Jia Wenxiu opened the door.

Get ready to call the kids in and try on the cotton pants you bought them.

Just a few steps out of the house.

I heard Qin Huairu muttering there.

She looked at the frostbite on the other person's hand and the sleeve of the clothes in her hand.

He chuckled.

"It's great to have a sewing machine."

"No need to sew cotton jackets by hand in the big winter."

"Even if there are frostbites on the hands, they still have to be sewn."


Jia Wenxiu didn't look at her and walked directly to the children.

She touched her daughter's face, which was not very cold.

Dog skin hat with big scarf, although it looks bloated.

But the warmth is good.

It's just that Pink Toot's chin is frozen a little red.

She tied her daughter's scarf in disgust.

"You girl, patronize and eat."

"Not cold in your neck?"

"Mom, I'm not cold."

Xiao Nuan smiled and handed the sugar gourd to her mouth.

"Mom doesn't eat, eat outside on this cold day."

"You're not afraid of stomach discomfort."

She was talking to her daughter here.

The eldest mother looked very uncomfortable in her heart.

How come I don't have a son and a half daughter.

"Wen Xiu, don't train children."

"Isn't it just eating a sugar gourd outside?"

"It's going to be fine, look at you, dress the child so thick."

The people in the courtyard also nodded their heads when they heard this.

This winter, the children of the Xie family wore thick clothes.

Another hat, another scarf, and little gloves.

I don't know how Jia Wenxiu did it.

Within a few months, he prepared neat winter clothes for the two children.

"People have sewing machines at home, and making clothes is fast."

"You see how dense the stitches are, if you make them longer, they will be enough for children to wear for years."

"If only my family had a sewing machine at home."

The three mothers looked red.

There are so many people in their family.

And there is no money left to buy winter clothes.

You have to do it yourself.

Hurry up.

That's why two adults came.

Children have to freeze for a month to have clothes to wear.

She wanted to borrow a sewing machine from the Xie family.

But now is not the time to borrow.

Jia Wenxiu was choking with a big aunt.

Just listen to the sermon.

"Auntie, I know you like children."

"But I'm educating my children, so don't interrupt."

"After all, you haven't given birth either, and I don't know what this teaching child is all about."

The eldest aunt listened, and her face turned pale.

Xie Huaiqing listened to the side, and only felt that his mother was really a cow.

Now it is cultivation to the point where anyone can be afraid.

After saying that, Jia Wenxiu took the children home.

She still complained about her aunt in her heart.

Not their own children, do not know the distress.

If the child is cold, it is the child who hurts in the stomach, and he feels sorry for himself!

Sure enough, women who have not given birth and raise do not know the motherly heart.

After returning home.

She just put the bad mood aside.

Remove two pairs of cotton pants from the box.

Then place it on the wall.

Said with a smile.

"Kid, try it."

"Cotton pants?"

Xiao Nuan exclaimed.

Immediately kick off the cloth shoes under his feet.

Ask your mother to put new pants on herself.

"Mom, help me wear it!"

"Xiaoqing, you try it too."

Xie Huaiqing took off his pants and tried his new cotton pants.

Sure enough, it was warm.

The pants bought in the department store are different.

It's full of fluff.

Dressed as if it followed the clouds, dry and warm.

Warm and not bloated cotton pants, in this era.

It is a fashionable and practical winter artifact.

He walked twice on the ground, the length was appropriate, and he walked without difficulty.

"Mom, it's good."

Listening to his son's words, Jia Wenxiu let go of his heart.

"Okay, eight dollars a piece!"

That's really not cheap, and the mother is really willing to give up her two children.

"Mom, what about yours?"

Hearing this, she waved her hand.

"You two just wear it, mom is an adult."

"Mom, you should buy one for yourself."

"You are frozen, who gives us money to spend."

Her son's naughty words made her both moved and funny.

She patted her son gently.

"Just your skin."

"By the way, let's get down to business."

"I heard that the three grandfathers bullied you in school, do you want your mother to go to the principal."

Xie Huaiqing waved his hand.

"No, you don't have to worry about that."

Knowing that the son has an idea.

She stopped meddling.


The day's days off passed quickly.

Xie Huaiqing took his sister to school again.

The wind outside the window whistled, occasionally making a few cold whistles.

He and his sister sat closest to the stove.

Everything was comfortable except a little smoky smell.

Ran Qiuye was talking on it.

The tip of her nose was frozen red.

It's kind of cute.

Xie Huaiqing commented nonchalantly.

Now Ran Qiuye lectures to fifth-grade children.

In his idle boredom, he pulled out a handful of shelled melon seeds from his pocket.

It was handed into Xiao Nuan's hand.

However, this snack did not take it.

His eyes stared blankly at the blackboard.

He looked over.

I saw a question of chickens and rabbits in the same cage written on the blackboard.

Ran Qiuye standing on the podium.

"Students, this question gives you ten minutes."

"I'll ask you the answer in ten minutes."

"Teacher, there are 24 rabbits and 56 chickens."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Nuan opened her mouth to answer.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

The fifth and sixth grade classmates looked at it and turned out to be a little brat.

"Hahaha, children will talk nonsense."

"Xie Huaiqing, don't let your sister make trouble."

"I didn't even figure it out, how could she know."

The sound of mockery echoed in the classroom, overshadowing the sound of the cold wind.

Xiao Nuan tilted her head, not understanding why they were laughing.

"It's obviously the right answer."

On the podium, Ran Qiuye's hands trembled slightly.

Because in the book, her handwritten answer is, rabbit 24 chicken 56.

How is it possible, a child who is not yet four years old at the age of three and a half.

I can actually solve the application problems of the fifth grade in an instant.

What kind of level is this.

Hongxing Road Primary School, is it difficult to understand that there are two geniuses?

Ran Qiuye swallowed a mouthful of spit.

He knocked the table and said.

"Xie Huainuan's answer is correct."

As soon as these words came out, those mocking voices stopped abruptly.

No way!

Another little pervert!

Xie Huaiqing's sister is also so powerful?

"Can you tell the teacher how you figured it out?

Xiao Nuan stood up and said the idea of solving the problem.

Fifth and sixth grade children follow along, and they really are!

In an instant, the way they looked at her was different.

Damn another pervert!

Ran Qiuye was so excited that she almost fainted.

What a genius this is!

Xie Huaiqing smiled gratifyingly.

In vain, he taught Xiao Nuan Primary School every night.

She now masters fifth-grade math.

Ran Qiuye, who was standing on the podium, decided.

Be sure to tell Principal Wu about this.

"Jingle bells~"

is out of school.

The children rushed outside.

Xie Huaiqing also took his sister and walked slowly home.

"Xie Huaiqing, Xiao Nuan..."

"You wait for me."

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