Xie Huaiqing turned around.

I saw Mazi chasing out of the classroom with his little brother.

"What's going on?"

The other party stood in front of him.

Said with a look of amazement.

"You and your sister are really powerful!"


He was a serious college graduate.

If only I couldn't do the questions for elementary school students.

That's a shame.

Mako listened to their friends.

They all grew their jaws.

This is all called general?

It is clear that the other party is modest.

But these children think something is strange.

Xie Huaiqing snickered in his heart.

Accidentally took a handful of Versailles.

A cold wind blew through.

Several children sneezed one after another.


"It's really cold, let's go home."

"Eh, Xie Huaiqing, why don't you and your sister sneeze?"

"Because I'm not cold."

A dogskin hat with ear protection on his head.

Around her neck was a loving scarf woven by her mother.

The clothes on his body are stuffed with this year's new cotton.

He also wears new face pants bought at the department store on his legs.

I really don't feel cold.

The children around him looked at him.

That envy in my heart!

Eat well, dress well, and study well.

What is called someone else's family.

What is someone else's child again.

This group of children surrounded Xie Huaiqing.

There was longing in his eyes.

One of the children kept his head down.

He muttered as he stared at the pants on his feet.

"Your mother is willing to buy you cotton pants from the department store."

After the words fell, everyone's eyes were focused on his lap.

"These pants must be warm."

"I saw it in the department store, it was so expensive, my mother was reluctant to buy it for me."

"When I go back, let my mother buy me a pair too."

The children surrounded his pants and made exclamation sounds.

The stick terrier stood in the corner and looked at it unconvinced.

Isn't it just a pair of pants?

What's great!

He came out of the corner.

I want to open a vacancy in the crowd and go inside.

However, none of these older children let him.

He had to climb through the gap between a child's legs.

Then clapped his hands, patted off the snowflakes on his hands, crossed his waist and said.

"Isn't it just a pair of pants? What's great!

"I eat leftovers every day!" Do you have leftovers to eat?

His words made everyone dumbfounded.

This year, who has not eaten excess vegetables.

If the mother at home is too lazy to cook.

Then if you boil rice soup today, you have to drink it until tomorrow.

"Leftovers? Our family eats leftovers every day. A

little fart child said unconvinced.

"Yes, our family also eats leftovers, we can eat them for two days!"

"My mom also gives me leftovers from noon every night."

Seeing that the children around me do not eat this set.

The stick terrier is urgent.

"The leftovers I ate were brought back from the rolling mill by stupid pillars, and there is a lot of meat in it!"

"There is also a braised lion's head, my mother can't eat it, only me and my father and grandma can eat it."

After the words fell, the children were really attracted to the attention.

"What is a braised lion's head, is it delicious?"

"What kind of meat is inside, is there much fat?"

"What other meat? Can you give us a taste? The

sound of chattering around him swelled his momentary feeling.

Pants or something, nothing compares to the leftovers of your own house.

Xie Huaiqing looked at his smug look and pouted.

This is a great terrier to say.

After Jia Dongxu was deducted from his salary.

I don't know what he said to Silly Zhu.

Since then, they have brought food to their family every day.

Until this month still.

The silly pillar dish was taken from the kitchenette.

What is a kitchenette for?

That's all for the leaders to entertain guests.

Can the food there be bad?

So these two months.

The face of the stick terrier was fat.

It's more down-to-earth, plus I wear more in winter.

From a distance, I thought it was a ball walking on the ground.

If you can't watch him perform, it's better to go home and bake a sweet potato to eat.

Xie Huaiqing took his sister's hand and left.

The stick terrier was saying on Xing's head and turned his head to look.

The brothers and sisters actually disappeared!

This ostentatious excitement disappeared all of a sudden.


Went home.

Xie Huaiqing took off his big cotton pants and put them by the fire to bake.

By the time you wear it in the afternoon, it's hot and fluffy.

Take it off and bake it by the stove.

Take off the little warm ones too.

The brother and sister wear handmade cotton pants at home.

Also very warm.

Too lazy to cook in winter, just cook a pot and add chicken soup to it.

I took out the vegetables and meat, and then rolled out the noodles that my mother had made in the morning.

Mix the tahini and peanut butter in a ratio of 4 to 1 and mix well.

It just so happened that the chicken broth in the pot was also boiling.

Xie Huaiqing took his sister to eat a hot meal on the stove.

It was windy and snowy outside, but the brother and sister ate their foreheads sweating slightly.

A warm meal was finished.

After washing the pot, I hugged my sister and lay down under the thick quilt to start my nap.

Jia house next door.

The stick terrier was crying in the house.

"Grandma, grandma, I'm going to wear new pants."

"Xie Huaiqing has new pants, why don't I have them?"

"If you don't buy it for me, I won't eat."

Jia Zhangshi was troubled by his noisy head.

gave Qin Huairu next to him a look.

It means taking care of your son.

The other party received the signal and quickly calmed his son.

"Stick terrier, let's not have new pants."

"The pants used to be nice to wear."

The stick terrier doesn't believe this.

He pulled his pants down.

Then fell on his grandmother's face.

Jia Zhang immediately stood up.

Pull the kid away and hit him in the ass.

"You shameless little bitch!"

"You dare to ask for k-pants to wear, you eat our family's and drink our family's."

"A new pair of pants costs eight yuan, you let your mother buy it for you, our Jia family has no money!"

The stick terrier was beaten and cried, not knowing why Grandma beat herself like this.

Qin Huairu watched from the side, his heart like a knife.

The mother-in-law has some doubts about whether the stick terrier is a child of the Jia family.

She cried and threw herself at her son.

"Mother-in-law, take a closer look."

"He is a terrier, a child of the Jia family, and Dongxu's biological son."

"You can't listen to that little cub's nonsense!"

After the words fell, Jia Zhangshi stopped.

She also regretted hitting the child.

After all, it has been raised for so many years.

Even raising cats and dogs also develops feelings.

And even more so a child?

She snorted, regretted and wiped her face with regret and heartache.

"Don't cry, grandma will buy you pants."

After that, she went out and went straight to Xie's house.

Abominable little cub of the Xie family, you wear new cotton pants, do you match?

If it weren't for Xie Huaiqing, the stick terrier would still be his own grandson!

Jia Zhang secretly pushed open the next door.

With a glance of his eyes, he found the pants next to the stove.

She had a vengeful smile on her face.

Tiptoed in.

He took two pairs of cotton pants into his arms and took them away.

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