Mako patted her chest.

The look was firm and assured.

Xie Huaiqing didn't take it seriously.

After all, with his physique, who can bully him.

"No need, just help me watch my sister."

"No problem! You and your sister and I are covered.

He nodded.

Quan Dang found a bodyguard for the girl.

In this school, it is said that children are innocent and kind.

But it also has its own small society.

It's not bad to add another layer of protection to my sister.

The surrounding classmates watched.

It's all gluttonous.

Some people are still thinking.

How come I don't have a sick younger siblings.

The stick terrier watched the meat go into Mako's pocket.

I was very jealous in my heart.

He wanted his mother to give him a sick brother.

Perhaps, Xie Huaiqing will also give himself meat to eat.

And some students are very envious.

This new Xie classmate.

From the beginning, I got the promise of the school bully.

He will definitely not be bullied in the future.

"Jingle bell~"

The bell rings after school.

Ran Qiuye announced the end of class.

"Students remember to finish their homework, let's see you tomorrow."

Xie Huaiqing put the book in his bag.

Then he took his sister by the hand and went home.

Out of the school, just turned a corner.

I saw five or six children blocking my way in front of me.

The one who started was Mako.

He frowned.

What is this for?

Mako also discovered him.

Hula ran over with those kids.

Xiao Nuan was so frightened that she hid behind him.

But soon it stood in his way.

"Brother, I protect you."

Xie Huaiqing didn't speak.

One pulled her behind her back.

Mazi also ran over with people.

After standing, she reached out and pointed at him.

"That's him! He helped me.

"You are all optimistic, be polite to him and his sister in the future."

"It's like seeing me, got it?"

"Got it—"

His little brothers replied.

It turned out to be a visit to the pier.

Xie Huaiqing wanted to laugh in his heart.

I don't know where this group of children learned it.

"Do you recognize my face?"



the voices of the little fart children rose and fell one after another.

His teasing mind rose.

Just played the role of an instructor he had played in his previous life.

He roared.

"I didn't hear clearly, do it again."

"I say one, two, three, you shout together."

"Do you hear me?"

"Hear me!"

After coming like this three or five times.

The little fart children can finally answer neatly.

"Okay, I'll see you at school tomorrow"

Xie Huaiqing waved his hand, and then walked away with his sister.

Mako stared at his back dumbfounded.

Mumbled in his mouth.

"How do you feel that he will be the boss more than me."


That's it.

Soon entered the courtyard.

One into the middle courtyard.

Just listen to Qin Huairu bragging about how smart the stick terrier is.

Looking at her appearance, she is as proud as a chicken.

"When I went to school, the teachers said it."

"Say our family is a great terrier, but smart!"

She was boasting about it there.

No one around paid attention to her.

She wasn't embarrassed either.

Poked her son twice in the back.

Pushed him to the center of the quadrangle.

"Come, son, tell everyone, what did you learn today?"

The stick terrier stood in the courtyard.

In the face of so many people.

The mouth opens and closes, but you can't say a word.

looked, in a hurry.

Just praised him for being smart.

How to drop the chain when it is critical.

"You say ah, you say ah!"

She gently pushed her son's back.

At this moment, the stick terrier became even more nervous.

He didn't know anything.

Being pushed by the like this now.

The brain is even more confused.

He stood dumbly in place.

Qin Huairu only felt embarrassed when he saw it.

Special, this kid, whoever he followed.

How can you be so stupid!

The people in the yard saw it.

They all began to laugh.

"Qin Huairu, didn't you say that your son is smart? Just smart like this?

"Hahaha, standing there can't even let out a fart, this is what you call a smart son?"

"Go home, don't be embarrassed here!"

In the face of the taunts of the people in the yard.

The stick terrier's eyes had two bubble tears in them.

He looked at his mother.

I saw the other party's face of disappointment.

He still doesn't know what it means to hate iron but not steel.

I only felt that my mother was embarrassed.

Tears flowed from his eyes.

Then he turned to look at Jia Zhang.

I saw that my grandmother didn't look at herself.

Lift the curtain and enter the house.

The stick terrier cried out aggrievedly.

At this time, he saw Xie Huaiqing.

Reach out and say with a finger.

"Xie Huaiqing won't either, I don't believe you asked him."

Xie Huaiqing, who was pointed at by him, only felt speechless.

He himself will not be, losing face in the yard.

Just pull yourself into the water and want to sink with yourself, right?

Seeing this, Qin Huairu smiled and said.

"Then I'll test you."

Who is she?

I also want to ask myself.

gave her face.

Xie Huai ignored it.

Directly took my sister to the house.

Seeing this, the stick terrier seemed to have caught his handle.

I cried out loudly while crying.

"He won't either, and neither will he."

"Why don't you laugh at him!"

This little cub.

Ignore him, he's still energetic.

Xie Huaiqing's eyes flashed with a grim light.

Qin Huairu also wanted to save the face that he had just lost by his son, so he said.

"Xiaoqing, you stand up and let your aunt test you."

"What did you learn today?"

She didn't believe it.

His own son is so smart that he can't say it.

This little beast of the Xie family can say something.

Which of my aunts are you?

Just when Xie Huaiqing wanted to teach the mother and son a lesson.

There was movement at the door.

"Qin Huairu, you are my son's aunt."

"You are a relative of which family is in our family."

"Our Xie family doesn't have a bad custom like you..." If

it weren't for the presence of my son and daughter.

She must severely humiliate this woman who does not abide by women's morals.

She pushes her bike.

He walked quickly to his son's daughter's side.

I was in a good mood after work.

Who knew that as soon as he entered the door, he heard this obscure woman embarrassing her son.

Jia Wenxiu parked his bicycle.

Touched his son's head.

"What are you?"

"Take care of my son's affairs too?"

"Take care of yourself!"

She was like a lioness.

Majestic guarding the children.

Keep an eye on the enemies around you.

Who dares to act rashly.

Just be ready to be knocked out by her.

Xie Huaiqing felt his mother's care.

Smiled softly.

He took his mother's hand and shook it.

"Mom, I didn't learn much today."

"It's philology, love Grandpa Mao, I'll carry it for you."

The child's crisp voice sounded in the courtyard.

"In math class, we learned..." he

said after that.

The people in the yard were shocked.

So many small children in the yard.

No one can memorize the entire text on the first day!

None of them can learn the equation that the teacher just taught!

Qin Huairu listened, her face red and white.

His own son is compared to others.

What a shame!

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