"See for yourself."

The doctor did not explicitly tell Xu Damao.

Instead, he handed him an inspection report.

After taking this thin piece of paper.

He looked directly at the result.

Such a fluttering glance.

Just let him sweat cold.

He saw it clearly.

The result read, "This patient is infertile."

His face visibly paled.

A voice sprang up in my heart.


Absolutely fake!

Shaking his hands, he turned over to look at the name in front of him.

Xu Damao began to pray in his heart.

It's someone else's name.

This report must have been taken by the doctor by mistake.

The side with the name written on it will be presented.

He closed his eyes tightly.

Lou Xiao'e watched.

A puzzled expression appeared on his face.

Why is he like this?

She urged.

"Xu Damao, you told me the result!"

And the other party ignored her.

Instead, he pounced directly on the doctor.

I saw cold sweat on his face.

The eyes were flushed.

"Doctor, this must be a mistake."


parents are healthy, I can't not."

In the face of this performance of his.

The doctor calmly stepped back and avoided his hand.

Such patients.

He saw more.

Both men and women.

Whoever knows the result of not being able to give birth is not crying to heaven and earth.

The man's reaction.

It was also within his expectation.

"Comrade Xu, there is absolutely no problem with this inspection."

"If you don't believe it, you can check it again."

Hear the doctor say this.

Lou Xiao'e also reacted.

Wouldn't that mean?

He really can't give birth!

A sense of relief and joy welled up in her heart.

That's great.

Then the marriage can be canceled.

Dad also has an explanation there.

Xu Damao now felt that the sky above his head was about to fall.

If he can't give birth.

Doesn't that mean that the Xu family is going to die!

Their family has always been in the same vein.

That's how to get it.

The roots of the Xu family cannot be ruined here!

"Doctor, I'm going to have another check-up."

"Okay, then there you go."

Xu Damao rubbed his eyes.

His eyes were red and he said to Lou Xiao'e.

"Ezi, you wait for me."

"Believe me, there is absolutely no problem with this inspection."

I saw that the other party nodded reluctantly.

As if he had been pardoned, he immediately went for another examination.

The time is close to noon.

Xu Damao's inspection report came out again.

And nothing has changed as a result.

"How is it possible!"

"How is this possible!"

He was like crazy.

Standing in the interrogation room and shouting.

Lou Xiao'e couldn't help but tug him.

"You be quiet, this is the hospital."

"You have time to shout, you might as well ask the doctor if you can cure this."

Xu Damao was like waking up from a dream.

Immediately pounce on the doctor.

"Doctor, am I still saved?"

"Can I still give birth?"

"Your situation..."

said the doctor unhurriedly.

His heart also hangs high.

"Not good."

He instantly felt dizzy in front of his eyes.

"How so?"

Two lines of tears came out of his eyes.

It is said that men do not flick tears.

It's just not to the sad place.

The doctor also understood, so he kindly asked him two more words.

"Have you ever suffered any external blows?"

"What do you mean?"

I saw the other party pick up the inspection report sheet and point to a result for him to analyze.

"From this result, you have no problem yourself, and your innate development is relatively perfect."

"But look at this one, your arsenal is no longer capable of producing ammunition."

"It's okay if it's congenital, it's acquired."

After these words.

Xu Damao instantly thought of what Xie Huaiqing said.

It's the stupid pillar who kicks himself!

As soon as he thought of this, anger was like crazy grass, instantly wrapped around his body.

Between each exhalation and inhalation, it is a burning pain.

Damn stupid pillar, damn Qin Huairu!

He can't wait to put on his wings now.

Fly to the side of those two men and kill them.

He was filled with anger.

Lou Xiao'e was very calm.

Although she blushed a little.

But still asked.

"Doctor, can it still be treated?"

I saw the other party shake his head.

"It's better if an arsenal is broken."

"But both arsenals are broken."

"This is the cure, and there is no cure."

Hear it here.

A faint smile appeared on her face.

Great, this marriage can be stopped.

She was going to tell her father.

"Okay, thank you."

After speaking, she left without looking back.

Xu Damao shouted bitterly behind her.


" "Without you, I..." "

This is the hospital, silence!"

The nurse leader interrupted his wailing with a roar.

Xu Damao leaned weakly against the wall.

Holding your head and slowly sliding to the ground.

It's over, it's over.

Blame that damn stupid pillar and Qin Huairu.

He stood up and strode back.


It was noon.

Inside the courtyard of the courtyard.

Many people are washing their dishes at the tap.

Qin Huairu mixed in the pile of people.

Whispering bad things about Jia Wenxiu with others.

"What kind of person is she?"

"Yes, word has spread in the rolling mill, otherwise you think, how can a widow, not long after entering the factory, become the director of the workshop."

"What you said makes sense, but I don't think the other party is that kind of person.

"Look at you, I can't figure this out... Yes!

Qin Huairu was about to continue.

Suddenly there was a heavy slap on the face.

She felt her face swell quickly.

A hot pain in my cheek.

The ears are also buzzing.

Her eyes darkened for a while.

If you can't control it, you will fall to the ground.

However, in the next second, someone grabbed his hair and lifted it up.

Two more slaps.

She finally reacted.

I saw who the person who hit me was.

She cried out in a wow.

"Learn big cat, you haven't tried to build a nest!"

The people around were shocked by Xu Damao's crazy look.

Looking at him like this, it was as if he wanted to kill someone.

While beating Qin Huairu, he shouted in his mouth.

"I'll kill you slut!"

The jump into the well did not die, and the aunt with a broken leg watched coldly on the side.

The heart said that it was good to kill this slut who seduced his wife.

The second aunt hid far away.

Don't bump yourself.

The three mothers originally wanted to save it.

But seeing Xu Damao so crazy.

Immediately, it died down.

"Mother-in-law, help, mother-in-law."

Qin Huairu cried out in pain.

Jia Zhang did not dare to step forward.

Moreover, this little slut gave his son a green hat.

was beaten to death, how good it is for his son to marry a yellow flower girl.

After Xu Damao was tired of fighting, he finally stopped.

He looked at Qin Huairu, who was like a pig's head, and said coldly.

"Say, what did you say about me with Silly Zhu?"

"What's the woshuo mud?"

"Say I'm infertile! Let my daughter-in-law know before the door. The

words fell, and everyone was in an uproar.



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