The teacher who happened to be in charge of discipline came.

He holds a bicycle bell in his hand.

As soon as you press it, the end of class bell of "Jingle Bell" rings.

The bell rang at exactly the right time.

Principal Wu thought, now call Yan Bugui down on the stage.

It also does not disturb the children to class.

She shouted into the classroom.

"Teacher Yan, you come out with me."

After Yan Bugui listened to her voice.

A fawning smile appeared on his subconscious face.

But when he turned to face the other person.

I was surprised to find that she was holding the hand of the little cub of the Xie family.

The smile on his face was frozen.

What's going on?

Why did the principal hold the little cub's hand!

Could it be that what this little cub said was true.

Is it true that taking my sister to school was approved by the principal?

Broken! His heart pounded.

The sycophantic smile also stiffened.

"Principal Wu, are you looking for me for something?"

"Let me ask you, why didn't you let Xie Huaiqing come into the classroom with his sister?"

Sure enough, it was because of the matter of the little cub of the Xie family.

It turned out that the other party had really said hello to the principal.

Now it's not just him shaking.

The children are also talking.

They looked at Xie Huaiqing, who was held by the headmaster.

A look of shock and envy appeared on his face.

"He can actually hold hands with the principal!"

"Isn't he afraid of the headmaster? The principal is terrible.

"He's so good, I want to hold hands with the principal too."

This is the younger child talking.

The older children feel that this new classmate is not small.

"What exactly is the identity of this newcomer? There is good food on his body, and Mako still protects him.

"The principal took his hand and took him to Teacher Yan to settle the account."

Not simple, not simple.

Mako looked at all this and deeply admired the other party.

It's amazing to be able to find the principal as a backstage.

Fortunately, the other party does not want to be the boss, otherwise his position as the boss will not be guaranteed.

Yan Bugui stood in place awkwardly.

He really didn't expect it.

The other party can call the principal over.

"These two kids talk in class."

"That's why I told them out."


After Principal Wu listened, he lowered his head and asked.


There is nothing to hide either.

"The class was so noisy that my sister couldn't hear what was being said."

"I told them to be quiet, and he let me out of the classroom."

So that's what happened.

That is to say, Yan Bugui did not maintain discipline in class?

Principal Wu's face became gloomy.

This surnamed Yan usually thinks about receiving gifts.

Now it's not even good to teach the children.

It really makes sense.

She said on the spot.

"Teacher Yan, the salary of this class will be deducted for you."

"Before you leave work today, you write me a review."

"I hope you can standardize the management of children in the future."

When these words fell, Yan Bugui was immediately dumbfounded.

Deduction of wages, how can this work?

He was so distressed that he almost fainted.

That's five cents and a half.

You can eat a banquet!

He pursed his lips.

"Headmaster, I'll write you ten reviews."

"Don't you deduct my money, okay?"

This person, how can he still start a discussion.

Principal Wu ignored him.

Only let Xie Huaiqing and his sister enter the classroom to study hard.

Then she turned and left.

Yan Bugui hurriedly chased.

"Headmaster, let's discuss!"

Without these five cents and five cents, how can the family open the pot!

He hurried out.

He threw himself on his feet and fell to the ground with a plop.

When I got up, my glasses were broken.

The spectacle lenses in the left eye are sparse and cannot be repaired.

Doesn't that cost money again?

Yan Bugui couldn't accept this result for a while.

The children around him were still dancing around him.

"Oh~ Yan Laoxi'er broke his glasses."

"Yan Laoxi'er broke his glasses."

He listened and fainted directly angrily.


"Yo, three masters."

"Your glasses haven't been repaired yet!"

Yan Bugui braved goose-feathered snow flakes into the yard.

He heard questions from the people in the courtyard.

He rolled his eyes angrily.

It's really a pot that doesn't mention which pot.

Since the deduction of wages in September.

After missing those five cents and a half cents.

It's been almost two months, and the family hasn't slowed down.

Fix your glasses and make good use of them!

When he thought of this, Yan Bugui hated his teeth.

If it weren't for the little cub's complaint.

I don't fall and go to work every day with a broken glasses.

Because there is no lens on the left.

He was nicknamed the One-Eyed Bug by the students in the school!

Parents who don't know still think that their surname is unique.

Dudu teacher alone called himself.

I was scolding in my heart.

Coincidentally, Xie Huaiqing came in from outside the courtyard with his sister.

Xiao Nuan also saw that Yanbu was expensive.

He smiled at each other.

Crisp said.

"Teacher Du, are you back?"

"Hey, you little girl."

The other party immediately gritted his teeth.

"Teacher Du wants to eat people!"

Look at each other's expressions.

Not only is this girl not afraid.

He also hid behind his brother and laughed.

Such a smile made the rest of the yard laugh along with it.

The other party was called the deeds of the only teacher by the parents.

It has long been transmitted back to the courtyard and has become a talking point in the courtyard.

In front of everyone's eyes, Yan Bugui hated these two children again.

Nor can you just reprimand and scold.

He stomped his foot angrily and went home.

Xiao Nuan covered her mouth and smiled.

Xie Huaiqing turned around and flicked a brain melon on his sister's head.


I don't know if it's the reason for the Seven Tricks Linglong card.

This girl's IQ has skyrocketed, approaching the level of junior high school students.

It is also one set after another to make Yan Bu expensive with Ma Zi.

I don't even know how she has so many ghost ideas.

Seeing that the girl is about to develop in the direction of Hongxing Road Primary School.

He was wondering if he had to discipline it.

Fortunately, my sister didn't do anything else except tease each other.

Xiao Nuan ate the sugar gourd in her hand intently.

Little did he know that he was almost under his brother's "clutches".

A mother passing by looked at the two children, her eyes showing love.

At the beginning, she wanted Lao Yi to take the girl home and raise it.

It's a pity that Jia Wenxiu got better later, and she rejected this idea.

Otherwise, the girl now is her own daughter.

She walked over and touched the cotton clothes on Xiao Nuan's body.

Xiao Nuan was taken aback.

Aunt said with a smile.

"This cotton coat is good, it is really thick to the touch, and the stitches are also dense."

"Where did your mother buy it for you?"

Xie Huaiqing pulled his sister behind him and separated her from her aunt.

He said without salt.

"My mother did it herself."

Just listen to the other person's praise.

"Your mother did it?"

"That's a good craft, and it's a little worse than when I was younger."


"My mother made it with a sewing machine, you are better than a sewing machine?"

When the words fell, Aunt froze instantly.

If you want to compare with sewing machines, then she really can't compare.

Qin Huairu listened beside him.

It's just off.

"It's great to have a sewing machine?"

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