Listen to the sound of my son's milky voice.

Jia Wenxiu felt extremely proud in her heart.

His own son really followed his husband.

Not only is the body strong, but the mind is also intelligent.

Sensible and filial, more reliable than some adults.

She couldn't help but touch her son's head again.

"Good learning, son."

Xie Huaiqing smiled gently.

He said very modestly.

"Mom, that's nothing."

"Isn't this something that will be done by watching it once?"

He used to memorize lines and memorize scripts.

Basically, if you read it once, you can basically go down.

General script, when reading it for the third time.

He can memorize them all.

When he was still in college.

Just because of this ability, it caught fire.

Isn't it easy to memorize a textbook for elementary school students now.

What's more, this text has few words.

Xie Huaiqing said lightly.

The neighbors around showed a toothless expression.

Make no mistake.

Little friend, you are only seven years old.

I had never received any education before.

How is it possible to memorize the text in just one day.

It shouldn't be like the average child.

Can't even recognize the phonetic alphabet?

The people in the courtyard were in a trance.

Could it be that this little cub of the Xie family is really a genius?

"We're in the courtyard. Out of a child prodigy?

"He's only seven years old, can he pronounce pinyin?" You can memorize an entire text.

"His dad is quite smart, he really followed his dad."

"Jia Wenxiu is not stupid, wasn't she also the first in the second grade when she was a child? It was Jia Zhangshi who forbade her to study.

"Xiaoqing, this kid, will have a big career in the future!"

What people say in the courtyard.

Drifted into Qin Huairu's ears.

She almost crushed her teeth with hatred.

There really is no harm without contrast.

I already knew that she would not mention this head.

Stick terrier this stupid.

She couldn't wait to stuff him back into her stomach and reinvent it.

Just at this time.

Jia Wenxiu glanced at her lightly.

As if again, what do you compare with me.

My son, you are not a little stronger than your son.

Just this glance, directly let the other party break the defense.

Qin Huairu was like crazy.

Directly pushed her son into Jia's house.

The stick terrier cried.

"Grandma, grandma, my mother bullied me."

As for whether Jia Zhangshi cleaned up the other party.

Xie Huaiqing didn't know.

He followed his mother and led his sister into the house.

"Xiaoqing, will you memorize that text to your mother again?"

After entering the house.

Jia Wenxiu couldn't bear the excitement.

She had that expectant and proud look on her face.

Xie Huaiqing looked at his mother.

For the first time, I felt that I would endorse this skill so powerful!

To coax her.

He recited it again.

I saw my mother listening, and tears were about to fall.

He whispered suspiciously.


Xiao Nuan climbed into her mother's arms and wiped away her tears for her.

"Mom doesn't cry."

Jia Wenxiu hugged her daughter.

With tears in his smile, he pressed his face to her tender cheek.

"Mom didn't cry, Mom was happy."

"Mom will definitely let you study in peace."

Xie Huaiqing listened, and his heart moved.

Combined with what people said in the courtyard before, and the mother's performance.

Mother may have always had an unfulfilled dream.

That's reading.

He gently held his mother's hand.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely study well."

"I will also teach my sister to read."

"Mom, if you're okay, help me with my homework."

Jia Wenxiu agreed.

I vaguely felt something in my heart.

Tears welled up in her eyes again.

Did her son ask her to help her with her homework so that she could review her textbooks?

Between mother and son, there is a silent flow of tacit understanding that goes without words.



Xie Huaiqing stretched.

Got up from the sword.

Going to school today.

The days of sleeping whenever he wanted to sleep were far from him.

For the passing of these lazy days.

After three seconds of silent mourning in his heart, he went down to the ground.

It's time to put on shoes.

A familiar mechanical voice sounded in his head.

"If the venue of the host is detected to be in the lottery range, will the host conduct a lottery?"


【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten pounds of eggs. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Great Unity Fifty Sheets. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten salt tickets and ten vinegar tickets. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten cloth tickets and ten shoe tickets. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten soy sauce tickets and ten vegetable tickets. 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Seven Tips Card, which allows any two people to obtain an IQ enhancement effect with a permanent validity period (Note: the younger the use, the better the effect).

He looked at the Seven Tips card in the space with interest.

After thinking about it, I used it directly on myself and my sister.

"Use the Seven Tips Linglong Card, target Xie Huaiqing and Xie Huainuan."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully using the Seven Tips Linglong Card, and the target Xie Huaiqing and Xie Huainuan successfully obtained the IQ improvement effect, and the validity period is permanent. After

the sound of the system fell.

He immediately felt that his brain suddenly cleared a lot.

In one sense, the jewel that has been dusted for many years has been wiped away at this moment and blooms with light.

He couldn't help but reach out and touch his forehead.

After exhaling.

Go to the kitchen for hot rice.

The meal is cooked, wake up my sister.

After eating and drinking, I took my sister to school.

"Jingle Bell~"|

The bell in the school rang.

The first lesson also officially began.

"Students in the first, second, third and fourth grades, you read the textbooks first."

"Fifth and sixth grade, follow my blood."

After speaking, he opened the textbook.

Standing on the podium, he spoke with great passion.

He was very happy to say it himself, but few of the fifth and sixth graders below listened.

They are all quietly making small movements.

A few daring, such as Mazi, directly fought with the younger brothers in the back row.

Yan Bugui didn't care as if he didn't see it.

Listen to the noise in your ears.

Xiao Nuan in Xie Huaiqing's arms couldn't help but frown.

She whispered.

"It's so noisy, brother, don't they study?"

Xie Huaiqing touched his sister's head.

"Xiao Nuan is noisy? Well, brother go and talk about them. "

It just so happens that the fifth and sixth grade classes have already been taught.

It's the turn of the first and second grades.

Xie Huaiqing grabbed the pockmarks who ran past him.

"You make them quieter, I want to listen to the lesson."

Hear him say that.

Mako nodded immediately.

After his brother ate meat yesterday, he was much better.

He thanked the other party in his heart, and when he heard the other party say this.

Soon to go to the back row to clean up the noisy people.

Right at this time.

Yan Bugui took off his small glasses.


"Xie Huaiqing, talk indiscriminately in class, you give me out!"

"Also, who asked you to take your sister to school?"

Little rabbit, the last time he fished for wasting so much food.

As a result, none of them were caught.

Today he will teach him a good lesson.

"Take your sister and run five laps in the playground!"

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