calmly.

He reached out and wiped his mouth.

"Let's go, let's go in."

Hung up, found the doctor, then went to the toilet, and finally sent for examination.

Busy, half a morning passed.

Xu Damao stood in the corridor.

He said with conviction.

"Moth, don't worry."

"As far as my body is concerned, follow my mother, you know how capable my mother is."

"When the time comes to check the results, it will definitely be fine."

He patted his chest in assurance.

A faint smile appeared on Lou Xiao'e's face.

It's just a little alienating in the smile.

It seems that he does not care about this test result.

Waited a little longer.

A nurse opened the door and shouted.

"Xu Damao."

He walked over with a grin.

"I'm in, I'm in."

"You go inside."

The nurse turned sideways.

Lou Xiao'e followed him into the room.

Inside, sat a doctor with a serious face.

Just listen to him ask.

"You are Xu Damao?"

"I am."

"Your test results are out."

Lou Xiao'e couldn't help but hold her breath.

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